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HB9ABX > TECHNIK  23.08.20 14:12l 206 Lines 9645 Bytes #999 (999) @ WW
Subj: Magnetic Loop Antenna
Path: DB0FHN
Sent: 200823/1312z @:DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU [JN59NK Nuernberg] obcm1.07b12 LT:999
From: HB9ABX @ DB0FHN.#BAY.DEU.EU (Felix)
X-Info: Sent with login password

Magnetic Loop Antenna = MagLoop, Small Transmitting Loop

    A loop antenna is called "magnetic loop" if the circumference of the loop
is smaller than 0.35 wavelength.
    The magnetic loop antenna is an extremely efficient short wave antenna for
the small size it constitutes.
    It consists of a loop radiator made of copper or aluminium tubing and a
tuning capacitor. The size of the antenna is very small as compared to the size
of a traditional antenna as dipole, beam, quad or vertical. The diameter of the
loop is in the range of 1/10 to 1/100 of the wavelength.
    The antenna works primarily with the magnetic component of the EM field,
which extends to the both EM components on larger distance. For that reason the
antenna operates well close to ground and radiates a much stronger signal than
a dipole when both are close to ground.
    Surely, a full size dipole mounted in its optimal hight radiates better
than a magnetic loop, but due its efficiency at low height the magnetic loop is
an excellent portable antenna or may be used well as indoor antenne when
external antennas are not permitted.
    The capacitor of the antenna needs to be remotely adjustable to allow a
frequency tuning range from 1:2 or 1:3. When properly built, the SWR is below
1.1 on the tuned frequency over the full tuning range.

    The bandwidth is always very small and covers only a few KHz. The high Q of
the antenna allows a selective receiption and suppresses effectively QRM of
nearby BC stations, as well as other QRM.
    Here I am using 2 loop antennas, one for 3.5 to 10 MHz and one for
    14 to 30 Mhz, both antennas with only 85cm diameter, below the roof.
    The 14 to 30 MHZ antenna with 50 W output allows for regular worldwide
contacts with good results.
    The antenna can be built easily as homebrew project if one can find or
build a suitable capacitor.

    Below you will find a loop calculation program for your own design together
with detailed
    instrucions for magnetic loop antennas from 3.5 to 30 MHZ.


    Mag-Loop calculation program (DL0HST) in German
    read here:

    Circuit fo motor control   

    Construction of Mag-Loop  (portable / indoor 14 - 30 MHZ)

    Construction of Mag Loop 
    Control through Coax  

    Magnetic Loop Antenna : Construction hints
    The following instructions should be observed
    for successful construction and operation of magnetic loop antennas:

    The radiated field is very concentrated and may produce health problems.
    Therefore, one has to keep distance to antenna of at least 5 meters
    if the power exceeds 10 watts.

    Coupling to the loop is done mostly at the lower side of the loop and the
    tuning capacitor is placed on top. Due to mechanical stability I installed
the capacitor with motor on the bottom and the coupling loop on the top without
having any change in HF radiation.

    There exist several different coupling systems, but the following one
    proved to be the best, which was developed by me recently(ABXKOPPEL):

    Inductive coupling system using a wire loop, which is led close to the main
loop, at the center
    of the main loop in the length of half the diameter of the main loop. Then,
from both ends leading
    to the center, and from there slightly twisted to the output of the 1:1
current balun.
    The input of the current balun connects to the 50 Ohm feeding coax.
    The wire of this coupling loop is isolated copper wire of 0.6mm diameter
(AWG 22). The diameter
    may be up to 1mm (AWG 18), and thicker wire is in no way better.
    The construction is seen in this picture ABXKOPPEL .
    The advantage of this coupling system is, that the SWR remains below 1.1
over the full frequency
    range of the antenna! All the other coupling systems require readjustment
if you change to an other
    frequency band to obtain minimum SWR.
    The precise adjustment is done at the final installation location. This is
done by lifting or
    lowering the center point of the coupling loop where the twisting of the
wire begins, by pulling
    an isolated  guy wire slightly up or down until the SWR is below 1.1.
    In free field, the center point is somewhat higher, in a building or below
a roof somewhat lower.
    The indicated length of half loop diameter is near to the optimal length.
    If a sufficient low SWR cannot be reached, then the length of the abxkoppel
should be reduced by 1cm and the
    SWR measured again. If the SWR now is lower, then the length has to reduced
further; if the SWR
    is higher, the length should become greater. With a few cm of modification
the optimal length can
    easily be found. There is no soldering required to do this modification. As
a result, the twisted line will
    become a bit longer or shorter, which has no influence.

    Dimension of ABXKOPPEL for the 3 turn loop of 85cm diameter:
    Length of couple loop tightly led aside the main loop: 43cm
               Horizontal length: 40cm (2 x 20cm from corner to center)
               Length of twisted wires: 12cm (this length is uncritical)
     - In general: length of couple loop, tightly aside of main loop: half main
loop diameter.

    -   -   -  

    In the following part, other coupling systems are described, some using
inductive coupling,
    some capacitive coupling, or galvanic coupling.

    The easiest one being justa simple wire loop a wire loop as you see here.
    Here you see a capacitive coupling and here you see a gamma coupling.
    The position of the coupling loop is inside the loop, exactly opposite
    to the capacitor. At this point, the voltage of the transmit loop is zero.
    The distance between coupling loop and transmit loop varies from 0 to 6
    By changing this distance, the lowest SWR is adjusted. Fine adjustment
    can be done by changing the form of the coupling loop, wider or smaller.

    A good coupling loop is the symmetrical loop which you see on this

    The environment close to the loop influences this adjustment.
    With proper adjustment an SWR lower than 1.1 can be reached.

    Main loop and coupling loop should not be connected directly, as RF
    could be misbalanced and produce surface waves on the feeding coax,
    which in turn can produce TVI or BCI in the building.
    However, the main loop may be charged by static electricity and discharges
    by producing QRM bursts.
    Static charging of the antenna is preventd by connecting a 1 KOhm
    resistor to the center of the main loop, and the other side of the
    resistor is connected to ground or to the shield of the feeding coax.

    The main loop may be made of tubing (copper or aluminum) or thick coax
cable. If coax cable is used (RG213 or RG8 or similar) the inner
    conductor and the braid (= shielding/ground) is soldered together
    at both ends. These ends are then connected to the capacitor.
    Very high current flows in the main loop. Therefore, thick and short
    copper wires are required to connect the tuning capacitor.

    In tubes, the current flows only on the surface due to the skin effect,
    therefore the use of foil is an interesting method.
    Very efficient and lightwight loops can be built by using a thick plastic
    support (ring)and placing copper foils over this structure.
    The foil can be placed in narrow strips in the direction of the loop
    circumference, as placing the foil in one step produces crumpling.

    The form of the main loop may be squared, n-squared or round.
    The round form is most efficient as the losses are minimal.
    (Best ratio of  L:R).


    Nearby environment affects the SWR.
    In free field, the body of the loop should be 2 loop diameters above
    Good are 5 loops diameter hight, higher elevation gives only small signal

    If the loop is installed below the roof, then keep 10 to 30 cm space below
    roof brick and avoid nearby lines and metallic constructions.
    Note that the roof above the loop should not be a closed metallic

    It's important to observe that the feeding coax below the loop is kept
    in the symmetric center between the two half loops straight downward
    at the length of one loop diameter.
    By not observing this rule, RFI may be generated !

    In any case, I recommend to insert a broadband current balun into the
    feeding coax, directly before the coupling loop , to prevent any surface
currents on the feeding coax line.

    The loop capacitor needs to withstand high voltages and high currents.
    Butterfly capacitors are a very good choice as they have no sliding
contacts. Variable vacuum capacitors are an excellent choice.
    100 watts RF power produce about 4000 volts on the capacitor

    A DC motor with strong reduction (about 2000:1) serves to
    control the capacitor. Suitable motors can be found in airplane
    or car model shops.
    (E.G: Robbe No.4103 with 2430:1 reduction).
    Grill motors may serve also fine.
    Please note that there is a high voltage isolation required between
    motor and capacitor.

    I recommend to use pulsed DC current to control precisely DC motors.
    By adjusting pulse ratio properly, small increments may be controlled


    The remote control motor may be fed through the same coax
    feeding the loop, hereby no separate control cable is required.
    See link under: Control through coax.

Best 73, Felix  HB9ABX 

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