VE3WBZ > CB 12.12.09 18:45l 193 Lines 7723 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 34601_VA3BAL
Subj: RE:G0TEZ "Rig Doctor" :)
Sent: 091212/1722Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:34601 [Ballantrae] $:34601_VA3B
To : CB@WW
DT:Friday,December 11th.,2009 @ 1550hrs JPST
<< quoting G0TEZ to CB @WW >>
> Pete wrote.
>> Oh BTW Ian....I have other comments....but then you
>> being our lone bachelor CB guy...well you can make'em
>> ...as I get crowned by my gal if I say the wrong thing.
> I am not exactly a bachelor, Pete, I have been married
> twice, widowed once then divorced once, so, I think I have
> served my sentence, a total of 26 years !
Holly---Molly !!!! Rig Doctor ....ssssh....crackle crackle
thats quite a hitch.... but then too RD, I am on my second
married, divorced once, and still married to a grrreeat wife!
No exactly the same as you Ian, but nearly and my total is
29 years, and counting. I keep telling Maria, that once
I had a chance to go to Brasil in the 1960s, and if I
had met her then...I would have married her on the spot.
Ssoooooooooooooooooo ...there, you go RD .... over.... :)
> Throw in some girlfriends, before, after and in between and
> I think I can say i have observed the behaviour of the species.
I had a few YLs before my first. None while married, but then
my first wife always tagged along with me, at the club and
visiting family, telling every one she was going to divorce
me because of this or that other woman I was supposed to have.
Personally I think she shorted out on her CB set. Yep a CB'er
and if she is still on in the city, I can only imagine what
she is saying about our breakup.
Yes ..we both, and of course others have observed the species.
> The fact that I could switch from a horizontal 1/2 wave
> dipole to a 5/8 wave vertical on a high mast meant that
> I could receive her from up to 6miles away, depending o
> skip and QRN/QRM.
My homebrew HV yaggi my wife never used. Maria is going to
have the chance if she wants it up, other then that its
the Big Stick by Shakespeare. I used to get a bit more
then 6miles H or V. But then I was on top of an apartment
in those days.
My ex-never did DX. It was only sort of between us, but then
she got squirrely and everything was suspect.
The problem with cells or this cell -Internet thing is
these kids, or teens giving pictures and freely giving
famil information to anyone. It is a reality, as
some of these teens, search for older people to talk
to and talk about issues that their parents will not
address. I have seen this happen online, with sucide
threats, so I'd sit all night to get them off the wall
and talking to parents. I have even had native teens
threaten death, and watched as resources let them fall
through the cracks, to their deaths. I was in the
middle of a ward of the Federal Government, a First
Nations Community Elder and the Provincial Police over
one teen that got talked out and ressolved. The probelm
is also, via CB, this is happening too....up north
and for all we catch, I wonder just how many go to
deaf ears, and result in a life being ended?
> Just out of interest, do people on CB still use that old
> jargon ?
NO. That jargon was stuff for the movies, and idiots. The
majority of American and Canadian CB'ers never talk like
that, and are very normal community minded familys acting
togrther as a family in the local CB community.
> When I was licenced in 1990, a couple of hams who
> were ex CB gave me a lecture.
> They said
> "We hope you won't be talking the way they did on
> CB or no one will talk to you."
I got a similar lecture from a ham club, when I first got
on 2meters ...which was a few days after I got my Amateur
Licence. I explained, to them...the club...that they
had watched too too many Smokey and the bandit movies and
most CB'ers were not like that..or what they thought was
my terminogolgy on 2meters...because I didn't use the
"Q" code...but anyone would also tell you who knew on
CB...I didn't use the "10 code" ....but a handbook issued
by the Government in 1967 , and the same diction in it
I got before with Civil Defence....and that was plain language
no confusing codes, and..well it read in part same as what
I read in part of , and about Amateur Radio.
I have left that club. Did that after the first year.
I still when on-air talk the same way, as I did on CB
Ham and when on TV or at the Radio. Hasn't changed
and never will.
> What they didn't know was that the days of 1-9 for a
> copy....roger dee...got your ears on....good buddy...
> etc. were long gone.
Long gone, if they had arrived, it was mostly in jest.
The funniest thing one night, is this chap asked to
be recongized on a channel < A breaker> Ok go break.
Whats ou handle? I reply I don't have one, just my
call which I repeated. To which he got aggitated
and said everyone has a handle...to which I said he
was wrong, as I don't and a few here also....to which
he said...and this was funny....that I wasn't a good
buddy because I don't have a handle...to which I
tell him, No...handle so ok I am a bad buddy....SO ???
To which he got really angry and told me again I was
a bad buddy and all and ....well at that time I
had had enough.... I just recall, signing off with
everyone and that was that.
When you mention over....I think enough of the CB
community got away from it, while I always used it
as this was the training popping in. Most would
know the end of the carrier being dropped...thats
it...and they knew who was to pick it up...or waiting
then they'd have their 2 pennys.
"Rubber Duck" was convoy... hahahaha that was used
with a lot of fun in TO.
My fab mic was the Turner plus 2 ....
When you mention the death of CB..ours was after the
damage of Smokey and the Bandit movies, and then too
the skip was really wicked in the middle to late 1970s.
A lot of people had had it, and of course cells came.
Another problem was the dropping of the licence and fee
and thats what I told long ago, HAMS to think about if
it happens....cuz today....it is happening as the
last of the dinos <Hams> are here.
I am glad we all were legal, and nice high towers.
I am thankful for all the great people I met as a CB
and keep meeting as a CB'er as well as those normal
people I meet that have ham radio.
Whether it be CB-HAM-FRS or whatever Ian....you are
going to meet the best people of the community and
total idiots and then there is the scum, as you
call them.
I transit between all the modes of communications today
and I enjoy them all, and use those parts that get
why I use them done.
> Have fun, Pete and don't let your XYL see this. I do have
> a very secure version of PGP but thats not allowed. As you
> say, I can say these things - you couldn't possibly comment.
Ian. From time to time, Maria is in here, and I have no
problems talking to her about anything. There is no secrets
in our life together and she does her thing on her PC as
I do on mine... even getting her feet wet on CB with the
truckers on a long trip .... or on 80m HF mobile or 2m...
or Packet reading something that someone has asked me to
pass along to her.
In all my operations, I have nothing to be ashmamed of ...
In fact the only doubt I have is of a caller to my nightly
phone in show...a eldery gentleman who was on oxygen
and was being cutoff from funding for his oxygen...etc.
I have always wondered what happened to his man, and a
few other regular callers to the show....almost just
like my old landline BBS where I really cared about the
users, to the point they felt like family.
Yes..Packet is fun. Lets keep it that way. lets not
drive users away, as we see in some of the posts of the
past, but...just accept the opinions....counter...and
leave at that. Live long and propser....no ulcers.
73 Pete VE3WBZ
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