VK5QX > CB 06.03.01 00:17l 170 Lines 7593 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 9B0010VK5QX
Subj: Re: Children's Band or Crime Band
Sent: 010212/1059Z @:VK5LZ.#ADL.#SA.AUS.OC #:59594 [Elizabeth] $:9B0010VK5QX
To : CB@WW
It seems to me that there is a certain reputation placed upon almost any
group be it based on racial, religious, political bias or other reasoning.
This certainly applies to the (so called) Citizens' Band operators.
Albeit that much of the attitude on the part of the Amateur Radio
fraternity towards "CB" operations is obviously based on anecdotal
evidence, one thing certain is, that there are undoubtedly a number of
aspects which leave much to be desired.
I have not monitored the CB bands here for quite some time, however, I
know for sure that on those occasions when I have, I would not wish my
wife or other family and friends to hear the unacceptable language that is
constantly used.
The "history" of CB in this country also leaves one to wonder !
The "coming forth" and popularity of "CB" operation was rooted in large
groups of people who blatantly ignored the laws of the land and began
illegal operations using CB sets which were "dumped" into our country when
the USA passed laws which applied some minimum technical standards for CB
radio equipment and refused to allow importation of very low quality
The "allure" of such operation also seemed to be fostered by the
excitement of such illegal operation backed by a perceived hero-worship of
American "truckers" running police speed traps and using CB radio for
their own questionable purposes. ("Smokey" and all that.)
Force of numbers made it almost impossible for the authorities to do
anything much about this widespread "pirate" operation although a
seemingly token effort to locate and apprehend the guilty was made.
We did read of some rather remarkable, and at times amusing, happenings
which, in the main, showed the CB operators as being a rather stupid lot.
One anonymous "Radio Inspector" (as they were called here) actually wrote
an article describing some happenings. This included a case where one
operator, in arranging to meet another, said that he would not give a
description of his vehicle over the air for obvious reasons, but that the
vehicle Registration (licence plate) Number was . . . . !!
Another stated that he had mounted his antenna inside the boot (trunk) of
his car so that it would not be too obvious !
Quite early in the piece I did place a burst of RTTY transmission on top
of a couple of illegal CB operators on the 11 metre Amateur Band. I was
highly amused to hear the "experienced" CB pirate explain to his less
experienced contact that this was the noise made by the "tankers" as they
travelled nearby. (I can only assume that he was talking abut road petrol
tankers with their earth chains rattling ???)
Such items as just described can probably be seen as being derisive,
although to many of us they actually seem quite amusing.
As well as the various attitudes being displayed, there was the problem
that these illegal operators were taking over what was then a legitimate
Amateur Radio frequency allocation in this country. That being the 11
metre band. This led to a great deal of animosity from the Amateur Radio
I wonder if this sounds familiar to the reader ?
I doubt that anyone who has taken a general and reasonable interest in
what has been going on with respect to usage of the radio spectrum would
be unaware of the ongoing illegal "take-overs" of portions of the spectrum
by "pirates".
It seems obvious to me that such activities are symptomatic of a complete
disregard for any rules or regulations. It also appears to be the case in
many instances that those involved not only have no regard for law and
order but also depend on weight of numbers to overcome any opposition to
their activities.
We read constantly where large portions of our bands, both HF and VHF seem
to be subject to such illegal operations and such even includes the use of
Amateur Radio satellites.
Much of this seems also to be condoned by the responsible authorities with
little or nothing done to remedy the situation. It may be that they see it
as being either too hard or pointless and not deserving of a remedy.
My understanding is that the Citizens' Radio Service operating under a
Class Licence (in this country) was intended to serve a purpose by
allowing the "privilege" (not a right) of access to a portion of the radio
spectrum for the purpose of private and personal radio communication.
(Presumably fairly short range for the purposes envisaged.)
I also believe that there were some definite rules as to the size and type
of antennas to be employed (no gain type antennas such as beam arrays),
power levels allowed and a restriction placed on the distances allowed for
such communications.
May I say here that all this seems to apply mainly to HF operations (the
27 mHz band) and that I believe that the operations on the UHF CB band are
probably more in keeping with the aims of the "service".
I look with some amazement on CB "DX" columns, with lists of callsign
prefixes etc. which appear in electronics and communications magazines and
have done so for some time. Aren't they really playing at some kind of
"Amateur Radio" but without a licence, and is this not some form of
blatant disregard as to what the rules are about ?
(By the way. Who has approved these various international prefixes for CB
use ?)
Yet another aspect which I am aware of is the use of the easily available
equipment for nefarious purposes.
Apart from the problems of bad language already mentioned, I have
personally come across instances where arrangements being made could seem
to involve such activities as organisation of prostitution and handling of
I have also been informed that use of the CB band has been made in
connection with car theft and associated "out-witting" of police efforts,
although I have not myself encountered such instances.
So, perhaps there is indeed some justification for a description of a
"Crime Band" !!
As far as the "Children's Band" is concerned, I must admit that a very
high proportion of the conversations I have intercepted on the 27 mHz CB
band have seemed to me to be pretty inane and childish in content. Maybe
here lies some justification for such a label. (It is likely that some of
the operators are in fact children just playing games.)
Apart from all of the above, I also believe that there are some people,
but probably a very small minority, with good intentions who try to use
the CB facilities to good purpose. I can however see why many of these
would eventually give it up as being rather hopeless when inundated with
the great amount of nonsensical behaviour which goes on around them.
The issue, which I see as the more important one, is just what we do about
the various encroachments on our own allocated frequencies.
There are some, and perhaps just a few, amongst us who have tried to do
their best to allay such problems, however, it seems that many more of us
should look just a little more closely at just how we can contribute
towards preserving our own privileges.
I suggest that an individual decision to maintain membership of our own
representative organisations may be a good start. (It is often said that
in unity lies strength.)
Maybe we should not be too concerned about what happens on the CB channels
but rather that we should concentrate on our own more direct problems.
However, where (as happens) encroachment from a nearby assigned frequency
band occurs, we should certainly be very much more on our guard.
73 de Ian, VK5QX
12 February 2001
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