DH8YMB > XROUTER 30.05.04 10:48l 151 Lines 6139 Bytes #999 (0) @
Subj: XRouter Features
Path: DB0FHN
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From: DH8YMB @ DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU (Markus)
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XROUTER AX25 /IP Router - Features And Limitations
The following is a list of some of the features and limitations of G8PZT's
Xrouter software. It is by no means an exhaustive list, nor is it in any
order. (* = advantages relative to BPQ)
Hardware / Software Compatibility
- Modest machine requirements: DOS, 640k, XT -> Pentium.
- Can run within DOS, Windows95 or DesqView environment.
- Configuration file familiar to BPQ sysops.
- Compatible with BPQNODES recovery file for easy transition.
- Supports any hardware drivers which use BPQ "external" interface.
- Supports BAYCOM USCC, RLC100, PC100/120 and DRSI scc cards.
- Can use KISS and BPQKISS TNC's.
- KISS modes: normal, polled, checksum, ackmode, and bpq slave.
* Directly supports YAM modems.
* PA0HZP Opto-SCC card support.
* ASYNC interface supports any speed up to 115,200 bauds.
* ASYNC Protocols: KISS, "Netrom backend", SLIP, PPP and ASCII (TTY).
* Ethernet driver allows conection with Windows, Linux, NOS and BPQ
* Year 2000 compatible.
* Supports BPQHOST compatible applications (in Windows/DesqView only)
* PSTN and cable modem support.
BPQ fixes
* No need to pre-compile a binary config file.
* Virtually unlimited nodes, routes, circuits and sessions.
* No 511 character limit on CTEXT and INFOMSG.
* No 256-character limit on callsign (e.g. VALIDCALLS) lists.
* No 130 buffer limit, or running out of buffers.
* No crashing on frames bigger than 256 bytes.
* No crashing on "certain" command line characters.
* No crashing due to "too many commands at once".
* No "command can't be split across packets".
* Proper session flow control.
General Features
* Configurable software watchdog
* Hardware watchdog driver.
* External hardware control & monitoring.
* Budlist and Validcalls lists for each port.
- Digipeating on/off/UI-only from any port to any port.
* Digicasting
* Frame piping from port to port.
* Proxy connections.
* Very comprehensive stats to aid network maintenance.
* MHeard list sizes can be customised for each channel.
* MHeard includes date, time, callsign, frame count and frame type.
* Integral multi-channel chat server available to all users.
* Configurable mtu.
- Can TX on a different port to RX.
* Callsign validation in nodes broadcasts.
- Ports may be "interlocked" so they don't transmit at the same time.
- 32 bit Windows application support coming soon...
* ID beacons may be configured independently for each port.
* Netrom echo and route record facilities.
* Modulo-128 capability, with frame resenqencing and selective reject.
* Message-Of-The-Day facility.
* Link parameters are self-adjusting.
* Integral PMS (Personal Message System)
* MHeard can display APRS position, distance and heading.
* APRS generic digipeating (RELAY, WIDE, TRACE, TRACEn-N and WIDEn-N)
* Maintains APRS "Best DX" list.
* Decodes MIC-E packets.
* Integral APRS Packet <> Internet gateway.
* Integral APRS messaging shell.
* Integral APRS server.
* APRS "digipeating" via Netrom.
* Responds to APRS / UI-View queries.
* ID may be beaconned via digipeaters.
* Ports may be configured for "APRS-only" use.
* Built in IP router, with full ARP & ICMP implementations.
* IP commands fully accessible on normal console, and to all users.
* Domain name to IP address resolution.
* Inbuilt DNS server, with proxy capability.
- IP datagram, virtual circuit, netrom end encap modes.
* AXIP, AXUDP and IPIP tunnelling protocols allowing links via Internet.
* Additional IP addresses for each port.
* DHCP client.
* Network and Port Address Translation (NAT and PAT).
* Dial Up Networking.
* RIP98 Routing Information Protocol.
Command Interface
- BPQ compatible user commands: bye, connect, info, help, links, mheard,
nodes, ports, routes, stats, users.
* Up to 16 command aliases can be defined (bpq=8).
* Additional user commands: PING, ARP, TELNET, CHAT, J, ECHO, DX etc.
* Built in syntax help for most commands.
* Aliased commands can be "hidden".
* Graduated help system gives help in a progressive way.
* Extendible Info system for sysop to set up as s/he wishes.
Console Interface
* Screen saver - automatic and manual.
* Shell to DOS facility.
* Editable command line.
* Fully configurable display colours.
* Up to 5 independent "Virtual" consoles, fully multitasking.
* Each virtual console has a configurable scrollback buffer
* Each virtual console can display ANSI colour.
* Each virtual console can run a separate session.
* Each console may have its own colour scheme and callsign.
Local And Remote Sysop
- Most parameters configurable while on line.
* Tx for any port may be disabled/enabled by sysop command.
* Time and date settable without rebooting.
* Multitasking DOS commands: cd copy del dir mkdir, ren, rmdir, move type
* Line editor allows any text file to be edited.
* IP routing adjustable without reboot.
* Transaction logging.
* Simple programs, MSDOS commands or batch files run from command line.
* Online sysop's manual.
* Each protocol layer independently traceable.
- Each port independently traceable.
* Trace o/p can be captured to file.
Additional Features For Remote System Maintenance
- Secure password system for remote sysops.
- May be remotely restarted or rebooted.
* Allows separate passwords for each sysop.
* Remote operation via RS232 wired links and dialup.
* Secure FTP server, allowing remote upgrading
* Trace display can be viewed by remote sysop.
- Not a TSR, so applications are supported only under Windows or Desqview.
- Xrouter is not a Windows program - it requires a DOS window.
- A Linux version is intended, but not yet implemented.
- Will not (yet) support Windows applications such as Winpack or UI-View.
- Consoles limited to 25 lines, 80 columns, 16 (EGA) colours.
- Will not directly use expanded memory.
- No SMTP / POP3 / BBS - it's a router/Network Access Point not a server!
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