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[JN59NK Nuernberg]

 Login: GUEST

G4EBT  > NEWS     11.05.07 10:47l 149 Lines 5608 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 2E5335G4EBT
Subj: Bob's Eureka Moment!!
Sent: 070508/1208Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:30128 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:2E5335G4

Bob, VK6BE wrote:-

> There was an interesting piece of news in the Hull Daily Mail this week
> with a report of a man being charged with the murder of 20 year old
> Rebecca Love.

Eureka - you've got the hang of it!

But you've fallen victim to the law of unintended consequences by
committing the logical fallacy of ignoratio elenchi - an argument which is
supposed to prove one thing but only succeeds in proving another.

Years of mentoring seems to be paying off, and you've finally conceded 
that whoever you are, wherever you are, info is at your finger tips, 
just a mouse click away. 

Only a couple of days ago you said you didn't know what was going on 
in the East, couldn't get the cricket scores, but now you're a virtual
globetrotting cadet reporter!

It's a promising start. 

I've awarded you an "A" for effort, but only a B+ for attainment, because
your work was a little untidy and the pagination was poor. When you import
stuff off the web onto packet, unless you click on the "printer friendly"
icon of HTML web-pages they need tidying up. 

It's also the norm to quote the link and acknowledge the copyright.
Where we get at cross purposes is that you don't just disagree with
people's opinions (which is fine of course - I do it all the time,
especially when they're talking arrant nonsense), you disagree with 
matters of fact and say things which are so patently incorrect. 

You tell fellow VKs they can't possibly know anything about WA, then 
the next minute you're telling Americans what they should do about guns. 

And when your stateside chums are unhappy that religion isn't permitted 
in public schools in the US you say it's because of "atheists", whereas 
for very sound reasons it was enshrined in the First Amendment of the
American Constitution by some of the most devout and far-sighted
Christians there have been - not a half-witted inarticulate cowpoke. 

You could get your hands on the US Constitution and landmark Dover High
School Judgement as easily as I could. 

When I mentioned the deep concerns in the UK over the divisiveness and
dangers of faith schools and where it is leading, you make no effort to
look at the issues objectively, but jump to hasty conclusions.

Don't take my word for those growing concerns - here's what Rabbi Dr
Jonathan Romain said recently:


"Faith schools are not in the best interests of faith - they separate both
children and parents and the net effect is that we all become ignorant of
each other. Religion should be taught at school of course, but the belief
element should come from home".

End quote.

That's been my view from the outset. 

And it's the view of the National Union of Teachers, and Head of the
Commission for Racial Equality, who says Britain's schools are "a 
ticking time bomb waiting to explode". 

You say religion and politics should be kept right out of amateur radio,
showing a woeful misunderstanding of the most basic differences between
packet and on-air modes. 

You fail to understand the dangers of that stance.

It pre-supposes (which from experience is sadly true) that amateurs as 
a whole tend to be so bigoted that mature objective debate of important
issues which shape our societies just isn't possible.
In the UK that stance it is driving religion off university campus
debating societies, and those who are being silenced aren't people like
me, but religious people who want to expound and share their religious

The Institute for Policy Research in the UK has said:


"One type of secularism which attempts to marginalise religious belief
holds that it is a private matter which should not be discussed in the
public realm".

End quote.

That sounds very much like what you support.

I don't. 

But doesn't really matter - we're just a couple of old fogies who take
ourselves and packet rather too seriously at times. It's a pastime -
nothing more. 

I guess we'll both just keep blathering on as we do.

But you really should try to differentiate between subjective, hasty and
sweeping generalisations which you are prone to, and objective opinions
calmly arrived at, underpinned with verifiable facts.

If I wanted to know a good place for a meal in Albany you'd be the first
person I'd ask, based on your local experience. But if I wanted to know
about the ethnic mix, age profile or other demographic information, I'd
check the Oz Population Census - not hearsay from "locals".

>There it is - all the news from Hull. Read all about it. Comments to
>Warren KB2VXA or Andy GM7HUD. Don't send them to VK6BE. 

I never send anything to you - only to WW.  The world beyond these shores
does not consist of one parochial amateur in a pleasant town in one corner
of West Australia.

>He is still reading G4EBT's news bulletins about Australia and has no
time >for anything else. Only 14356kb to go and he will have finished that
Hope I'm not going too fast for you - here's a 6k top-up. I'll give you a
breather soon - the lavender fields and Luberon mountains are beckoning.

I'm glad you're paying attention and reading the homework so assiduously
that I set you. And I never had to raise my voice. Patience is a virtue.

I look forward to any interesting threads you might be able to generate
about Oz, from Oz. I'm sure you aren't so bereft of imagination and
creativity that you can only be reactive.

Best wishes 
David, G4EBT @ GB7FCR
(Le bavard Grande Fromage 
a Cottingham).

Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

Message timed: 12:37 on 2007-May-08
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.70

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