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LW1DSE > DOS      25.05.09 09:23l 382 Lines 16422 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 797-LW1DSE
Subj: What is EMM386.SYS?
Sent: 090523/2118Z 20364@LW8DJW.#1824.BA.ARG.SA [Lanus Oeste] FBB7.00e $:797-LW
To  : DOS@WW

[ฏฏฏ TST HOST 1.43c, UTC diff:5, Local time: Sat May 23 17:06:06 2009 ฎฎฎ]

                   Getting The Most From Your Memory

        How much random-access memory (RAM) do you have in your PC? Eight
megabytes? Sixteen megabytes? More? Regardless of how much memory you have,
sooner or later you're likely to see a message such as "program too big for
available memory" or "out of memory". Unfortunately, just adding more memory
isn't going to solve all your problems. Instead, you need to manage the
memory in your PC. You need the Emm386.exe device driver to make sure you can
use all your computer's memory resources. Without Emm386.exe, you can't
reate the expanded memory popular DOS games such as DOOM require. Without
Emm386.exe, business applications that need plenty of conventional memory
won't have enough to start. And, if you run DOS and Windows applications
simultaneously, you need Emm386.exe.

What Is Emm386.exe?

        Even though today's typical machines have 8 megabytes (MB), 16MB, or
more RAM, that physical memory can't be used in the same way by the computer.
Emm386.exe does its work in the upper memory area, which is between
conventional memory (0 to 640 kilobytes [KB]) and extended memory (above 1MB).
(For more information about memory, see "How Memory Works" in this issue.)

        Several of your computer's important functions are loaded into upper
memory, but as much as 160KB of this space is empty. Emm386.exe gives you a
way to fill this space with memory and use it to make computers and software
work better.

        Emm386.exe is a memory manager that works by converting Extended
Memory Standard (XMS) memory (created by Himem.sys) into other forms of
memory. Emm386.exe requires:

* i386SX or higher processor (or compatible)

* 256KB or more of extended memory

* an extended memory driver (Himem. sys) that's compatible with the version
  of Emm386.exe in use

        You should use the latest version of Himem.sys and Emm386.exe
installed in your system. Don't mix a Himem.sys file in your \DOS directory
with an Emm386.exe in your \Windows directory.

Basic Syntax

        Emm386.exe can be configured to provide only expanded memory, to
provide both expanded (EMS) memory and upper memory blocks (UMBs), and to
provide only UMBs.

        Which should you choose? The answer depends upon the software you are
running. If you're using MS-DOS software, especially games, that use EMS,
you'll want to create both EMS and UMB memory types. If you are using MS-DOS
software with Microsoft Windows, or only Windows, you will want to create
only UMB memory in most cases. There are few reasons to create only EMS

        Regardless of whichever options for Emm386.exe you select, you'll
always need at least these statements in your Config.sys file:


Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe [options shown below]

Creating EMS & UMBs

        The following option:

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Ram


lets you create both EMS memory and UMBs, which let you move programs
normally loaded into conventional memory into upper memory and save room
below 640KB for applications.

        The "Ram" in the Device= path creates a 64KB page frame in upper
memory and turns all available XMS memory into EMS memory. The page frame is
used to switch 16KB pages of memory in and out as needed.

        The remaining space is used for loading high device drivers and TSR
programs. The Devicehigh= statements in the Config.sys file and LH
(Loadhigh=) statements in the Autoexec.bat file must be used in most cases to
place drivers and programs into the UMB area. (See "MEMMAKER" in this issue.)
The "Dos= umb" connects upper memory to conventional memory, allowing
Devicehigh= or Loadhigh= statements to place drivers and programs into upper
memory. (NOTE: If you use this option, make sure your MS-DOS applications,
device drivers, and TSR programs are configured to use expanded memory.).

        All available XMS memory is allocated as both XMS and EMS memory with
the Ram option. XMS has first priority, and EMS uses what remains. For
situations where a user will alternate between using MS-DOS programs that use
EMS memory and Windows (which uses XMS memory), this unconditional pooling
will work well.

        You can get more UMB space by using the following option:

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Noems


        This creates the most UMB space for Devicehigh= and Loadhigh=
statements by omitting the creation of EMS memory and the page frame. It is
recommended for users who run only Windows programs or MS-DOS programs that
don't use EMS memory. Because the EMS page frame isn't longer needed, 64KB
UMB space is created for use by device drivers and TSR programs.

        "Noems" prevents the creation of EMS memory. With MS-DOS 6.x versions,
however, Virtual Control Program Interface (VCPI) memory is still available
for AutoCAD and similar programs.

        "Dos=Umb" in the Device path has the same function as it does in the
EMS and UMB example.

        Both Ram and Noems options for Emm386.exe, as well as Devicehigh=
and Loadhigh=, can be easily configured with Memmaker.exe.

        This is the upper memory space displayed by Microsoft Diagnostics
when RAM is used as the keyword.

EMS Memory Options

        If you're still sticking with MS-DOS applications, or use DOS for
games, you may find some of the following options useful.

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe [ ramvalue]

        Replace ramvalue with a number representing the amount of expanded
memory you want. Use this option only if you don't need to save conventional
memory by creating UMBs for device driver and program loading. This option
creates only expanded memory and sets up the 64KB page frame for accessing
EMS memory between 640K and 1MB.

        If you omit ramvalue , Emm386.exe will convert all available XMS
memory to EMS memory, or at least 256KB.

        Use the following option:

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Ram Min =1024

when you need to constantly maintain a specific amount of EMS memory. For
example, a user running WordPerfect for DOS 5.1 who wants to use the /R
switch to place the Wp.fil file into EMS memory should use Min=1024 to
reserve 1MB of memory for this use. Otherwise, EMS memory is available only
when not in use as XMS memory by programs such as Windows.

Adjusting EMS page frame

        In most cases, Emm386.exe will place its EMS page frame in the best
possible location which allows all other UMB space to be contiguous. This
allows larger programs and device drivers to be placed into upper memory with
Loadhigh= or Devicehigh= statements, thereby creating more available
conventional memory. To see if upper memory is on both sides of your page
frame, use the Microsoft Diagnostics (MSD) Memory option to view your UMB
space (P=Page Frame; U=used UMB space; F=free UMB space). If you find Us
and/or Fs on both sides of the Ps, the page frame should be moved. (See "MSD"
in this issue.)

        Most computers have empty UMB space starting at C800. To place the
page frame there, any of the following options will work when you add them to
the Emm386.exe statement in the Config.sys file:

Device=Emm386.exe Frame=c800

Device=Emm386.exe /pc800

Device=Emm386.exe m3

        If you want to place the page frame at another address with M x,
replace the x with any one of the hexadecimal numbers listed below:

1 = C000h 2 = C400h 3 = C800h 4 = CC00h
5 = D000h 6 = D400h 7 = D800h 8 = DC00h
9 = E000h

        If you need EMS memory for some programs but want to free up the 64KB
contiguous space required by the page frame, you can try:

Device=Emm386.exe Ram Frame=none

        Because EMS memory version 4.0 doesn't need contiguous locations for
its page frame or a page frame for access to EMS memory, one of these
techniques might work. Unfortunately, most programs that use EMS are designed
to use EMS version 3.2, which does require a contiguous 64KB page frame.

NOEMS options/controlling VCPI memory

        VCPI memory is the third type of memory created by Emm386.exe. It is
used with DOS programs designed to use more than 640KB of RAM, such as
AutoCAD for MS-DOS and Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS 3.x. With versions of Emm386.exe
shipped with MS-DOS 6.0 and newer, VCPI memory is available when either
ramvalue, Ram, or Noems options are used with Emm386.exe.

        Normally, this isn't a problem, but if you are trying to run programs
compiled with Computer Associates' Clipper, these programs aren't compatible
with VCPI memory. To run these programs, you'll need to prevent creation of
VCPI memory. Check your program's documentation if your computer locks up or
behaves erratically to determine if you need to do this.

        Use the Novcpi option with Emm386.exe and Noems to prevent VCPI
memory from being created:

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Noems Novcpi

Using Exclude

        The chief problem Emm386.exe users report is conflicts between the
Emm386.exe file's use of upper memory and how expansion boards use the same

        The typical types of expansion boards that use upper memory space
include network cards, image scanner interface cards, video cards, SCSI cards
with BIOS chips, PC Card (PCMCIA) slots, and emulation cards. The PC's system
read-only memory basic input/output system (ROM BIOS) also uses UMB space.
(ROM BIOS is software that provides routines for basic input/output

        If Emm386.exe tries to use space already occupied by a device, or
fails to allow space for a device, the device will fail, and the system may
stop working altogether.

Emm386.exe & Expansion Boards

        Memmaker.exe will detect cards that use upper memory space and create
an X= statement to add to your Config.sys file to leave that area empty. If
you have two expansion boards that use upper memory space, you will see two
X= ranges, and so forth (one for each board using upper memory).

        If you prefer not to use MemMaker, or MemMaker can't locate your
card, you'll need to manually add the appropriate X= statements to your
Emm386.exe line in the Config.sys file. You should check the documentation
for the cards and manually create the needed exclusion statement.

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Noems x=d000-d3ff

        The 16KB space represented by d000-d3ff will not be filled with UMBs
so your network card can use the space.

        If the documentation indicates how much space is needed, but not
where it is needed, you'll need to select a range, because these cards
automatically select an unused upper memory space. If you're having problems
with a particular expansion card, call the manufacturer for help.

Improving DMA transfers

        Many CD-ROM based programs require a higher DMA buffer (or D=)
setting than the default of 32. You'll need to increase the amount (possible
values are from 16 to 256) when a program displays an error message
indicating this value is too small:

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Ram d=48

Moving Emm386.exe

        Normally, Emm386.exe loads about 5KB of itself into upper memory and
leaves 3KB to 4KB in conventional memory. This normally results in more
efficient memory use because the whole purpose of a memory manager is to use
memory better. However, if you are trying to place a program into upper
memory and it can't fit, you may want to add NOHI and try again. This will
place all of Emm386.exe into conventional memory, which may provide enough
upper memory for your program.

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Noems Nohi

More upper memory

        Emm386.exe has several options that can help you get more upper
memory space, but they must be used with caution because they can cause some
machines to malfunction. One is HIGHSCAN, which attempts to replace part of
the system's ROM BIOS chip with UMB RAM. This can work in some cases because
much of the job of the ROM BIOS chip is completed when the computer is
booting. HIGHSCAN can create as much as 32KB of UMB space in the area from
F000 to F7FF.

        This shows how more conventional memory is available after HIGHSCAN
and M3 options move the page frame into the next video BIOS. A second option
that can find more UMB space is to include (I=) areas of upper memory
normally ignored by Emm386.exe but that are actually available. If you use
standard Video Graphics Array (VGA) video (640 x 480 dots with 16 colors),
you can include the 32KB so-called "monochrome text area" (B000 to B7FF).
However, this region is often used by Super VGA cards to support higher
resolutions and more colors. You can use the Windows driver called
Monoumb.386 to allow Windows to run in SVGA modes safely while you use this
region. Check the MS-DOS (6.20 to 6.22) Read-me.txt file for details.

        Memmaker.exe's custom options can be used to configure both of these

Unusual Options

This following option:

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Ram w=on

turns on Weitek math co-processor support. W=on is needed only if your system
possesses this one-time rival to the Intel math co-processor. Disable support
with w=off.

        The following options are useful primarily if you are using
Emm386.exe to create support for LIMEMS 4.0 memory being used for
bank-switching of 16KB pages in conventional memory. This is typically done
by using DESQView or a similar DOS-compatible multitasking environment. These
options can be used on their own or with others. (Bank-switching is a way to
switch between banks of RAM chips to expand a computer's available RAM.)

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Ram b=1000 a=36 h=128

        Here are what the B, A, and H settings accomplish in this Device=

B= Sets an address from 1000h to 4000h for the swapping of 16KB pages of
   memory. (The default setting is 4000h.)

A= Sets a value for alternative register sets used for multitasking from 0 to
   254. (Default is 7.)

H= Sets a value for handles used by Emm386.exe from 2 to 255. (Default is 64.)

        If you can't get Emm386.exe to work on a computer, Emm386.exe might
be placing the Extended BIOS Data Area (EXBDA) into upper memory as a default.
(EXBDA is memory used to hold additional hardware setup information in 386
and higher computers.)

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Noems Nomovexbda

to keep the EXBDA in conventional memory (at a cost of 1KB of RAM).

        If you want to know which version of Emm386.exe is in use or how it's
configured at bootup, add the /V switch:

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Ram /v

        If you can't reboot the computer with Emm386.exe in memory, add the
Alternate boot handler:

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Noems altboot

        If you want to try creating a more efficient MS-DOS session within
Windows, try using the Win= statement to prevent Emm386.exe from using the
specified upper memory space (best created with MemMaker's Optimize Upper
Memory For Use With Windows option). It can use any upper memory address from
A000 to FFFF.

Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Noems Win=c800-cfff

        As you can see, you can alter the contents of your Emm386.exe device
driver to help you get the most from your computer's memory resources.

บ      Compilled from Internet. Translatted to ASCII by LW1DSE Osvaldo       บ
บ   F. Zappacosta. Barrio Garay, Almirante Brown, Buenos Aires, Argentina.   บ
บ      Made with MSDOS 7.10's Text Editor ( in my AMD's 80486.      บ
บ                               May 23, 2009                                 บ
บ Osvaldo F. Zappacosta. Barrio Garay (GF05tg) Alte. Brown, Bs As, Argentina.บ
บ Mother UMC ๆPC:AMD486@120MHz 32MbRAM HD SCSI 4.1Gb MSDOS 7.10 TSTHOST1.43C บ
บ                 Baterกa 12V 160AH. 6 paneles solares 10W.                  บ
บ        ;                      บ

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