DL4YHF > VLF 18.07.02 19:54l 30 Lines 1679 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
Subj: Activity on 136kHz from DLF site
Sent: 020718/1830z @:DB0EAM.#HES.DEU.EU [Kassel DB8AS] DB19c1 $:I72DB0EAM01D
From: DL4YHF @ DB0EAM.#HES.DEU.EU (Wolfgang)
To: VLF @ EU
Hello lowfers,
There will be activity on 136kHz from the Deutschlandfunk (DLF)
transmitter's 360m high masts by a group of amateurs from southern DL.
The following message is relayed from the RSGB LF group:
Thema:LF: Activity from DLF´s 360m mast
Datum:15.07.2002 22:16:09 Westeuropäische Sommerzeit
From: walter.staubach@fen-net.de (Walter)
Hello to all LF`ers,
on Wednesday, 24th of July, the 153KHz transmitter of Deutschlandfunk in Donebach (JN49ON, 50Km SSE of Frankfurt) will be off air due to scheduled maintenance. By the friendly cooperation of the site personnel and with consent of the regulation authorities, a small group of German LF amateurs has been granted access to one of the 360m masts between 7:00 and 15:00UTC. With a little luck we might be able to achieve about 30dB more radiation efficiency than at home.
We will probably need some time to work out the impedance matching. After that, we intend to operate preferably in CW and Slow-CW modes. As we expect a rather high noisefloor from the Frankfurt area, we will bring along a tuned loop for receiving, and we will be QRV on 7030KHz in CW as well. If nothing else works, please give us a phone call on+49 174 3692499, or send an email note via the reflector or to dj2lf@darc.de or markusvester@aol.com.
Let`s look forward to a successfull day, hopefully without thunderstorms or strong noise.
The group: Markus - DF6NM, Walter - DJ2LF, Ralph - DL2NDO, Ralph - DK3GH, Roland - DL3NDR, Franz - DL5NER
end of relayed message
Good luck to the crew members and CUL.
73, Wolf (DL4YHF, active on 136kHz from DF0WD).
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