OpenBCM V1.07b12 (Linux)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[JN59NK Nuernberg]

 Login: GUEST


:: BOARD ::
A board contains mails, which are destinied for a certain topic or user.
There are two types of boards:

 - user boards:      The users private boards, where the user mails are kept.
                     These mails only can be deleted by the recipient or by
                     the sender.
 - bulletin boards:  Public boards where mails are stored which could be read
                     by everyone. Only the sender is allowed to delete them.
                     These mails are called bulletins.

Every board has an unique name with which you can address it. In userboards
this is the users call. In bulletin boards the name describes the subject
area (e.g. SOFTWARE, IBM).

Every mail in a board has a number. The oldest mail has number 1. With the
DIR or LIST command the mails of a board can be listed.

A board can contain other boards. That means, a mainboard can have several
subboards. Subboards of subboards are not allowed ("DIR BOARDS").

Every board has a lifetime, which is determined by the BBS sysop. It indicates
how many days the mails stay in the board before they are deleted

The boardname is part of a lot of commands, e.g. DIR/LIST/READ/ERASE/CHECK.
The BCM BBS always keeps the name of the last board, which was used and uses
it when the board is not specified in a command. The board can be changed
either when it is specefied in one of the command above or with CD command.
If the boardname only consists of numbers, the board can only be changed using
the CD command.

As the boardnames are made to paths under DOS, you must remember the
following restrictions:
- The signs "/" and "\" are exchanged by an "_"
- Names of DOS devices (e.g. CON, NUL, etc.) are impossible
- Only signs can be used that may be used in DOS filenames

The boardnames AUTO7P, REQ*, 7PSERV, FILSRV, FNDFIL and WWCALL are treated
like userboards.

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