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SM6GQW > DX       21.06.03 19:49l 409 Lines 23828 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.614
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 614
Sent: 030616/0146Z @:SK6YW.O.SWE.EU #:52866 FBB7.00i $:OPDX.614 [Gothenburg]
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 614
BID: $OPDX.614
June 16, 2003
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, W1RQ, K2FF, N2OO, N2WB, WA2MOE,
WA2VUY, K3PD, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, N6UK/DL4TT, K8YSE,
Newsletter, DL6UAA, F5NQL & UFT, FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, GM0CLN,
I1JQJ & IK1ADH - 425 DX NEWS, JA1ELY, JI6KVR & JA-IOTA Islands News,
the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 8th/June, through Sunday, 15th/June there were 214 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3V, 3W, 3X, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I,
4U1U, 4W, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R,
9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9V, 9Y, A4, A6, A7, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6,
CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9,
EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR,
FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR,
HS, HZ, I, IS, J3, J6, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KH8, KH9, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM,
ON, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU,
SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TN, TR, TU,
TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, VE, VK, VP2E,
VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YO,
YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

4U, UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS (Wrap up). Fritz, N6UK/DL4TT, informed
OPDX that he was active as 4U1UN on June 10th, a day later than first
announced because his trip back from Europe was delayed. However, Fritz
provided OPDX with the following report on the 4U1UN station: "Access to
the station is quite limited right now, as is the equipment/antennas that
are available. The only antenna I could use was a folded dipole for the
HF bands. The power was 100 watts."
     QSO breakdown:
       Band    No. of QSOs  Comments
       50 MHz    111        Sporadic E to eastcoast, midwest a very
                            few W6 and VE
       24 MHz     27        US: W0 and east coast
       14 MHz     71        20% US and 80% EU/AS
        7 MHz      1        no condx
         Total   210
"There is currently activity improving the antenna situation (for 6m and
shortwave). We hope future operations will be less limited. QSL only via
Box 3873, Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163 USA. (Be patient with
QSLing. Currently there is a backlog due to limited capacity of the QSL

4W, TIMOR LESTE. Thor, 4W3DX, continues to be very active on 20 meters
CW/SSB/RTTY, as well as some activity on 40/15 meters. Most of his
activity takes place between 1000-1430z, however, he has been heard on
after 0230z. Watch around (+/- 5 kHz) 14025, 14195, 21083 and 7005 kHz.
ADDED NOTE: Stu, WA2MOE, announced this week, "A petition was filed with
the Chief Executive Officer of ARRL today seeking removal of UNTAET (United
Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor) from the DXCC entities
list  and for the addition of Timor Leste as an entity." The petition
states that DXCC rule under "Section II. DXCC List Criteria -- Criteria:
    (b): The entity has been assigned a call sign prefix bloc by the ITU.
         A provisional prefix bloc assignment may be made by the Secretary
         General of ITU. Should such provisional assignments not be ratified
         later by the full ITU, the Entity will be removed from the DXCC
and should be applied. Stu states, "The assignment was not ratified and
UNTAET returned it to ITU which has reissued the block 4WA-4WZ to Timor
Leste. It is the position of JA1BK and WA2MOE that the addition of 4W to
the DXCC entities list was premature and that a mistake was made."

C6, BAHAMAS. Pete, N8PR, will be operating as C6AHR from Andros Island
(IOTA NA-001) from June 21-23rd. Activity will be on SSB and CW with
operations on 80-10 meters including the WARC bands are planned. QSL
via N8PR.

CU2, AZORES. Lars, SM3CVM, plans to be active as CU2/SM3CVM/P from Sao
Miguel (EU-003), June 24th- July 6th. Activity will be mainly CW on 80-10
meters. This will be a holiday operation, so he will mostly be active late
evenings local time. QSL to his home callsign via the bureau or direct
to CBA.

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager, informs OPDX that the
following operation is approved for DXCC credit:
   S05X - Western Sahara -- April 15th through 21st, 2003

IOTA NEWS......................
   AS-081.  Operators DS5AAQ, DS5ACV, DS5ARL, DS5DNO, DS5DYM, DS5KJR
            and DS5MNO will be active from Ch'angson Island during the
            RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th) as a Single-Op/12 hour
            entry. Contest callsign will be DS5AAQ/p or HomeCall/p...etc.
            QSL via their home callsign by the Bureau.

   EU-008.  The Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club (CPSARC), GM2T,
            will once again operate from the Isle of Tiree (IOSA NH04, WAB
            NM04), the most westerly of Scotland's Inner Hebridean Islands,
            during the RSGB IOTA (Islands on the Air) Contest which runs
            from 1200z, July 26th until 1200z, July 27th, using the clubs
            special contest callsign GM2T. The team will consist of:
            Cambell/MM0DXC, Bob/GM4UYZ, John/MM0JXI, BrianM0RNR, Landles/
            GM4XZZ, Ron/GM4IKU, Innes/GM4VJV, Stevie/MM3SRU, Isa/MM3ISA,
            and Iain/MM1CPP/MM3IDM. In addition to operation during the
            contest, a small group of the team (Cambell, Brian, Iain, Stevie
            and Isa) will be travelling to Tiree over the weekend of July
            19th to set up the station in preparation for the contest and
            will be operational from Tiree on all HF bands during the week
            before the contest from around Monday, July 21st, using the
            club callsign MM0CPS/P. QSL's for both callsigns via GM4UYZ.

   EU-010.  A team from the Forth Valley Contest Group will operate from
            Benbecula (IOSA OH04 and WAB NF75), one of Scotland's Outer
            Hebridean Islands, during the RSGB IOTA (Islands on the Air)
            Contest. During the contest (which runs from 1200z, July 26th
            until 1200z, July 27th), they will be using the special contest
            callsign GM4V. At present, the team consists of John/MM0CCC,
            Robert/MM0ANT, Colin/GM0CLN, Ian/GM4ZRR and Keith/GM0FZM. The
            QSL Manager for all GM4V's operations is MM0ANT (his QSL details
            are avaliable at They hope to post updates on their
            Web page at:  
            If you would like to contact the group, you can E-mail them
            They look forward to working you in the contest.

   EU-017.  Antonello, IK2DUW, will be active as ID9/IK2DUW from Filicudi
            Island now through June 23rd. Activity will be on CW/SSB/RTTY
            and PSK.

   EU-020.  Martin, SM0DTK, will be active from Gotland Island as SM0DTK/1
            from June 19th through July 18th. Any sked can be arranged by
            E-mail via:      
            Look at QTH at:
                                     (Click "Losgodis")

   EU-123.  Look for Ed, G3SQX, to be active as GM7X from the Isle of
            Arran during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th) as a 100w
            CW entry. QSL via G3SQX.

   EU-170.  (IOCA 2003 Tour!) Look for operators Eugene (9A/RZ3EC), Sergey
            (9A/UA3NAN) and Emir/9A6AA (also as 9A0CI) to go on a 7 day
            expedition (July 12-19th) to activate rare Croatian islands
            and lighthouses in the Dalmatia North Group. More information
            is available at:
            Some islands/LH they are going to activate are:
              Karantunic : CI-421, CRO-065, LH-0674
              Kosara     : CI-043, CRO-071, LH-0749
              Babac      : CI-005, CRO-024, LH-0831
              Mrtovnjak  : CI-195, LH-1296
              Ravan      : CI-422, LH-0908
              Blitvenica : CI-156, LH-0913

   NA-046.  Brad, W1RQ, will be going to Martha's Vineyard, Dukes County,
            MA, using the callsign W1RQ/NA046, from June 21st through
            July 12th. Operation will be SSB only, using the typical IOTA
            frequencies. QSL via his home callsign W1RQ.

   NA-128.  CORRECTION. Nenad's, VE3EXY, activity as CK2/VE3EXY/P from
            Orleans Island (Zone 4) is IOTA NA-128, not NA-125 as mentioned
            in last week's bulletin. QSL via his home callsign VE3EXY.

   OC-019.  Now through July 3rd, look for Tom, KH6/W4MDL, to be active
            during the weekends from various islands around Oahu. He plans
            to activate Ford Island (USI HI-022S, Honolulu county), Konoehe
            Island (USI HI-new) and Sand Island (HI-021S, Honolulu county).
            Activity will be on 20-10 meters, including the WARC bands.
            QSL via his home callsign, direct or bureau.

   OC-140.  By the time you read this, the VK6 DX Chasers Club should be
            active from Thevenard Island as VI6TI. Look for them on or
            near the usual IOTA frequencies, 40-6 meters plus AO-40, SSB
            and CW. The 8 member team will be active through June 22nd.
            INTERESTING NOTE: Alek, VK6APK, states that for a sked, if
            you need them real bad, call on the Phone at +61 4 28925406.

   OC-241.  A group of operators are expected to operate as 8A9R from
            Rote Island (WW Loc: PH19) in the middle of June for about
            10 days. This will be a multi-band operation. Kadek, YC9BU,
            will be one of the operators and also the QSL Manager. The
            team will be operating near an old lighthouse on Rote Island,
            which will be submitted for World Lighthouse Award acceptance.
            Further information is forthcoming.

JD1, OGASAWARA (Commemorative Station of The Ogasawara Islands 35th
Anniversary of the Reversion). Toshi, JA1ELY, reports the following:
"Ogawawara Islands are located approximately 1000km south of Tokyo, and it
is distinguished from the mainland on the DXCC program as JD1. The Village
of Ogasawara organized the commemorative amateur radio station to celebrate
the 35th Anniversary of the reversion from June 10th through August 31st
this year. This radio station is the club station and is employed including
many newcomers who are from among the 2400 residents of Ogasawara Islands.
For this purpose, we trained the people of the village for purposes of
allowing them to obtain the license. The same callsign 'JD1YAB' is the
JARL commemorative station of reversion employed 34 years ago, i.e., one
year after return, is used for this radio station under the recognition of
the JARL!! We will operate all bands, all modes including 80-2 meters band
and SSB, CW, RTTY, SSTV, Satellite(AO-10, UO-14)  etc up to 200W output
depending on each operators privileges. All QSLs will be sent to the world
via the bureau automatically without any requests.  Also, if you want it
directly, it will be issued by the QSL Manager/JA1MRM. Send SAE (Self
Addressed Envelope) and 1 IRC or sufficient return postage. JA1MRM:
Saburo Asano, 3-26-8, Toyotama-Kita, Nerima, Tokyo, 176-0012 Japan."
          73 ..... JD1YAB Operation Manager: Toshi/JA1ELY and Aki/JD1AMA

KH9, WAKE ISLAND. By the time you read this Jake, N6XIV/KH9, is expected
(June 14th) or has left Wake Island after having added approximately over
1,500 additional QSOs to the log on his second trip. However, Chuck,
N4BQW/KH9, will be remaining on the island for about 4 to 5 more weeks.
Both operators were working 20 meters between 0600z and 1100z this past
week giving the beam and amplifier a nice workout. Chuck, N4BQW, took time
out to work Glenn/K2FF and Frank/W6FRH on 30 meters last weekend with
solid signals reported both ways on the wire antenna. An additional antenna
for 40/80/160 meters was installed this past week and Jake was working 40
meters, so Wake Island should now be active on multiple bands. Just as a
reminder, Chuck will operate whenever he has spare time outside of his
work requirements. And remember, QSLs for N6XIV/KH9 go via K2FF, while
QSLs for N4BQW/KH9 go via KB6NAN.

    Wade, AA8LL, plans to activate the Beaver Island, Michigan, Lighthouse
    on Friday, June 19th through Saturday, June 20th. It is reference
    number LH-1527 for the WLA and USA-046 for the ARLHS. Wade will be
    on the usual lighthouse frequencies 40-10 meters  (if the propagation
    cooperates) and mostly SSB. The call and QSL route will be AA8LL.

    The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club will be operating N2OB from the
    Barnegat Lighthouse (ARLHS Lighthouse USA-039), Long Beach Island,
    NJ (IOTA NA-111) (USI NJ001S) on August 2nd, (rain date August 3rd)
    from 1300-2300z. Operation will be primarily on or around 7240 and
    14240 kHz SSB and 146.835 MHz (-600 FM rpt). A special photo QSL
    is via N2OB, PO Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087 USA.

OD, LEBANON. Pavel, OD5/OK1MU, in Beirut informs/reminds OPDX and its
readers that his stay in Lebanon is coming to an end and he will be going
back to the Czech Republic at the end of July. He was heard on 20 and 17
meters CW last week. He is preparing a special color double-sized QSL cards
(with the support of OKDXF) which will be sent to everyone who worked
Pavel on all 9 HF bands 160-10 meters. A list of stations which have already
worked OD5/OK1MU on 9 bands is available at:
There is some 40 days left for those who need to work Pavel on certain
bands and are interested to get his special QSL card. For a sked, send
and E-mail to:           
On behalf of the operator and his QSL manager OK1TN, they are requesting
the HAM community for patience with the QSL cards (which are managed via
the OK QSL Bureau). They just received 25,000 QSL cards from the printers,
and since Pavel will finish his activities from Lebanon at the end of July,
they will send all QSL cards they get via the bureau after his return.
"PLEASE, be patient, all QSOs will be confirmed!"

PIRATE STATION. Mogens, OZ4ACK, informs OPDX that a PIRATE station has
been active from Copenhagen using the callsign OZ9TR.

QSL INFO AND NEWS..........................
   QSL CORRECTION. OPDX has been notified by Norby, LX1NO, that Phil,
   F5OGG, does NOT QSL through his home callsign. All QSLs for F5OGG/p
   activities (in this case 9A/F5OGG/p mentioned in last week's OPDX.613)
   must be requested through LX1NO. Phil will not answer these requests,
   and it would not make sense to send direct or bureau requests to him
   since it will cause a huge delay.

   3B9FR QSLING ROUTE. Mart, DL6UAA, informs OPDX that over the past few
   months he has been reading about problems with QSLing to Robert, 3B9FR.
   Mart states he is in contact with Robert, and he does a good job! The
   only problem he sees is some WRONG details about Robert's address being
   published. Here is the correct QSL adresss (and please, send it only
   like this ... NO VIA MAURITIUS OR other via in the address field. Also,
   NO callsign on on the envelope):
                       Robert Felicite,
                       P.O.Box 31
                       Rodrigues Isl.
                       REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS.
   If possible, don't use envlopes larger then 17cm x 12cm. In that style
   Mart states he has NO problems with his mailings to Robert.

   9K2ZZ QRT. Ray, W8CNL, reports to OPDX: "Bob Furzer, 9K2ZZ, has informed
   me this morning (June 13th) that he will be QRT from Kuwait next weekend.
   The tower and antennas should be coming down the 20th or so. He is not
   sure of the next callsign he might use. I would really like to wrap up
   the QSLing by the end of the year. I have about 3000 cards left and
   quite sure no more will ever be ordered. SASE or SAE and postage is a
   must. I will except postage from your country, ie: dollars, pounds,
   rubles, lire, francs, etc. I am all caught up on the QSLing, so if you
   didn't get a card, better try again. If you're after 10 band/mode
   contacts, just send 1 card and a note with the other contacts your
   after. Please don't send 10 separate cards!!! Any comments or questions,
   send to me direct. Don't tie up the reflectors. If you're not sure if
   you're in the log, write me before sending a card. Thanks for reading.
   73 and Gud DX.... Raymond H. McClure - W8CNL, 5 McKenzie Circle,
   North Augusta, S.C. 29841-4319"

   Special Event Field Day Station, CQ0QXL, was activated by CT2IGX/Bruno,
   CT2IEL/Filipe and CT2FUQ/Joao. QSL via CT4IS.

   QSL JR8XXQ/JD1 (activity from Minami-Torishima) via: Kouichi Saito,
   505-11, 3-15-111, Musa, Kushiro, Hokkaido 085-0806 Japan.

   Jurij, MM0DFV, was active as MM0DFV/p this past week from (June 11-12th)
   from Isle of Arran (Western Scotland). Co-ordinates of the island are:
   55,43 N and 5,11 W, QRA-Locator is IO75KK. QSL cards for QSOs can be
   sent through RSGB QSL Bureau or via his home address (
   The info for the islands diplomas:
         IOTA:   EU-123 --  URL:
         IOSA:   CL-O1  --  URL:
         SCOTIA: CS-14  --  URL:
         WAB Area should be NSO2 (Unitary Authority: North Ayrshire).
         WAB URL:
   You can read about Arran Island and see photos on the Web site at:

   Nilay, TA3YJ, reports that she has sent out QSL cards for TA3YJ, TA3YJ/0,
   TA3YJ/3, TA3YJ/4, TA3YJ/LH, SV1/TA3YJ, LZ2/TA3YJ, TA3J, TA3J/0, TA3J/1,
   TA3J/3, TA3J/4, TA3J/LH, SV1/TA3J, LZ1/TA3J, LZ2/TA3J, YM3BU, YM3ATA,
   YM3SV, YM75TA, YM21TA, YM3LZ/WPX2000 and YM3LZ/WAE2000 to QSL Bureaus
   of Monaco, Tunisia, Cyprus, Algeria, Malta, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain,
   China, Andorra, Chile, Cuba, Morocco, Portugal, Philippines, Ireland,
   Moldova, Estonia, Ecuador, Colombia, South Korea, Panama, Jordan,
   Argentina, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Faroe Islands, Aruba, Brazil, Bosnia &
   Herzegovina, Iceland, Australia (VK2, VK3, VK4), India, Mexio, Indonesia,
   Iraq, Latvia, Venezuela, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania,
   New Zealand, South Africa, Armenia, Iran, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan
   direct on June 14th.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station to as sign, W1T (W 1oo
TourdeFrance). Activity will be on all bands during the Tour de France
bicycle race, July 5-27th, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the
Tour de France (TdF) and USA's Lance Armstong's attempt to win his 5th
consecutive TdF. The operators are: Angel/WA2VUY and Rudolf/K2MVW. QSL
via WA2VUY. The QSL card will have a unique photograph of the 21 of the
22 living Tour Champions taken October 24, 2002, in Paris, France, at a
special reunion.

T32, EAST KIRIBATI. Pete, K3PD, informs OPDX that La Marr is returning to
Kiritimati (Christmas) Island (CQ Zone 31, GRID - BJ11) using the callsign
T32Z licensed for E. Kiribati (Line Islands). He expects to arrive on
June 30th, and will operate as time permits for several weeks. La Marr
will be active on 50 MHz, and the HF bands, SSB, CW, and some digital
modes. The QSL Manager for T32Z is K3PD. Any prior requests for QSLs that
have been sent to N7YL are no longer available. Logs prior to 2002 may
not be available. The preferred method is to send SASE direct to his QSL
Manager K3PD. SASE without adequate postage will be returned via the
Bureau. You may request a QSL via the Bureau by marking your cards: T32Z
via K3PD. QSLs are being printed, and logs will need to be copied, please
do not expect instant return on your QSL requests until the QSLs and
Logs are ready. The direct QSLs will be answered first. Direct any
questions about the operation or QSLs to the QSL Manager Pete, K3PD,
via E-mail at:       

USI ACTIVITY (Field Day Operation). Members of the Rusty Zipper HF and
DX Contest Club will once again activate, NA8KD, from South Bass Island
(U.S. Islands Award OH-USI-007L, Ottawa County) during Field Day. Operators
mentioned are Mark/KG8DP and possibly one other to be named later. It will
be a limited operation, but when on the air, they will sure to be heard.
The group is expected to also activate Kelly's Island (OH-USI-001L, Erie
County) and North Bass Island (OH-USI-006, Ottawa County). North Bass
Island has not yet been activated. More info to follow in the next few
weeks. All QSL should go to KG8DP (OK via address at

V3, BELIZE. Jay/K0BCN/V31MX and Cal/V31MF will be active from Caye Caulker
(IOTA NA-073) from July 23rd until noon of July 29th. They will operate
on 80-10 meters SSB with some CW activity. Look for V31MF to be active
in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 26-27th). Jay states he will be sitting
this one out. QSL both callsign via K0BCN, either direct or via the bureau.

VP2, MONTSERRAT. Three members of the Florida DXpedition Group are on
the "Road Again"! Operators Bill/W4WX/VP2MHX, William N2WB/VP2MWB and
Bob/K9MDO/VP2MDO will be here July 22-29th. They will have three Kenwood
stations and will be active on most bands and modes. QSL via their home
callsigns, CBA. N2WB via QSL Manager N2OO.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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