OpenBCM V1.07b12 (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[JN59NK Nuernberg]

 Login: GUEST


:: REJECT ::
Syntax: REJ(ECT) [ -a | <string> ]

With option "-a" the whole file "reject.bcm" is shown. If you use <string>
(regular expression) all lines containing this <string> are shown.

The file "reject.bcm" defines which mails are saved in BBS and which are
being rejected or hold. To add comments use a ";" at the beginning of the

Every line contains a reject rule with following format:
<action> [<from] [>to] [$bid] [@at] [ .B | .P ] ;comment

The first argument <action> defines what should happen if right
expression match:
 R = Message must be rejected
 G = Message must be rejected, if entered locally without AX25-PW
 E = Message must be rejected, if entered locally without AX25-PW/TTYPW
 F = Message must be set on hold, if forwarded without Forward-PW
 H = Message must be set on hold
 L = Message must be set on hold, if entered locally
 P = Message must be set on hold, if entered locally without AX25-PW
 O = Message must be set on hold, if entered locally without AX25-PW/TTYPW

Actions E and O are only possible with Linux/Windows version!

<from                  = sender
>to                    = receiver
$bid                   = (part of a) bid
.B                     = bulletin mail
.P                     = user mail
 !                     = inverted match
 ;                     = comment
 (string1,string2,...  = OR of more than one string

There may be more than one expression each line, all expression must
be matched to do <action>. The strings are handled as regular expressions,
see also HELP REGULAR.

Some examples:
; reject citizen-band calls
  R <CB?CB
; reject BASAR mails
; rejct worldwide OPINION mails
; df0ar is only allowed to send mail to oe3dzw
  R <^DF0AR$ >!^OE3DZW$ ...
; reject some bids of citizen-band bbs
  R $*DBO123*
  R $*NL3DGH*
; hold all bulletins send without ax25 password (holdtime must be set!)
  P .B
; reject all bulletins send without ax25 password
  G .B
; reject all bulletins send without ax25 password, only mails from
; calls beginning with DB0 or the call DH8YMB is always accepted
  G .B <!(^DB0,^DH8YMB


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