Directory of SPACE/ROVERS:
230 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 07.12.04 104 #999 @WW Opportunity status, 6th Dec
231 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 08.12.04 47 #999 @WW Spirit status, 7th December
232 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 15.12.04 117 #999 @WW Press release, 13th Decembe
233 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 15.12.04 115 #999 @WW Rovers status, 14th Decembe
234 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 1/14
235 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 2/14
236 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 3/14
237 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7-) 7+ BURNS.JPG 9/14
238 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 122 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 7/14
239 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 10/14
240 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 4/14
241 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 11/14
242 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 5/14
243 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 8/14
244 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 28 #999 @WW Burns.jpg, info
245 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 6/14
246 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 72 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 14/14
247 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 13/14
248 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.12.04 147 #999 @WW (7+) 7+ BURNS.JPG 12/14
249 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 18.12.04 63 #999 @WW (7txt) burns.cor
250 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 22.12.04 112 #999 @WW Opportunity status, Dec 21s
251 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 27.12.04 106 #999 @WW Spirit status, 23rd Decembe
252 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 03.01.05 224 #999 @WW 1 year on Mars, & still goi
253 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 04.01.05 154 #999 @WW Opportunity checks out debr
254 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 04.01.05 76 #999 @WW Spirit inspects new rock
255 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 05.01.05 92 #999 @WW Rovers story to air on PBS
256 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 07.01.05 104 #999 @WW Press release, 6th Jan
257 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 07.01.05 121 #999 @WW Rovers status, 5th & 6th Ja
258 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 12.01.05 91 #999 @WW Spirit status, 11th Jan
259 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.01.05 122 #999 @WW Rovers Status, 14 Jan 2005
260 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 20.01.05 82 #999 @WW Mars rock a meteorite
261 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 25.01.05 150 #999 @WW Rovers status, 24th January
262 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 27.01.05 189 #999 @WW Meteorite poses more questi
263 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 31.01.05 75 #999 @WW Opportunity status, 28th Ja
264 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 09.02.05 128 #999 @WW Status, 4th & 8th January
265 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 09.02.05 132 #999 @WW Status, 4th & 8th Feb, oops
266 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.02.05 68 #999 @WW Spirit Status, 15th Februar
267 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 23.02.05 58 #999 @WW Opportunity status, 22nd Fe
268 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 04.03.05 121 #999 @WW Press release 2nd March
269 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 08.03.05 118 #999 @WW Rovers status, 7th March
270 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 15.03.05 95 #999 @WW Spirit dusted off
271 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 16.03.05 142 #999 @WW Rovers status, 15 & 17 Marc
272 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 22.03.05 70 #999 @WW Spirit status, 21st March
273 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 02.04.05 106 #999 @WW Rovers status, 31st March
274 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 06.04.05 70 #999 @WW Spirit status, 4th April 20
275 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 06.04.05 116 #999 @WW Mars rovers overtime approv
276 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 10.04.05 85 #999 @WW Spirit status, 8th April
277 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 07.05.05 96 #999 @WW Rovers status, 3rd & 6th Ma
278 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 07.05.05 108 #999 @WW Press release, 6th May
279 ZL2VAL > ROVERS 12.05.05 79 #999 @WW Spirit Status, 11th May
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