UT1HZM > ANTENN 09.11.23 17:34l 30 Lines 879 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 21766_UT1HZM
Subj: Re: Unknown OCFD antenna
Sent: 231109/1233Z 21766@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.23
Hi Misko and all.
YT7MPB asked:
> I recently found an off-center fed dipole, and provisionally tried to
> take measure of it: The short leg around 9 meters, the long leg around
> 26.5 (probably 27) meters. Seems 1/4 vs. 3/4 of some 36 meter in sum.
Its very odd size...
No one known to me Windom's have that pair of size,
27 meters - is the one leg of ~42m total Windom for bands from 80m and up to 10m.
Maybe someone cut it too much trying to tune in band when installed too low
from the ground?
Windom for bands 40...10m usually have total length of ~21m. Its another antenna.
> or it would be better to cut it to 5 5m for use as a single-band ant.
Just mean for half-wave dipole you need 1:1 balun or direct connection of coax
and ferrite-choke on it.
Most of Windom's have typical balun of 1:4 or 1:6, not suitable for classic center feed dipole.
73, Sergej.
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