VE3WBZ > CELLPH 09.11.09 16:14l 103 Lines 4161 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 30113_VA3BAL
Subj: Interesting topic and opinions
Sent: 091109/1453Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:30113 [Ballantrae] $:30113_VA3B
DT:Monday,November 9th.,2009 @ 0857hrs JPST
Well now! This topic has setoff a few interesting comments back
to me, and I see others, so thanking very much KB2VXA, G0TEZ,
VR6KRT, VK3API, G6XCJ and others I have probably forgotten and
I am sorry, you can rake me over the coals later.
In my posting, I mentioned, our Province has implimented the
cellphone ban, not the country, and we are not alone as other
Provinces have done simiar legistation passed, worded either
harsher then ours and maybe bigger fines to hammer the message
through. We all know and see people ignoring it, and almost
hiding their activitys while driving.
The Cellphone ban also has other activitys there a NO NO too!
Where it comes to CB or Amateur Radio, I have a different opinion
on each service. The CB'ers, notably the truck drivers, have
their sets and mics postioned for a quick glance, on the dash
and the mic is hanging there within easy reach on a spring
contraption. With the Amateur Radio I haven't seen this
as the sets are usually between the seats or further down
and definite are not a quick glance, as are the mics or
paddles. While mobiling hams are not seen too much
those usually drive ok, and not on the air, and then there
is age to consider, thus I got flack when on the radio I
said it should apply to all who are not commercial and
whomever representing some officialdom of Hammie radio
decended upon me. The campaign to petiton their local
representative in Toronto I have no clue whether or not
it was success as they obviously claimed the old crutch
of service to the community and emergency radio dodah
as a reason for exemption.
Also mentioned were Police and Taxi, and with Taxi we can
assume other civil service mobile activity too.
Police here in my small town and even Toronto, seem to
drive one in the car, which lends itself to interesting
situations, like weaving along the street, eyes and mind
on the laptop mounted dash level...but to the right of
the officer, requiring him or her to move their road
attention more to the right loosing contact with that
important feature of eyes on the road. Nothing like
keyboarding while in motion. No radio mic used, or
not enough, as I have seen them on cells too.
I imagine this is to thwartoff the scanner listeners.
Taxi and others serivices don't do as G0TEZ has done
with the mic in the lap. Most Taxi here, have them
on a spring item which retracts after use to the left
side or other of the car, at eye level and again the
eays can not leave the road. Same as our CB'ing
We in Ontario, were late with the law, as other areas
and countrys have acted, as we've all read here.
Which one is the best I have not a clue.
When mobile, and yeah the radios are all there, Maria
handles the calls directed at me, so that allows me
to listen, as she carrys on, and besides what is
better emitting from VE3WBZ ....me or Maria.
Yep! hands down Maria, and she explains my position.
Most hams are sneiors and well I want to be safe.
If I have to talk, Maria asks them to hangon, as
I have to pull over...which I do.
The Bottomline to all this, is whether or not it
will be a good thing or bad? Also I want to see
a reduction in Auto Insurance as a result of this
along with enforcement. Something lacking on the
highways and roads today.
I think it was Ian G0TEZ, that really stated it bang on
that all activities that stop or threaten ones attention
to driving is OK,. Total ban on anything, and even if
there are those who can or not...multitask.
Yes I have seen signs in buses telling passengers not
to carry on long conversations with the drivers, as
their full attention is on making sure that, that bus
goes from Point A to Point B and all arrive safe and
Good rules for us all behind the wheel.
Maybe that is going to be a universal law, not to
chat with the driver while he or she is driving
which takes their atention off the driving...so
that also means handsfree are out too then.
Very Interesting.....very interesting....
Peter VE3WBZ
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