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IW0GPN > SIX      04.11.02 01:06l 329 Lines 16158 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 214-IW0GPN
Subj: Sixitalia Bull. 11-02 2/5
Sent: 021103/1454Z @:IK0MIL.ILAZ.ITA.EU #:28098 [Roma] FBB7.00i $:214-IW0GPN
To  : SIX@WW

[¯¯¯ TST HOST v1.42b, Local time: Sun Nov 03 16:43:47 2002 ®®®]

          0000   0   0   0          0   00000     0     0     0   0
         0       0   0   0          0     0      0 0    0      0 0
          000    0     0            0     0     0   0   0       0
             0   0   0   0          0     0     00000   0       0
         0000    O   0   0          0     0     0   0   00000   0

                Nr. "01/2002" - October 2002 - PART TWO  (2/5)
                      - WHAT ABOUT SIX NEWS ??...; -

                      - CHIACCHIERE INTORNO AI SEI -

                               - Part Two -

                                 Oct. 15th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep TR8, ZS4, 6. In the evening Tep ZS6.

                         New Caledonia: FK8/F6CBC.

 Georges, F8OP scrive:                  * Georges, F8OP write:
 Jean-Michel, F6CBC, sara' operativp    * Jean-Michel, F6CBC, will be
 dalla Nuova Caledonia dal 17 otobre al * operating from New Caledonia from
 3 novembre. Il QTH sara' molto vicino  * october 17 until november 3. QTH
 a quello di FK8HA, con un ottimo take  * will be very close to FK8HA, with
 off.                                   * a very good take off.
 Attrezzaura : 100 watts e 5 elementi   * Equipement : 100 watts and 5
 yagi.                                  * elements yagi.
 Callsign : FK8/F6CBC.                  * Callsign : FK8/F6CBC.
 Frequenze usate : 50.123 e 50.223,     * Frequencies used : 50.123 and
 ogni giorno antenna verso l'Europa     * 50.223, every day beaming to
 attorno alle 08/09.00 utc, QSL via     * Europe around 08/09.00 utc, QSL
 home call.                             * via home call.
                     73, Georges, F8OP  *                73, Georges, F8OP

                              VP2M - Monserrat

 Dick, K5AND, scrive:                   * Dick, K5AND, wrote:
 K5AND, W5OZI e W5LXG saranno attivi da * K5AND, W5OZI and W5LXG will be
 Montserrat dal 31 Ottobre all'8        * operating from Montserrat from
 Novembre.                              * Oct. 31 thru Nov. 8.
 Ci occuperemo particolarmente dei 50   * We will be focusing on 50 mhz, of
 mhz utilizzando un FT-897, antenna     * course, and will have an FT-897,
 7el, e 800 watts. Buona posizione per  * 7el ant, and 800 watts out. Great
 l'EU, AF e US. Beacon CW su 155. Se ci * location for EU, AF and US. CW
 sara' propagazione noi opereremo in    * beacon on 155. If there is
 split ascoltando 5 khz sopra ma dubito * propagation, we will operate
 che cio' sara' necessario. Il          * split, listening up 5.....but I
 nominativo piu' usato sara' l'amato    * doubt that will be necessary. The
 VP2MJD.                                * call to be used will most likely
                                        * be VP2MJD.
 Avremo 100 watts anche sui 20-10 m     *
 tuttavia faremo un annuncio piu'       * We will have 100 watts on 20-10 as
 preciso circa le frequeze etc          * well, but will make a later
 successivamente.                       * announcement about freqs etc.
 Avremo anche un accesso internet ed    * We will have e-mail and internet
 una email, ma per ora non abbiamo      * capability, but don't know the
 altri particolari.                     * particulars yet.
 Per favore pregate una volta ancora    * Please pray for flux, one last
 per un buon flusso solare!             * time.
                73, Dick, K5AND/VP2MJD  *           73, Dick, K5AND/VP2MJD

                                 Oct. 14th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6. In the evening Tep PY (it9 area).

                      9L1AB - Sierra Leone DXpedition

 Dal sito web G3AB Web site          *
                                     * From G3AB Web site
 From 9L1AB - Sierra Leone           *
 DXpedition                          *
                                     * From 9L1AB - Sierra Leone DXpedition
 dal 7 Novembre al 5 Dicembre 2002   *
                                     * 7th November - 5th December 2002
 Prevalentemente CW (possibili altri *
 modi).                              * Mainly CW (possibly other modes).
 Tutte le bande 160m - 6m.           * All bands 160m - 6m.
 QSL via G3AB                        * QSL via G3AB
 QSL via bureau vanno richieste via  * Bureau QSL card requests by e-mail to
 e-mail a :            * :
 Indirizzo :                         * Address :
 Andy Chadwick, G3AB                 * Andy Chadwick, G3AB
 5 Thorpe Chase                      * 5 Thorpe Chase
 Ripon                               * Ripon
 North Yorkshire - HG4 1UA -U.K.     * North Yorkshire - HG4 1UA -U.K.

                            VP2MJD - QSL ROUTE

 Pat, W5OZI, scrive:                 * Pat, W5OZI, wrote:
 In merito alle preannunciata        * For the previously announced
 spedizione di K5AND/W5OZI/W5LXG a   * K5AND/W5OZI/W5LXG expedition to
 Montserrat, VP2MJD, dal 31 Ott all' * Montserrat, VP2MJD, 31 Oct - 8 Nov.,
 8 Nov., QSL via Pat Rose, PO Box    * QSL to Pat Rose, PO Box 393,
 393, Junction, Texas, 76849 USA,    * Junction, Texas, 76849 USA, with SAE
 con SAE e appropriata affracature,  * and appropriate postage, GS or IRC.
 GS o IRC. Cartoline ricevute via il * Cards received via the bureau and any
 bureau e tutte quelle giunte senza  * cards without SASE will be answered
 SASE saranno riscotrate via bureau. * via the bureau.
                   73 de Pat, W5OZI  *                    73 de Pat, W5OZI

                                 Oct. 13th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SM, OZ, SP, PA. F2 VK8 (it9 area). In the
 afternoon Tep TR8, ZS6. F2 FY, PZ (it9 area). In the evening/night Tep ZP,
 PY, LU, CX TU2OP. Lp JA (it9 area).

                                 Oct. 12th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Tep TR8. In the afternoon Tep TR8, ZS6, S9, F2
 D44 + FY (IT9 area). In the evening/night Tep ZS6, LU, CX. Lp JA.

                                 Oct. 11th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Bs 5B, YU, I, 9A, F. Tep/F2 TR. In the
 evening/night Tep CE, CE0ZIS, PY.

                                 Oct. 10th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es ZC4. In the afternoon Tep/F2 TR. In the
 evening/night Tep ZP, LU, CX (it9 area).

                                 Oct. 9th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep/F2 TR, ZS6, PY, CX. In the evening/night
 Lp JA (it9 area).

                                 Oct. 8th

 Wkd Today: In the morning F2 VK6, 8, DU. In the afternoon Tep/F2 S9, TR,
 ZS6, Z22, CX. In the evening Es EH.

                                 Oct. 7th

 Wkd Today: Nothing Today.

                                 Oct. 5th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Tep FR. In the afternoon Tep ZS6, Z22. F2 LU,
 PY, D44. In the evening/night Tep PY, LU.

                                 Oct. 5th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es G, F, DL, PA, I-I, 9H . In the afternoon Tep
 TR8 F2 CX, LU, PY, ZP.

                                FT1ZK update

 Georges, F8OP invia questa notizia    * Georges, F8OP send this news
 Caroline, FT1ZK, e' ora QRV in 6      * Caroline, FT1ZK, is now QRV on 6
 meters. Tutta l'atrezzatura,          * meters. All the equipment,
 transceiver e yagi, funziona          * transceiver and yagi, runs well.
 correttamente. Sara' in ascolto tutti * She is listing every day on
 i giorni su 50110 in attesa di una    * 50.110, waiting for an opening..
 aertura. In pochi giorni sara' anche  * In a few days, a beacon will start
 attivo un beacon su 50.086.           * up on 50.086.
 QSL via F5JCB.                        * QSL via F5JCB.
 Fate attenzione: FT1ZK Non e' QRV in  * Pay attention: FT1ZK is not QRV on
 HF. Se ascoltate questo callsign si   * HF. If you hear this callsign,
 tratta di un pirata! (info F5CW)      * it's a pirate! (info F5CW)
                     73, Georges, F8OP *                 73, Georges, F8OP

                              VP2M - Monserrat

 Dick, K5AND, scrive:                  * Dick, K5AND, wrote:
 K5AND, W5OZI e W5LXG saranno attivi   * K5AND, W5OZI and W5LXG will be
 da  Montserrat dal 31 Ottobre all'8   * operating from Montserrat from
 Novembre.                             * Oct. 31 thru Nov. 8.
 Ci occuperemo particolarmente dei 50  * We will be focusing on 50 mhz, of
 mhz utilizzando un FT-897, antenna    * course, and will have an FT-897,
 7el, e 800 watts. Buona posizione per * 7el ant, and 800 watts out. Great
 l'EU, AF e US. Beacon CW su 155. Se   * location for EU, AF and US. CW
 ci sara' propagazione noi opereremo   * beacon on 155. If there is
 in split ascoltando 5 khz sopra ma    * propagation, we will operate
 dubito che cio' sara' necessario. Il  * split, listening up 5.....but I
 nominativo piu' usato sara' l'amato   * doubt that will be necessary. The
 VP2MJD.                               * call to be used will most likely
                                       * be VP2MJD.
 Avremo 100 watts anche sui 20-10 m    *
 tuttavia faremo un annuncio piu'      * We will have 100 watts on 20-10 as
 preciso circa le frequeze etc         * well, but will make a later
 successivamente.                      * announcement about freqs etc.
 Avremo anche un accesso internet ed   * We will have e-mail and internet
 una email, ma per ora non abbiamo     * capability, but don't know the
 altri particolari.                    * particulars yet.
 Per favore pregate una volta ancora   * Please pray for flux, one last
 per un buon flusso solare!            * time.
                73, Dick, K5AND/VP2MJD *            73, Dick, K5AND/VP2MJD

                                 Oct. 4th

 Wkd Today: In the afternoon Tep ZS6, TR8, 5R8, Z22, 7Q7/bcn. F2 PY. In the
 evening/night Tep ZD7, ZD8/bcn, PY.

      DX Spot in 50 Mhz for jt44, fsk, audio, video etc... my idea....

 IK0FTA, Sergio, scrive:              *
 Salve a tutti, senza voler entrare   *
 in polemica sull'utilizzo, piu' o    * IK0FTA, Sergio, wrote:
 meno corretto, degli spot nel        *
 DXcluster per sollecitare qso in     * Hi to all, I don't want to began a
 alcuni modi operativi o per          * polemic discussion about the use,
 segnalare la presenza in banda di    * right or not, on DXcluster spots on
 portanti audio o video mi permetto   * JT44, FSK441 or about the presence
 di formulare una proposta che        * of Audio or Video. I'd like to give
 consentirebbe di non immettere nella * my idea that would give the
 rete dxc/clx informazioni fuorvianti * oportunity to put on the
 soprattutto per chi utilizza allarmi * DXcluster/Clx wrong info for the
 sonori nel proprio software (es.     * users of some cluster software using
 usando FSK31 scatta l'allarme per    * DXCC alarms (for ex. FSK441 alarms
 S.Martin, JT per la Mongolia etc).   * like FS S.Martin, JT44 for JT
                                      * Mongolia).
 La proposta e' semplice: basta       *
 immetere, nella voce "call" dello    * My idea is simply: we have only to
 spot dx (erroneamente usato per      * put a letter "Q" before the call of
 immettere un modo operativo) la      * the dx spot.
 lettera Q dinazi al modo stesso.     *
                                      * At the same time I say that to
 Alla stessa maniera ritengo che per  * inform you about VIDEO or AUDIO
 segnalare portanti video o audio si  * Carriers we could always use the
 potrebbe usare -sempre- una          * reference freq. of 50000.
 frequenza "fittizzia" di riferimento *
 come 50000 o 51000.                  * For example:
 Ecco alcuni esempi di immissione:    * dx 50250 qjt44 cq nord
 dx 50250 qjt44 cq nord               * the results will be this (without
                                      * any alarm on our software cause Q
 darebbe come risultato (senza far    * prefix isn't in use)
 scattare allarmi visto che non ci    *
 sono paesi cui e' stata attribuito   * DX de IK0FTA: 50250 QJT44 cq nord
 il prefisso Q):                      *
                                      * and also:
 DX de IK0FTA: 50250 QJT44 cq nord    *
                                      * dx 50000 qvideo qtf 120
 oppure                               *
                                      * DX de IK0FTA: 50000 QVIDEO qtf 120
 dx 50000 qvideo qtf 120              *
                                      * If you like my idea pse spread out
 darebbe come risultato:              * .. Any suggestion or comment will be
                                      * welcome.
 DX de IK0FTA: 50000 QVIDEO qtf 120   *
                                      *                 73 Sergio, IK0FTA.
 Graditi commenti e suggerimenti.     *
                  73 Sergio, IK0FTA.  *

                                 Oct. 3th

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es DL, PA . Tep ZS6, S9, TR8. Bs 9H. In the
 afternoon Tep ZD7, ZS6, TR8, Z22, 7Q7/bcn. F2 D44, PY. In the
 evening/night Tep ZS4, 6, ZD8/bcn, ZP, PY.

                                 Oct. 2nd

 Wkd Today: In the morning Es SV. Tep ZD7. In the afternoon Es G, F, PA, ON
 . Tep ZS6, TR8, Z22, 7Q7/bcn. In the evening/night Tep ZD8/bcn, CE, PY.

                                 Oct. 1st

 Wkd Today: Nothing today.

  ADDR: Sergio Roca, IK0FTA, P.o.Box 7132, 00162 ROME-Nomentano, ITALY

  Italian editor : IK0FTA - email:

  English editors: I0CUT  - email:
                   IK0OKY - email:
                                                     END OF PART TWO (2/5)

73 de Alex IW0GPN
³                   Operatore: Alex     QTH:  Riano                   ³Û
³                   Locatore:  JN62FB   Zona: Roma Nord               ³Û 
³     ²Û±           Mail:      IW0GPN@IK0MIL.ILAZ.ITA.EU              ³Û
³                   E-mail:                       ³Û
³                   Homepage:  http:\\\iw0gpn              ³Û

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