VK7AX > UIVIEW 17.11.07 01:05l 274 Lines 10029 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : VK7AX-1211AH
Subj: [ui-view] Digest Number 4321
Sent: 071111/2157Z @:VK7NW.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:29499 [NWTARIG] FBB7.00g $:VK7AX-1
There are 7 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1a. UI-View and local repeater object ?
From: Frank or Barbara Rossi
1b. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
From: Kai Gunter Brandt
1c. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
From: Keith VE7GDH
1d. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
From: Bob Burns W9RXR
1e. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
From: Gerhard
1f. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
From: Bob Burns W9RXR
1g. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
From: Frank or Barbara Rossi
1a. UI-View and local repeater object ?
Posted by: "Frank or Barbara Rossi" n3flr@bellatlantic.net n3flr
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:23 pm ((PST))
Is there a way to make UI-View work to create a local repeater object ?
Need UI-View to Tx a BText Like this one:
*;147.075IA*111111z4151.55N/09341.86WrN0QFK 147.075+ pl 114.8
*Played around with it.
Text field was to small and I could not get it to work truncated.
N3FLR - Frank
Messages in this topic (7)
1b. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
Posted by: "Kai Gunter Brandt" kai.brandt@hjemme.no kgb_winradio
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:03 pm ((PST))
>Frank or Barbara Rossi skrev:
Hit F5
Set this as the object name: 147.075IA
Remove *111111z
Enter object position: 4151.55N 09341.86W
Select object symbol
Then do the rest of the formating as specified in Bobs web page
N0QFK 147.075+ pl 114.8
Maybe add 147.075MHz in the text so that the TM-D710 can tune to the
Also read the comment about not using a aprs client to do this. If your
aprs digi is using ui-view and the repeater is at the same position then
this should work.
UI-View is also sending objects with a path and this does not comply
with this setup.
Theres probably a plugin for ui-view sending objects without a path. I
have made one but its not ready for general usage as its not 100% finished.
Kai Gunter
Messages in this topic (7)
1c. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
Posted by: "Keith VE7GDH" ve7gdh@yahoo.com ve7gdh
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:26 pm ((PST))
Frank N3FLR wrote...
> > Is there a way to make UI-View work to create a local repeater object ?
> > http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/localinfo.html
> > Need UI-View to Tx a BText Like this one:
> > *;147.075IA*111111z4151.55N/09341.86WrN0QFK 147.075+ pl 114.8
> > *Played around with it. Text field was to small and I could not get it to
> > work truncated.
Yes, As Kai pointed out, just click on the map and hit F5. That will take
care of the lat/long for you. Put the frequency / state 147.075IA in the
"identifier" field. Select the appropriate symbol from the drop-down list.
The tone can go in the comment field... e.g. _T114 R25m would be a
114.8 tone and a range of 25 miles. The "_" is a space, not an underscore.
However... it will go out using the path in your station setup, and at the
rate specified in setup - miscellaneous. Unless you are using NO PATH in
your station setup, and your coverage is similar to the repeater, you
shouldn't really be creating a repeater object. It's a job best left to the
local digi which can fire it off every 10 minutes with no path, thus keeping
it local.
There will be individual cases where it can be argued that the path used in
station setup will cover roughly the same area as the repeater coverage, but
consider the consequences of your path, location, coverage of digis that
will respond to your path and so on. If you can get the local digi that
coverage the most similar to the voice repeater to set it up, it will do the
most good with the least impact.
73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
Messages in this topic (7)
1d. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
Posted by: "Bob Burns W9RXR" k4rxr_@rlburns.net k4rxr
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:37 pm ((PST))
At 03:23 PM 11/10/2007, Frank or Barbara Rossi wrote:
> >Is there a way to make UI-View work to create a local repeater object ?
> >http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/localinfo.html
> >
> >Need UI-View to Tx a BText Like this one:
> >*;147.075IA*111111z4151.55N/09341.86WrN0QFK 147.075+ pl 114.8
I think the easiest way to do this is to use the Object Editor to
create an object that UI-View will periodically transmit.
1. Go to Action | Object Editor in the menus or press F5 on the keyboard.
2. Enter "147.075IA" as the Identifier.
3. Enter "41.51.55N" and "93.41.86W" for the Latitude and Longitude.
4. Enter "N0QFK 147.075+ pl 114.8" for the Comment. Actually, in
order to follow WB4APR's protocol for repeater objects, the Comment
should be "+600 T114 N0QFK". That leaves you a few more characters
for your club name, email address, or web site URL.
5. Click the pull-down arrow next to Symbol and scroll to "Antenna".
6. Make sure Active Object is checked.
7. Click OK.
To make sure you are configured to transmit object, go to Setup |
miscellaneous in the menu. Object interval should be something like
30 minutes. Once you've done all this, UI-View should send your
repeater object once every 30 minutes. The object will be transmitted
with the station callsign you have programmed into UI-View.
By the way, WB4APR recommends that you name the object for a repeater
with positive offset something like "147.075+". Unfortunately,
because of a quirk in Findu, if you use that name, Findu will report
that your object doesn't exist.
I routinely transmit my club's repeater as an object with UI-View.
You can see it at:
Messages in this topic (7)
1e. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
Posted by: "Gerhard" f5vag.eu@gmail.com f5vag
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 2:05 pm ((PST))
On Nov 10, 2007 9:35 PM, Bob Burns W9RXR <k4rxr_@rlburns.net> wrote:
> > By the way, WB4APR recommends that you name the object for a repeater
> > with positive offset something like "147.075+". Unfortunately,
> > because of a quirk in Findu, if you use that name, Findu will report
> > that your object doesn't exist.
This isn't a quirk in findu. In a URL the + stands for a space.
You have to write %2b in a URL to get the +.
-- 73 de Gerhard, F5VAG / DL7MW f5vag.eu, france.aprs2.net Messages in this topic (7) ________________________________________________________________________ 1f. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ? Posted by: "Bob Burns W9RXR" k4rxr_@rlburns.net k4rxr Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 3:55 pm ((PST)) At 05:05 PM 11/10/2007, Gerhard wrote:
> >On Nov 10, 2007 9:35 PM, Bob Burns W9RXR <k4rxr_@rlburns.net> wrote:
> >
> >snip
> >
>> > > By the way, WB4APR recommends that you name the object for a repeater
>> > > with positive offset something like "147.075+". Unfortunately,
>> > > because of a quirk in Findu, if you use that name, Findu will report
>> > > that your object doesn't exist.
> >
> >This isn't a quirk in findu. In a URL the + stands for a space.
> >You have to write %2b in a URL to get the +.
> >Like:
> >http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?call=147.255%2b
Thanks, Gerhard. Your explanation makes sense.
Here's what WB4APR posted on the TAPR APRSSIG mailing list a few days ago:
> >There is a problem with the "+" that FINDU has not had time to
> >workaround. And steve is very busy, but the objects are captured,
> >just not able to be displayed yet. So give him time to come up with
> >a workaround. This problem only exists with objects with a "+" in
> >the object name.
As the trustee for one repeater with a positive offset and vice
president of a club that owns another positive offset repeater, this
plus sign situation is significant to me.
Messages in this topic (7)
1g. Re: UI-View and local repeater object ?
Posted by: "Frank or Barbara Rossi" n3flr@bellatlantic.net n3flr
Date: Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:57 pm ((PST))
Thank you all that responded.
I got it working.
N3FLR - Frank
On 11/10/2007 4:03 PM, Kai Gunter Brandt wrote:
> > >Frank or Barbara Rossi skrev:
> >
> > Hit F5
> >
> > Set this as the object name: 147.075IA
> > Remove *111111z
> > Enter object position: 4151.55N 09341.86W
> > Select object symbol
> > Then do the rest of the formating as specified in Bobs web page
> > N0QFK 147.075+ pl 114.8
> >
> > Maybe add 147.075MHz in the text so that the TM-D710 can tune to the
> > frequency.
> >
> > Also read the comment about not using a aprs client to do this. If your
> > aprs digi is using ui-view and the repeater is at the same position then
> > this should work.
> > UI-View is also sending objects with a path and this does not comply
> > with this setup.
> > Theres probably a plugin for ui-view sending objects without a path. I
> > have made one but its not ready for general usage as its not 100% finished.
> >
> > Kai Gunter
> > LA3QMA
> >
Messages in this topic (7)
Please see <http://www.apritch.myby.co.uk/uiv32.htm> for UI-View registration information.
Precision Mapping version 8 works with UI-View32; the necessary additional PMapServer7 is available for download at <http://www.ui-view.org>.
At <http://wa8lmf.net/aprs/UIview_Notes.htm>, you will find useful hints and info for your UI-View setup and use.
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