VE3WBZ > CB 09.12.09 01:01l 215 Lines 9255 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 34092_VA3BAL
Subj: RE:G0TEZ: keep sunnyside UP :)
Sent: 091208/2324Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:34092 [Ballantrae] $:34092_VA3B
To : CB@WW
DT:Tuesday,December 7th.,2009 @ 1745hrs JPST
Hello Ian, and fellow CB'ers and ...mmmm...perhaps some
interested... ?
<< Quoting G0TEZ to CB @WW >>
> I haven't joined in this because our CB fever started for
> most people in 1980 -81, then we got the 'legal' CB,
> 40 Ch FM only on wierd frquencies. Some, like me carried
> on from 1979 to 1995, using both legal and illegal CB,
> even after I accidentally became a ham.
Always interested Ian, cuz I got mail from UK from people
reading the magizine I wrote in, and they from what I
sent them, got the CBs on the 27mhz band ....BUT I do
remember later, they also got this "legal" CB and it
was higher on FM frequencys....nice.
All this was in around the time, the Canadian GRS lobby
group was in Ottawa trying to finally get the CB switched
from the stupid temproary ISM band of 27mhz to FM and
the frequencys that were looked at were 900mhz. Midland
radio, even had some demo sets for testing, which many
used, as well the local CB club in Toronto, had the
tower all ready and just wanted to see a repeater there,
but then they were a mixed bag of hobby--CB-Hams and
familys and businesses looking to their interests
via the club .... In the end.... the Government sided
with others that were against it....BUG BUSINESS and
one Government Crown Corporation which made me sick
and realizing a con-job when I saw it.
That ended the Lobby group to the Federal Government
and really my innvolvement in CB radio....very disappointed
I moved and went only local....no more anything else.
To many I disappeared, died or whatever....
> The quality of conversation on CB had degenerated by then
> to threats and rip offs. Eventually, I put out a message
> tot he effect that, if someone wanted to buy my rig at a
> reasonable price, let me know, otherwise I had a lump
> hammer waiting, followed by the dustbin. I as i was a
> well known "Rig Doctor" someone shot round and bought it.
Mnay did that too Ian. I just took down my homemade 8 element
yaggi and that was that ...up went the experiemental TV antennas
and SWL antennas and I never wanted into anthing else...no ham
or anything, until my friends at the TV station started being
pests, and of course one friend there, a really great man
I knew from CB got me going in it and here I am dinosauring
towards extinction with the rest since...mmmm ...1992.
> Some of the earliest CBers in the UK were a brave few in
> 1976, I actually met one but, apart from being puzzled by
> some of the jargon he used, didn't know he was on CB.
> It is worth mentioning that, during the Apollo missions,
> there was a lot of CB jargon used but we Brits just didn't
> understand why anyone should say e.g.
> "Houston, you're wall to wall and tree top tall."
There was a classic movie, called Citizens band made that
had that in it...I laughed all the way through it, as
I saw so many I had known that fit the molds of the
characters to a Tee ..... Then came the Smokey and the
Bandit series, and Dukes of Hazzard, and hahahha ...yes some
interesting sayings.
> None of that is ever shown on the many films made since
> those days. It has all been edited out.
Bummer. I guess edited out so that ...well I leave that
to your imaginaton...but hey...you don't wanna confuse
the government listening to your communicating ...now do
> You really surprised me with your talk of stereo CB. Then
> we had 'Metal Mickey' mics and other little gadgets, the
> idea of stereo never occurred to .any of us.
Funny thing...I was blabbing to my pal,in the big smoke
and mentioned packet and the stereo CB...and he started
laughing... it really threw a lot ,until we demonstrated
how to do it. aaah there was lots to do, especially
with dual coax going up to the experiemental antenna I
had which was capable of horitzontal and vertical
polarization, and well I had 2 CBs on that antenna.
Never had a Metal Mickey....the radio was only given a
Turner Plus 2 microphone and thats all I needed.
> CB like AR is almost dead now, a few wagon drivers are
> using it, I am told, because it is better for asking
> directions but the ubiquitous 'satnaff' is rapidly killing
> off even that.
Yes they do here on ch 19 < 27.185 > AM ... and at least it
keeps them alert when driving and helps them pass the time
as well should they need help or directions...it is there.
Try that on a cellphone...or ham radio... you are lucky
if anyone bothers...and thats why Ian....I carry the CB
in the car when on the road.
> Finding someone to talk to is the bottom line. I have
> never bought another CB. I still have a 2m and 70cm rig
> but, with the aerial ban around here there is no point in
> using them.
That is always the bottomline....isn't it. Well I will
be able to blab back to Maria here when in range, as she
is getting her radio ASP when I get to Toronto, and
if things are better, we might just install the GP on
the top of the tower. No aerial bans here...and if
there was I 'd be fighting it like crazy. Not because
of the CB or Ham...but also for those which TV antennas
and satellite dishes.
> I did have a 70cm handy but, as with a mobile
> 'phone I once had, I have found out that, if you don't
> use tehm for months, even years, the batts become
> irretrievably dead so,if you have something you have
> forgotten to charge, make sure you do, even if it is only
> a few hours a month.
My cellphone I used daily...and in the end of the lease...the
batterys had crystalized and were useless and the company
didn't honour the upgrade in the lease...so ttfn for them.
That was in the 1990s...now they are interesting, and I'd
like to get 2..one good one for Maria, and a plain-Jane
for talking only for me...no bells or whistles...as long
as I can hear her...yak...thats me.
> It sounds as though you had fun. I am only going back 30
> years but it sounds as though you are going back a lot
> more.
My pal and I in Toronto, 1960... in public school...nearly
teenagers had "steeel Grass" or walkie talkies....and we
wanted something better, as there was a ham with a CB and
well he went back further to before WW1 with radio....so
we got via his mum... the licences and radios..... as we
were under age... you had to be 18 to get a GRS or CB in
Canada at the time. Yeah....a few years and really we
did have loads of fun. and the people back then were
> There was a 'Pirate' band which upset the authorities
> even mor than AM CB, They used frequencies around 6.66 MHz
> (easy to remember) LSB and often used the speech distorters
> you mention, which they called by the code name 'toilet roll'
> ..About half of them, with more money, used modified 10m ham
> rigs, the poorer and more hands on, knew that just changing
> the reference osc Xtal in an ordinary 3 band CB could make
> it work perfectly down there, both on TX and RX plus any
> normal CB AE. Not really necessary to retune the front end.
> X2= X1 +/- 1/3rd (f2 - f1) was the simple formula for
> working out what ref osc Xtal to use. There were a lot of
> firms supplying crystals including those for going 'pirate',
> so these firms knew what was going on.
Aaaah 6.680 and there abouts....Pirate Radio...oooh I used to
read all about them in a Magazine still coming to the stands
called "Communications World" ...hahahaha the Priates love
it when they get noticed and storys written about them
but...the FCC has a different opinion. Actually, and I
am sure warren is reading....they were better in programming
then the stuff heard on the licenced bands.... Long live
the Pirates....ahahahahahaha....great listening
> I expect you have reached the end of your reminiscences so
> this is just my 2 pennorth. CUL.
> 73 - Ian, G0TEZ
> Msg timed: 14:12 GMT on 2009-Dec-07
> Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80
> [End of Message #33950 from G0TEZ]
Are you kidding! Not me.... like a few dinosaur hams I met
over the years on CB and Ham.... they too had storys, and
very entertaining. I think what I miss the most was
Channels 1 2 and 3 here in Canada being taken from the
Amatuer radio service, and given to the 27mhz CB band as
well killing off the CB business band users above ch 23
to 40 < 27.405> Above 23...24 onwrds to 40 was
so quiet.
The funniest thing happened one night over at a ham friend's
place... I got him going on 1,2 and 3 and by getting him
active on there I thought I could get it kept for the hams.
He and a few others got operating there...and so this night
'I was over there.... BOOM....in came a US Ham ...located
< censored > quick comment...and he was gone. US Hams
had of course long ago lost the frequencys but Canada retained
them then followed the US lead and assigned them and the
extras to the GRS service. I bit too late....the skip
was so heavy....I could not even hear my neighbour up the
street, and everyday until I took the antennas down and
moved from the city.... I got calls from everywhere on
this happy earth.
I hope Ian...you spend another penny and come in with more.
Anyhow...thats it for this sitting...and I am off to the movies
with my sweet Maria .... so ttfn 73 Pete VE3WBZ
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