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VE3WBZ > TRAINS   21.02.11 03:02l 157 Lines 7235 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 19593_VA3BAL
Subj: Puffing Billie
Sent: 110221/0036Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:19593 [Ballantrae] $:19593_VA3B


DT: Sunday,February 20th.,2011 @ 1421hrs EST

Hello Warren, and Railwayers everywhere .... oh
can I <g> concentrate, when the packeteers are really getting
things going <g>...beating me at what I was going to kick off...

Oops ..I guess we better get to this...

<< Quoting KB2VXA to TRAINS @WW >>

> So it WAS Puffing Billy at Beemish your aunt drew pictures of!
> Not all that surprising she being from Yorkshire and not
> Queensland but I suppose my being way over this side of the pond
> it took me a while to catch on being the tourist track in QLD is
> more well known around the world.

  No ... she wasn't interested in trains, and in the very late
1940s and early 50s, she mostlikely had ridden the famed trains
of UK, as well parts east ... The "Puffing Billie" as she drew
it was an operating train, I guess she rode and liked, and it had
good memorys for her.   It was the name she gave it.

I dread to quote this famed line you seem to be getting back
today ...But I don't live there,. SO I don't know.  maybe they
brought it from that locomotive works that had patent.

I suspect that it was a local works and the engine was a model type
as then names were better then numbers.

Thats how I found the other train of 1804...   Also thanks to
someone in UK, who read my posting and sent info...that led
to a memorable afternoon looking.

When "carriages" are mentioned, the frame of mind then was to
try use he new technology to replace the horse, thus it must
have been funny to see at Mr. Muroch's scot's work a horseless
carriage model running about the shop.    James Watt was smart
to hire Mr. Murdoch.   Watt had the money behind him..Murdoch
didn't.   Great reading... again thanks to my sources.

> Yup, there were all kinds of early steam powered conveyances
> and with roads already there it was far easier to build a
> carriage than a whole railroad. Well yeah, a real steam loco
> fire and all at a mine would only operate above ground hauling
> stuff around the property, underground it would kill people. (;->)
> Far more common was the donkey engine that powered the hoist while
> live donkeys hauled carts underground, even today those electric
> engines are called mules. Take it a step farther to canals, still
> the big ones like Suez and Panama call those locomotives mules.

There is so old pictures of some canal with steam mules...but then
look at how far we've gone off WIND.

As far as I have tried to understand the times and coal mining in
the period.   The ponies brought it to the surface, in small
quantities, and dumped it into a big carriage, and then went back,
as the steam train......manned or otherwise.... went along a
track to dump it into the bigger railway cars..and off it went
to market.

Yes on the explosions.   The power of steam well demonstrated.

As for the Railway near me. Better make that twice, and part of
a Provincial Government decison, long before the Greenies got
going... they didn't convert, which NOW they wish they had...
they totally ripped them up, and out selling the propertys
to whomever....some became Green belts and walkways...etc.

I took the train ...all seasons....and it was fun coming home
to Toronto via train...hitting snowdrifts on the track..on the
way to a stop on a street in the city, served by streetcars.
The station ....gone!  Train gone!  Big Business interests
saw more money in Trucks on roads, and more profit for higher
food prics with more agricultural lands gone for bigger and
better transport truck friendly roads...not to mention 3
or whatevr sized pool sized farmland for these
wind turbines ...BUT funny they never use what is so natural
here...the rivers for hydro generation...they took them out.

 Greenies i suspect have even invaded and took over Green Peace
and as it stands now... well I see Greenies flying here and driving
there and local poluting the lake...NO time to fix their septic
tanks or remove the pipes that dump raw sewage into the lake
.......ah this is a very long long tale of many twists and
cover up...and a deep fog to shade what is really going on.

 The orginal road that is here was once a radical railway
line operating, from Toronto to up here...ran up Yonge street
and to here.  The best road... work all done by the Army
Engineers who can make a road.  Not todays useless loats.

  Hmmm I like the logo so will leave in...already got that
one with the others you sent long ago.

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       ] [    .-.      _    .-----.
     ."   """"   """""" """"| .--`
    (:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-| [___    .------------------------.
     | : : :  :  :  :  :  : [_614_] |'='|.--CHESAPEAKE & OHIO--.|
   / ||_.--.______.--.______.--._ |---\'--\-.-/==\-.-/==\-.-/-'/--

> 73 de Warren
> Message timed by NIST: 09:12 on 2011-Feb-20 GMT
> End of Message #85095 from KB2VXA]

  As mentioned also at the CNE in Toronto...the demo wind turbine
there has been operating ...a long time.   It was placed there
to show emerging technology, and I guess get people ready and
familar with them, and easy to accept them.    Lots of hours
and crews spend lots of times up there...and on all of them.

The newest farm , where I told you I guess you found
them on Lake Huron ... well when we were there...lots of crews
everday on one of the their pay cheques come from
somewhere...they are not doing it for free.

Citizens here...just see the rates go up and up ... lots of promises.
Behind the scenes they make sure, communitys that once powered themselves
from their own power generating on the rivers...well they NEVER get
to comeback.    Ontario Hydro...a government crown corporation and
the promise there was cheap rates to all... by taxpayers owning it
well it became something else....seemingly separate and no longer
a crown corporation... and on the bill to reduce the so-called
debt <never explained>  after takeover... well no credit to taxpayers
for this takeover... we are paying this debt BS...for our own system
we started in 1904.

I wanna meet the folks here that have their own homebrew systems.
Old TV towers, and blue garbage barrel halves rotating and well
they work... NO big daily, weekly trips up the tower to fix the
generator.   Never on the boat did I ever have to play with
the generator on the stern rail.... never did anyone else
or even the in-water generator while underway.   Something fishy.

oops too long... ok   73 Pete VE3WBZ

PS:  I found the info on the Puffing Billy  <1814>...

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