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The Communicator Digital Edition
North American Emergency Communications Exercise June 26-27
Posted: 22 Jun 2022 09:30 PM PDT
“Who ya gonna call? Radio Hams!”Emergency Communications Exercise June
Despite the Internet, cell phones, email and modern communications, every
year whole regions find themselves in the dark, or worse. Tornadoes,
earthquakes, fires, storms, landslides, ice and even the occasional cutting
of cables leave people without the means to communicate. In these cases,
for over one-hundred years the one consistent service that has never failed
has been Amateur Radio. These federally certified radio operators, often
called “hams” provide backup communications for everything from community
events to local Emergency Operations Centres. Surrey “hams” will join with
thousands of other Amateur Radio operators testing their emergency
capabilities this weekend.
In recent years, the news has been full of reports of ham radio operators
providing critical communications during unexpected emergencies around the
globe. When communications become overloaded or fail, Amateur Radios
people are often the first to provide rescuers with critical information
and communications. On the weekend of June 26-27, Surreys ham radio
operators will join with thousands of similar groups and individuals
throughout Canada and the United States, using a variety of voice and data
techniques in an annual exercise of emergency communications capabilities
known as “Field Day”.
This annual event is recognized throughout North America, and locally
through a civic proclamation by Surrey City Council designating June 20-26
as “Amateur Radio Week”. Self-sufficiency is the key. Using only emergency
power, ham operators will construct emergency stations in parks, parking
lots, schoolyards and backyards throughout the continent and operate
without commercial infrastructure for the duration of the 24-hour exercise.
Their slogan, "When All Else Fails, Ham Radio Works” is more than just
words to the hams, as they prove they can send messages in many forms
without the use of phone systems, the internet or any other infrastructure
that can be compromised in a crisis. More than 38,000 amateur radio
operators across the continent participated in last year's event.
Surrey Fire Service Assistant Chief Shelley Morris, who coordinates
emergency response for the City of Surrey adds: “Amateur Radio plays an
integral part in emergency preparedness during any major disaster for the
city. They train extensively and they operate a communications room out of
our Number One fire hall. They play a very important role keeping backup
communications for the operations centre up and running during a major
disaster and providing enhanced life safety for the citizens of Surrey.”
Gord Kirk, coordinator for the Surrey Emergency Program Amateur Radio
(SEPAR) group highlighted the value of Amateur Radio in its flexibility.
“Amateur Radio is not centralized. There is no single point of failure; it
does not rely on the Internet, a power utility or a communications company,
cell towers or other infrastructure to provide service. It works when
nothing else is available. In partnership with the Surrey Amateur Radio
Communications (SARC) group we provide knowledgeable people, sophisticated
equipment, and thousands of volunteer hours annually to support the City of
Surrey Emergency Program. Once set up, we need nothing between us but air.”
The SARC group supports SEPAR by providing equipment, infrastructure and
technical assistance. SARC President John Brodie commented that: “We are
fortunate that what hams enjoy as a technically-challenging hobby can make
a vitally important contribution to emergency communication during a
The Surrey team placed first in their Canadian category in recent years.
The event takes place from 11am Saturday, June 26th to 11am Sunday, June
27th. While this is normally a public affair, due to current COVID
restrictions there are no public demonstrations, although in past years the
technology shown has included contact with astronauts orbiting in the
International Space Station. This year, smaller stations and individuals
will participate from several neighbourhoods in Surrey.
Amateur Radio is growing in Canada and requests for training have increased
significantly since COVID restrictions started. Hams socialize daily
through radio contacts and the basic equipment to communicate worldwide can
be purchased for less than $50. You no longer require Morse code, although
it is still used in the hobby. Amateur Radio is practiced as a hobby, as a
sport, and as a reliable means of communications by outdoors enthusiasts
and others where cellular telephone towers do not exist. There are now over
30,000 Amateur Radio licensees in Canada, and more than 2.5 million around
the world. Through the Amateur Radio emergency services program, ham
volunteers provide both emergency communications for thousands of
provincial and local emergency response agencies and non-emergency
community services too, all for free.
To learn more about Surrey Emergency Program Amateur Radio visit
http://separ.ca/. To learn more about Amateur Radio visit
http://www.rac.ca/. See what modern Amateur Radio can do. In a
nutshell:Surrey Field Day OverviewSUMMARY: An emergency preparedness
exercise to establish long distance communications capabilities in support
of the City of Surrey Emergency Program. Surrey Amateur Radio operators
will set up a field station simulating emergency conditions, without using
commercial services, to contact thousands of other hams throughout North
America and beyond, in the continents largest ham radio on-air event. This
team placed first in their Canadian category for Field Day 2018. They will
be looking to better their score in 2022 after COVID prevented team
participation for the past two years; the public is invited to observe
contest operations, see ham radios new capabilities, experience a
moon-bounce contact, view a satellite contact and learn how to obtain their
own Industry Canada radio certification.WHO: Federally certified Amateur
Radio Operators supporting the City of Surrey Emergency Program.WHAT: Hams
will set up and operate field radio stations to contact other hams
throughout Canada, the US and beyond over 24 hours using a variety of modes
including voice radio, Morse code, satellites, and digital. The objective
is to see who can make the largest number of contacts during the exercise
period. WHERE: The Surrey Emergency Program facility at 5756 142 Street,
Surrey BC.WHEN: Operations 11 am Saturday, June 25 to 11 am Sunday June
26.WHY: Participation in the amateur radio community Field Day. Amateur
Radio operators emergency communication skills under adverse conditions
with generators, battery-powered equipment and portable antennas.Special
awards are given for “alternative” power sources such as solar, wind and
other means. Field Day is a competition as well as a “trial run” for
emergency communication skills used during disaster situationsOur Amateur
Radio volunteers will accommodate photo opportunities, interviews, and
profiles of the activities of both our participants in an important
national Amateur Radio event and their role in the Surrey Emergency
Program. There is an opportunity to see all Amateur Radio communication
modes in action, including voice, Morse code, satellite, and digital. There
will be opportunities for the public to participate, including activities
geared toward children.There will be opportunities to explore the
relationship to other facets of the Surrey Emergency Program.Sponsors and
participants:· Surrey Emergency Program Amateur Radio·
Surrey Amateur Radio Communications· Surrey Fire Service·
Surrey Emergency Program
Our Field Day video: https://youtu.be/4zAtFz9hcZY
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