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South African Ham Radio UFO Interest Group. Known as (SAHRUIG).
NEWS Volume 1 News letter No.253
Don't forget to "LOOK UP TO THE SKIES" you may see something exiting.
Your Comments, Sightings or UFO/Paranormal stories will be welcomed and
are needed. When submitting Sighting reports please send as much detail as
Address them via Packet to ZS2ABF @ ZS0ELD.ECP.ZAF.AF
Posted to BBS : 08/04/2009
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Southwest Scotland Hit In The Chest By A UFO (Wrinkled Skin Beings)
Date: N/A
Time: 3:30 p.m.
I was ten years old, I was walking alone coming home from school in a remote
part of S.W.
Scotland around 3.30 in the afternoon. I looked towards the hills where I saw
an orange light. I
watched it and slowly realized that it was going to hit me. Before it collided
with me I saw it
resembled a teardrop composed of many different smaller teardrops of yellow,
orange and red
colours. It hit me in the chest and I passed out. Later my brother found me
unconscious on the
grass verge of the road. My parents believed my story and took me to hospital
where I was given
an EEG. This showed high alpha wave activity in my brain. I remember being
inside a small room
with an old man with very wrinkled skin. Since then I have seen UFOs on three
further occasions
but no contact. Once I watched something overhead on a beach in Crete with two
friends. We
'lost' time and were sunburned afterwards.
Culver, Oregon Large Bright UFO Hovering Above Sub Station
Date: November 1975
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Big round bright
Weather Conditions: Clear cold stars out winter night
Description: Big bright lighted vehicle hovering over the top of a electric
sub station about 100-
200 feet above it. We stopped to look at it as it hovered over the sub station
that was 1/2 mile
away then the light started to move to the south east and started at a slow
speed but buy the time
it went over culver butte it was going at the speed that I have never seen at
the time I was in the
marine corp. reserves and had seen exht. Of some very fast planes but nothing
like this that went
from a stand still to a speed I couldn't even comprehend to this day I don't
talk much about it
because everyone just looks at me in disbelief even my sister who was with me
doest like to talk
about it and she was driving when I spotted it and ask her to stop so we could
watch it, it went
from a stand still to high speed in less than 2 seconds I believe there things
out there that we are
not getting answers to one time encounters but once is enough.
8 Miles South Of Forest, Ontario Massive UFO
Date: Victoria Day, mid 1980's
Time: Beginning dusk 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: 8 miles south of Forest, Ontario Canada.
Number of witnesses: 12
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Triangular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting:I would somehow like to briefly speak to
you, as I am
somewhat reluctant, as I have never publicly spoke of this before other than
to my wife who was
present at the time of this event and at the time to (name removed of),
Sarnia, Ontario who was
the local/regional investigator for MUFON at the time. This event was not
lights in the sky, but
an object of massive size, very near to us and at a very low altitude
(3,000-5,000) feet would be
generous. If this had not been a such a life altering event for myself, I
might have never reached
out to your site.
The amount of quality and detail of the object is really hard to believe let
alone comprehend and
I want to pass it on to someone who I consider (In the expertise), you, will
not judge, but take it
for what it was. Reports of the object also seen by motorists on HWY. 402 were
posted in local
newspapers the next day only to disappear from any records or archives later.
There is no
record/microfiche or other of the reports that were published. There is
no-doubt in my mind, I
read the articles as others did, but there is no records whatsoever to be
found. This is just but one
of the many after accounts related to, but no-less bizarre details. Enough
said, If you want to
hear a, with all sincerity, a event that occurred and with most of the details
remembered, as there
is not a day, that I do not give it a thought, and this could become quite
lengthy, when all is said
and done. Lights in the sky! ? You've got
nothing on me! In all sincerity.
Walbridge, Ohio, USA A Large Black Triangular UFO
Date: March 13, 1998
Time: 3:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1 known
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangular.
Weather Conditions: Calm and clear.
Hi my names [removed] and in March of 98 around 3 am I seen a ufo slowly
moving above my
house in Walbridge, Oh which is 3-4 miles south east of Toledo, OH. I didn't
notice it at first due
to the fact that I was on my porch smoking a cigarette. But I noticed my dog
was acting like she
was scared her tail was tucked in between her legs and she was looking up at
the sky.
I shrugged it off thinking it was bats. But a moment later she was still
acting the same way so I
walked down to her and looked up and seen a large black triangular object with
a red light, green
light and blue light moving at an impossibly slow speed for such a large
object so low in the sky.
It appeared to be only a few hundred yards above my house. After staring in
amazement for a
few moments watching it slowly creep down my street I ran upstairs and woke up
my mom to
tell her, I ran back downstairs to see it again and it had vanished. But there
were helicopters
flying around the area where I had last seen it.
There is an active airfield known as Metcalf Field on the outskirts of
Walbridge and anyone that
lives there for any period of time can quickly tell the difference between
plane, helicopter and the
unknown. After watching the air traffic in that area for a while I went to
bed. I wasn't in bed for
more than 5 minutes when my dog ran downstairs and started ferociously barking
and growling
which was not the norm for my dog she barely ever barked and if she did it
wasn't in the manner
that she did on that evening.
A little background on me I was 18 at the time perfectly sober and scared out
of my mind. I
guess the point I'm getting to, is the last few years I have been looking for
other people who
might seen the same thing in my area or, if there are any reports or anything
that might shed some
light on that evening and if so could you possibly point me in the right
Calabasas, California V Or Triangular Shaped UFO
Date: November 14, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: V shaped or Triangular.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: My husband and I were having dinner outside on our deck in the
Calabasas Hills at
6:30 pm when this silent huge V shaped craft passed over us. It was about a 90
degree angle. It
had red blinking lights which were going on and off at different times, in no
apparent order. We
called our son and his friend out and we all watched it go over the SF valley
in a Northern
direction. It was going from South to North, and since the ocean is just South
of us, it must have
been coming from the ocean in Malibu. We figure it must have been the size
across of at least
eight 747s.
When I came inside, I Googled "Red blinking UFO triangular..." and amazingly,
a year before,
almost to the day on Nov 13 2007 there was a report and a lengthy video two
nearly hysterical
girls made of the exact craft moving in the same direction. When they saw and
taped it, it was
near Fresno.
Follow-on Email:
My family and I also saw the triangle that the Long Beach family saw in the
Los Angeles area on
November 14th 2008. Feeling, at that time, the need to "do something", I
reported it immediately
to as many reporting sites as I could find on the internet including MUFON,
but I have only seen
it actually appear on one, and it's been kind of a let down. I thought that we
were alone in our
sighting. I had recently put off thinking about it because it was so strange
and unexplainable, and
when you see something like that, it's hard to talk to other people about it.
Even my husband, who was excited at the time, later tried to convince me that
it may have been
the Goodyear Blimp! Until I saw the Long Beach woman's drawings, I was ready
to put the
whole thing on the back burner of my mind, in resignation.
Seeing those drawings, and reading her story, as well as the story from the
other couple in West
LA, I feel a renewed sense of wonder, and some kind of need to connect with
someone else who
saw it.
Whitby North Yorkshire UK Two Oval Orange Colored Objects
Date: January 24, 2009
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Oval
Weather Conditions: Mainly clear some cloud in places
Description: There was two large oval orange lights travel across the sky from
over the top of
Blue Bank Hill towards Whitby then out to sea. I stopped the car got out I had
only noticed one
at 1st. I have taken photos with my mobile phone which make these appear to be
either moving
rapidly in different directions or they are of a stringy appearance. There was
no noise or flashing
lights like you get from planes and they were much bigger than plane lights I
have photos which I
can email as I feel my description does not them justice I would be very
grateful on any help as I
would really like to know what these lights are.
Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at
the UFO
Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the
following reply:
No it was not one of those ufo balloons, 100% it was not a balloon.....this
seemed to glide slow
then suddenly it covered a huge distance and that night there was 1 very
bright star on that
mountain, and that thing just went behind and out of sight of the star out of
atmosphere........definitely not a balloon I know that much. Thanks.
Hoveton, Norfolk, United Kingdom A Triangle Object
Date: January 29, 2009
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: At about 21.30 on 29th January a triangle object appeared outside
of my window. It
had a light on each corner and a moving red light through the middle. At first
I thought it was a
plane but then it began to hover, it stayed completely still for about 5
minutes before heading off
extremely quickly in a direction it was not previously travelling.
Woodstock/Thamesford, Ontario Large Glowing Ball of Light
Date: February 15, 2009
Time: 9:15 p.m. - 9:23 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round/Disc Shape.
Weather Conditions: Cloudy.
Description: My wife and I were driving home to Woodstock from London on
Highway #2.
About 3-4 minutes after passing Thamesford my wife said "The moon looks really
weird" and
pointed out the passenger side window. What I saw was a large glowing ball of
light that was
about half the size of the moon. It was a very cloudy night and the moon was
not visible. It
seemed to stay perfectly aligned with our car as we drove along the highway.
It would shrink
into a much smaller disc shape and then grow into the large ball of light.
This happened 4 or 5
times over the 8 minutes we saw it. About 5 minutes outside of Woodstock it
shrunk and then
flew straight up into the sky like a shooting star and vanished. The batteries
in our MP3 player
died which was very weird because it was full when we left London. There were
other cars on
the highway and I wanted to know if anyone saw it too.
Bacchus Marsh, Victoria Two UFOs
Date: February 15, 2009
Time: 10.30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Square/round
Weather Conditions: Clear night....a little smoke haze from the
bushfires...but very minimal
Description: My mate and I were looking at the stars and noticed what appeared
to be a satellite
directly overhead. We watched its path for 30 seconds travelling in a
northerly direction, and
then we noticed another satellite (directly overhead as well but travelling in
a sth/west direction.
We watched the second sats path and it looked as though it was dodging space
debris and not
maintaining a perfectly straight path. We both thought this was a little odd.
We watched it till it
wasn't visible but then in roughly the same patch of sky was a blue flash of
light. A brilliant
indigo blue that flickered twice then 3-4 secs later flashed again briefly for
a split second. We
both believe it was very unusual and not of this world....we've never seen
anything like it....45*
in the sky but not that far away.....possibly 15 - 20 km away east towards
Melbourne direction.
No prop or jet plane was heard before or after.
We both saw exactly the same thing, same color and no sound. And no it wasn't
a meteor, as I
see them regularly and know the difference.
This experience was very short but profound.
No shape to the sighting only a bright blue light flashing twice in different
places. The second
flash appeared approx 3 secs after the first but seemed to be 20k from the
first. It could of been
one UFO or two....it happened very quickly and we looked for more indications
of the same
without luck.
Definitely unusual...and I get the feeling it was not of this world. I often
look in the sky at
comets in the low east and meteors quiet often and planes from Tullamarine to
Adelaide travel
over Bacchus Marsh, as well we have an aerodrome ... Dad is a pilot and I grew
up reading
warbird books as well as have been to Oskosh air show. I know the difference
between usual and
unusual....it wasn't a helicopter either. It was simply a weird electric blue
light. Like blue plasma.
Cancun, Mexico Numerous UFOs Moving Around One Another
Date: March 28, 2009
Time: 12:00 a.m. or 1:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Mexico.
Number of witnesses: Me and resort staff.
Number of Objects: 5
Shape of Objects: Stars.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I'm so glad somebody else seen them. I
seen the third shift
guys staring into sky next to the pool from my patio at the Real Resort
Carribe in Cancun Mexico.
Funniest thing was, that the Mexicans working there didn't seem all that
surprised. I don't
speak good Spanish, but they pointed out to me what they were watching and
here's what I saw. They were moving about randomly as I began watching, 5 or 6
of them, then
they formed into a huge square/triangle pattern in the sky around two others
who began falling
towards the earth spinning around each other as they fell. "Looked like dog
fighting stars"
They then stopped falling and shot back up in between the others travelling up
at them perfectly
parallel to each other. Their movement was so obvious in the night sky. "They
looked just like
stars." If they weren't moving about, I would have easily mistaken them for
stars in
constellations. Reminded me of pilots at an air show. It was like a parade in
that they showed up,
did a show, then moved on down the beach. I went up to the roof to try and
still see them but
they had moved to far off. It was obvious that they were showing off or
training for air combat.
The fact that they did that over Cancun on spring break says something too. So
am I supposed to
believe in scientology now? Sorry. That event changes the way I think. It was
amazing. Seen it on TV. Never thought I'd see it in person.
Bingley, West Yorkshire, UK 6 To 8 Orange Lights
Date: April 4, 2009
Time: 10:18 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Bingley, West Yorkshire, UK.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 6-8
Shape of Objects: Circular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Travelling at altitude and high speed, a
succession (6-8
observed) of bright, steady orange lights moving from west to east at
approximately 45 second
intervals. Most travelled constantly but one disappeared when overhead,
another two moved off
South at high speed, one of which appeared to have a bit of a tail.
Later we saw a large, hollow unlit cylindrical shape at much lower altitude
descending gently as
if in free fall. The cylinder appeared to be approx 100 ft in diameter, about
twice as long and
made of fabric, flexing gently in its descent. At its present rate of descent
it should have landed
in the vicinity of Baildon or Otley, but unfortunately passed out of sight
behind trees before we
could determine its likely landing site.
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This document is shared information that is intended to assist anyone and
everyone with a further understanding of UFO information from around the
Our usual thanks go to Brian Vike for his Canadian contribution.
73's and Bye from Peter ZS2ABF - East London, South Africa.
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