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G8MNY  > TECH     19.02.15 16:07l 386 Lines 21182 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 22695_GB7CIP
Subj: T500M 12V 500W HF Linear
Sent: 150219/1209Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:22695 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

By G8MNY                                 (Updated Jan 14)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)

I bought an old (1977) large commercial Trans World Electronics Inc, 12V HF Amp
for "MEDIUM POWER Air/Ship/Army" use. at a local junk sale.

       ///////////////////////³  2-30MHz, 4x 150W push pull amps in parallel.
      /////////////////////// ³  > 10dB gain, 70W max drive.
     ///////////////////////  /³ IMD 3rd Order -32dB @-500W, -36dB @ 400W.
    ///////////////////////  / ³ PA harmonics to better than -43dB.
   ///////////////////////  /  ³ 13.6V @ 75 Amps needed for full 600W output!
  ///////////////////////  /  /  1kW DC input, Infinite SWR rated, <2:1 recom.
 ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ /  /   15A charger & car battery will power it (SSB).
ÚÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ¿  /    Thermal 70øC heatsink shutdown.
³T500M      __     ____  ³ /     Over current 75A trip (high SWR & over drive).
³  o<ð     [__]   [____] ³/      Manual & Remote operation (On & Band select).

It was cheap as it had a fault & it came with the handbook, so I expected a
problems. On examination it basically worked OK "no blown amps", but it had a
faulty band switch. That was just a "light contact" on the single wafer switch,
causing non operation, or no "band filter relay selected" (no RF output path!)
& easily fixed once the switch was stripped down.

                        Rx & low power through path
RIG____/    ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿50êÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿       ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿50ê     ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿     \___ANT
       |ÀÄÄÄ´AttenÃÄÄÄ´Splitter³       ³CombinerÃÄÄÄÄÂÄ/Ä´FilterÃÄ\ÄÂÙ|
       | Max            ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄ´PA1ÃÄÄÙ ³ ³ ³      ³   ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿   ³
       |                ³ ³ ³200êÀÄÄÄÙ200ê³ ³ ³      ÃÄ/Ä´FilterÃÄ\Ä´
       |                ³ ³ ³    ÚÄÄÄ¿    ³ ³ ³      ³ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ | ³
PTT>ÄÄÄÙ Drive ÚÄÄÄÄ¿   ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ´PA2ÃÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³      ³   ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿   ³
             /Ä´BiasÃÄ> ³ ³  200êÀÄÄÄÙ200ê  ³ ³      ÃÄ/Ä´FilterÃÄ\Ä´
             ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÙ   ³ ³      ÚÄÄÄ¿      ³ ³      ³ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ | ³
     Trip    ³          ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ´PA3ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³      ³   ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿   ³
      ÚÄÄ¿ DC³          ³    200êÀÄÄÄÙ200ê    ³      ÃÄ/Ä´FilterÃÄ\Ä´
12V___³/_³_/ÄÁÄ>        ³        ÚÄÄÄ¿        ³      ³ | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ | ³
      ÀÄÄÙ |            ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´PA4ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ      ³   ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿   ³
           |                 200êÀÄÄÄÙ200ê           ÀÄ/Ä´FilterÃÄ\ÄÙ
Band Switch|                                           | ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ |
or Remote>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

L A Y O U T  (Bottom cover off)
 ³ ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  Äij
Þ³~~~~~ÄÄ  Pot            PushPull   |  ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿              ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÃÄ¿
ݳ100  ³ Bias         =()=´±±±±³Output  ³Relay³ >15MHz Filter³Relay³ ÃÄÙRig
ݳAmp  ³Circuit   [±] PA1 Transformers   ~~~~~                ~~~~~  ³SO239
Þ³Meter³          [±] =()=´±±±±³     |  ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿              ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³
 ³-----~~5R [±]Input                    ³Relay³8-15MHz Filter³Relay³ ³ÜÛ 13.6V
 ³          [±]Spliter=()=´±±±±³     |   ~~~~~                ~~~~~ /³+ß DC 75A
 ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄ.   [±]   [±] PA2      ³ÚÄÄÄÄ¿  ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿              ÚÄÄÄÄĿݳ-Ü Wing
 ³75A DC ÃÄÄ[±]   [±] =()=´±±±±³³ DC ³  ³Relay³ 5-8MHz Filter³Relay³Û³ßÛ Nuts
/³ON/OFF ³__Üßßßß     =()=´±±±±³ÀÄÄÄÄÙ  ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿              ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³12 Way
ß³======' PushPull[±] PA3      ³     |  ³Relay³ 3-5MHz Filter³Relay³ ³Jones
 ³Drive³    Driver[±] =()=´±±±±³ [±±]Output~~~                ~~~~~  ³Socket
 ³Relay³   Transformers          [±±]CombinerÄ¿              ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³
 ³~~~~~               =()=´±±±±³ [±±]|  ³Relay³ 2-3MHz Filter³Relay³ ³
 ³| ThermSw       [±] PA4      ³ [±±]    ~~~~~                _____  ³SO239
Û³|Band           [±] =()=´±±±±³     |                       ³ Ant ³ ÃÄ¿Ant
 ³|Switch                         :RF lead:                  ³Relay³ ÃÄÙ
 ³ ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ  ÄÄ~~Äij

Protection is from 75A fast magnetic trip for bad SWR & over drive, it has an
external calibrated shunt, & the 100A ammeter uses 10cm of the thick DC lead as
it's calibrated shunt.

The bias is a simple 2 transistor thermally tracked circuit provides up to 2.2A
of current @ 0.69V for the 4 class AB push pull amps. Excluding bias current
the total PA quiescent current should be 1.6-2A, (it does give the best two
tone linearity results at around that level. See 5/)

P A R A L L E L   A M P S
The 4 identical push pull Amps use pairs of PT9847 100W HF transistors with 5:1
ferrite rings stacked on 2x 1/2 turn brass tubes transformers, small ones for
the drives & much larger ones for the outputs. A large amount of RF NFB is (for
good linearity) provided by 47ê 5W & u1 collector to base on each transistor.

                                         Input & Output Transformers use...
             NFBÚÄ47Ä¿       1:5        Input 3 rings/side, Output 5 rings/side
200ê  5:1    u1===   ÃÄÂÄÄÄÄÄ¿  ______      Collector ÄÄ´±± ±± ±± ±± ±±Ã+PCB
ÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄ´<  ³     ³|( 200ê             or Base    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tube
5W    )|³            Á ³1n2 _)|( 5 Turn             /////______________ \\\\\
5 Turn)|(___          ===  ³ )|( Output         5  |||||³±± ±± ±± ±± ±±³ |||||
Input )|(   ³ u1ÚÄ47Ä¿ ³   ³ ³|( 150W         turns|||||               Ã+|||||
      )|³   ³  ===   ÃÄÁÄÄÄ)ÄÙ|(                   |||||³±± ±± ±± ±± ±±³ |||||
      )|ÀÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÁÄÄ´<      ³   Á                    \\\\\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/////
      Á bias´        ³e    ÃÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄ+12V             tube______________
0.6V @0.7A ===2u2    ³  u1=== ===1mF @18A   Collector ÄÄ´±± ±± ±± ±± ±±Ã+PCB

The inputs & outputs are wired up from the drive splitter & to the output
combiner with staggered lead lengths, so all the RF signals ends up exactly in
        ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ>PA1>ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿       Splitter & combiner both have out of
        (|_100R_            _100R_|)       balance dump 100R to soak up any amp
       _(|  1W  ³200ê      ³  5W  |)_      differences for best stability &
      ³ (|_100R_³AMPS      ³_100R_|) ³     linearaity. Ferrite ring & tube
      ³ (|  1W  ³          ³  5W  |) ³     construction like transformers.
Drive>´SPLITTER ³          ³ COMBINERÃ>50ê  100       100  100       100
 30W  ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄ>PA3>ÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³600W   ³ ___ ___ ³    ³ ___ ___ ³
      ³ (|_100R_³          ³_100R_|) ³      _³|___X___|³_  _³|___X___|³_
      ³_(|  1W  ³      200ê³  5W  |)_³      ±³|³±   ±³|³±  ±³|³±   ±³|³±
        (|_100R_³      AMPS³_100R_|)        ±³|³±   ±³|³±  ±³|³±   ±³|³±
        (|  1W                5W  |)        ~~|~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~|~~\Drive
        ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ>PA4>ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ         PA1     PA2    PA3     PA4  Output

There are 10 relays that switch in 1 of the 5 QRO 2 section PI band low pass
filters, & reduce the quite high PA harmonics to > -43dB.
N.B. there is no PA RF output path without a band pair of relays operated!

  ______Relay                 Relay______      Band      C1&C3        C2 
 From   /ÄÄÂÄÄ())))ÄÄÂÄÄ())))ÄÄÂÄÄ\   To      2-3MHz   390+430p  750+680+270p 
Combiner³  ³    L    ³    L    ³  ³  Aerial   3-5MHz   390+120p    750+270p    
        ³ ===       ===       === ³  Relay    5-8MHz   270+47p     430+200p
        ³  ³C1       ³C2     C3³  ³           8-15MHz   82+82p     200+150p

The Cs are all 2-3kV RF types. The Ls are wound 2cm ferrite rings or air for
the highest range. Using several Cs in parrellel not only gets the odd filter
value, but also gives greater current handeling & reduced lead inductance.    

H E A T S I N K 
At 25øC ambient in free air, the very large heatsink does not need a fan on 50%
duty SSB, despite only the front part getting quite hot. But carrier modes are
to be avoided (input attenuator overheats on lower bands!) or the temperature
might rise above the thermal 70øC auto resetting cut off switch.

 Current was quite high in Rx mode, I found all the relays would operate OK
 down to 7V. So I added series Rs to reduce the currents by 30% for the slow to
 operate ones, & I used the added R voltage drop to light 2 status LEDs too...

          ÚAmmeter¿     ON                                Drive
      75A     ÚÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄ¿  ÚÄÄÁÄÄÄ¿ ===  PA   ÚÄÄÁÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÁÄÄ¿    Regulator
              ³  DC ON  ³  ³Filter³ _³_3000uF ³Drive³³ Ant ³
              ³Contactor³  ³Relays³ ///       ³Relay³³Relay³
             ÚÄ100Ä´         ³³³³³   Red   ÚÄ100Ä´      ³
      Green _³_    1W       oooooo    Tx  _³_    ³      ³
       ON <=\_/   75R      /³\       LED<=\_/   33R     ³
                oooooo      e\³                         ³
                ³      2N2905/³ Fbead                         80mA
               _³_         _³_
               ///         ///    Relay back EMF diodes & RF caps not shown

          Added components mounted on or near the band switch.

 Input & output filter relays (not in Rx path) are NOW only operated when the
 PTT is active, from a PNP emitter follower. The drive relay that also puts on
 the PA Bias, is last to operate wih a series LED too is also buffered. But the
 Ant relay must be faster, so it is left directly on the PTT line! These
 modification save about 300mA on standby & helps keeps the filter relay
 contacts clean! It also reduces the PTT current to 80mA (limited PTT current
 on my exciter's reed relay). And the slight voltage differences is all that is
 needed to ensure the relays all operate in the right sequence order, so no
 QRO RF contact splats.

 Only 3x 1000uF was fitted on my PA, the diagram showed 3x 2200uF, & having a
 large bag of similar 1000uF caps, I added 7 more symmetrically stacked up
 around the 4 amplifiers to give 10,000uF in all much more than that might weld
 up the DC contactor! Each of these Caps cane of unsoldered crimp connectors all adds up.
 So with amplifier into a dummy load, I use a DVM on 2V range from battery -ve
 & +ve to highlight where the voltage was being lost... drops on the leads,
 contactor, & tags. (If RF gets up your meter use 1k R in series as RF stopper
 at probe end)

 Metal case connection of the -ve terminal had not been used, it could reduce
 the internal earth wire loss, it was just bolted on painted panels. So I
 ground off the paint around the earth post, greased the bare aluminium to keep
 the air away, & bolted it up tightly. I did the same to rear panel to heatsink
 screws with lock washers etc.

 External DC cables, I use "starting grade cables" see "battery leads" below,

 There was no low current fuse, so I soldered in a 3A one in the small wiring
 feed (to the band switch) to reduce the risk of an internal fire!

 R4 turns on Q2, when Q2 emmiter > 0.6V, Q1 turns on reducing Q2 base drive.
 Value of R3 is used to see the exact bias voltage, R4 & supply voltage also
 affect the bias to slightly. R5 limits the max current, D2 is a safety
 feature. Q1 & D2 are thermally connected to the PA on the same heatsink.

 PTT Switched
          ³             R5I                        This circuit was slightly
          R4     Added  5R                         unstable when scoping
         270      47n  10W   Scope for             R5 (5R) so I added a small
          ³       Ú´Ã---³ <--1MHz oscillation!     capacitor base to collector
          ³       |   ³/c                          on the large MPN to stop it.
          ³ C6 === Q2 ³\e NPN       +690mV @ 2.2A
          ³ 2u2_³_      ÃÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÂÄ> via RFC to
          ³    ///      ³    ³   ³   Amp input
      NPN c\³           ³    ³   ³   transformers
     TIP29  ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´    ³   ³
          e/³ Q1       _³_  +³  2R2
  PA BIAS ³            \_/  ===  ³                 Components were not the
  QuescentÀ>5R       D2 ³  C7³   ³                 same as original diagram!
  Set 1-2A  R3          ³ 2u2³   ³

6/ ALC
 There is no ALC system on this AMP, & I am used to old Valve amp with a power
 ALC control. With PA ALC, the driver power is automatically set to the wanted
 level, & with the PA turned off your back to full bare foot power. So I
 designed this ALC circuit for this PA...

          R4       5R               ³
         270  PA  10W               ³
          ÀÄ>Bias<ÄÁÄÄ270ÄÄ¿       15K
            Circuit        ³ 2n2    ³
                           ÃÄĴÿ   ³     Front panel
                       PNP e\³  ³  10K    50W-600W
                    2N3703   ÃÄÄÁÄ>POWER  ALC Control
                    on POT  /³     POT
                     ÚÄÄÄÄÄ´       _³_
                    4K7   |³|      ///
                     ³     ³Fbead        Mounted on 12 way JONES plug
 Input            -ve³     ³         Fbeed  
 Drive       1N4148  ³     long wire     1N4148³   100   0V to -10V
 Atten              ===                        ³    ³ -
                  2n2³                        4K7  === 4u7
                    _³_                       _³_  _³_+20V
                    ///                       ///  ///

 The -ve supply for the ALC is derived from the RF on the attenuator after the
 DRIVE relay. The -ve after the 4K7 it is normally clamped to +ve by the PNP.
 But when the PA bias current (limited to 2.2A by 10W 5R) reaching the 8 PA
 bases, gives a voltage higher than that set on POWER POT & the clamping stops
 letting the -ve through. The series diode & 4K7 load mounted on the Jones plug
 ensures only -ve voltages are given to the exciter to reduce power drive. The
 4u7 & 100R give a sensiable ALC time constant action.

 My ALC works very well compaired with manually keeping the drive power always
 low enough at all times so the PA never clips. By using bias current demand, 
 it is quite effective at keeping the PA operating in it's linear region by
 reducing the driver power. This is because the large amount of NFB used around
 each PA in this commecial PA, that increases the PA's drive power as the amp
 gain falls off at full power. The sudden increase in bias current occures
 before the PA actually clips. So a usefull & accurate maximum drive threshold
 point that caters for any SWR, supply voltage, or Rig power setting etc!

 The input frequency compensating attenuator circuit was not as the diagram &
 the SWR was not all that good, dispite all components testing out OK.

 SWR   Original Input Match             SWR   Improved Input Match @ 50W
 1.7´           .ú'ú.                   1.7´
 1.5´'''''''''''     'ú..               1.5´
 1.3´                    ''''úúúúú      1.3´          ..ú''ú.        ..ú'
 1.1´                                   1.1´''''''''''       ''''''''
    1.8 3.5 5  7 10 14 18 21 24 28MHz      1.8 3.5 5  7 10 14 18 21 24 28MHz

    L1               39p                  L1                   39p
        L2(  ===   ÃÄ220Ä´  Splitter          ³    L2( ===   ÃÄ200Ä´  Splitter
          (   ³56p ÃÄ220Ä´                   ===     (  ³56p ÃÄ200Ä´
     ÚÄÄÄÂÁÄÄÂÁÄÄ¿ ÀÄ220Ä´                100p³   ÚÄÄÁÂÄÁÄ¿  ÃÄ200Ä´
    200 200 200 200     220                   ³  220 220 220 ÀÄ200ÄÙ
    _³_ _³_ _³_ _³_     _³_                  _³_ _³_ _³_ _³_
         Actual Circuit                          New Circuit

 There was a bump @ 10MHz & that is from the drive splitter load. L2 & 56pF
 disconnects the added load, as the 39pF bypasses the series attenuator Rs on
 the higher frequencies, to flatten the amp gain. The original diagram did not
 have 220R to ground, but had 20pF to ground @ the L1/2 junction. I found
 making this a 100pF (Tx grade) was better on 10m band & changing the load Rs
 around gave a better lower band input match.

 Flat gain is less important than driver rig linearity, due to poor load. The
 input SWR will change with drive level (higher Z at more power), as the RF NFB
 level reduces, correcting each amplifier gain, as each amplifier works harder.

At a club meeting, 2 of these amplifiers (modified & unmodified) were tested
with 2 tone linearity test & with a spectrum analyser for harmonics. Both amps
performed well to the 600W clipping level. But even brief full carrier testing
on lower bands did provide smoke from the underrated input attenuator!

The 2 tone test showed very good linearity to 400W PEP, so I the quoted IMD
looks right.

The harmonics tests on a spectrum analyser showed the need to have the "right"
low pass filter selected, as these un-tuned broadband amps are quite harmonic
rich otherwise!

 dB        Topbands with            dB        Topband with
  0_³  f1  15-30MHz Filter           0_³  f1  2-3MHz Filter
-10_³  ³                           -10_³  ³
-20_³  ³    f3                     -20_³  ³
-30_³  ³ f2  ³                     -30_³  ³
-40_³  ³  ³  ³ f4 f5               -40_³  ³ f2
-50_³  ³  ³  ³  ³  ³ f6            -50_³  ³  ³
-60_³  ³  ³  ³  ³  ³  ³ f7         -60_³  ³  ³ f3

On Topband the 2-3MHz LPF is not really that good for the 2nd harmonic! Higher
bands fared better with filter performance. Of course no problem at all after a
good ATU.

On actual testing into aerial via a high Q QRO ATU, I found it was possable to
get slight PA parasitic oscillation (of the RF envelope) at very high power. It
never did this into my dummy load or an actual aerial on Spectrum Analyser! But
with the final tweak to the input attenuator it tested OK across all bands,
with ATU tuning over a range of SWRs. So sudden high SWR in a tuner may
indicate Tx "parasitic" as well as aerial "arcing" failure!

Current Loops:
Although 12V is fairly safe (compared to 230V or 3kV), with high currents
anything metal is a hazard! This includes the PL259 plug & mains earth wiring!
I put heat shrink sleeving on 259 plug rig lead near the +12V terminal. Care
must be taken to ensure the "75A" does not flow around unsuitable leads in
parallel eg. Mains PSU earths!

Battery leads:
I use short "starter gauge" cables, with soldered on copper tabs/lugs, made
from thin Copper sheet 0.5mm, wound on a 8mm drill 1.5 turns. Then flattern one
end, solder to cable (on cooker). 
            __________ heat shrink
  Drilled   ___  _____________
  Hole ____/   ³~STARTER CABLE
Clean up & apply heat shrink sleeve or tape. Drill hole for PA & battery
connections. Mark up + & - with coloured tape. Apply water repellent grease to
tabs, bolt tread, washers etc.

Lead Acid Batteries:
Other than high current & fire hazard of melted leads, batteries have Sulphuric
Acid that always seems to get out & damage cloths etc, you can replace clothes,
but eyes are something else! Take care!

H2 Anti Explosion Tip:
Always "blow" at the battery, before making/unmaking connections, this simple
action reduces the chance of hydrogen being around for sparks to ignite!

High Power RF:
At these powers RF leakage from loose PL259, high Filter & Aerial voltages are
dangerous! Double checking connectors & everything is SAFE before keying up, &
testing is essential. Otherwise you will soon learn about deep RF burns & gain
"Respect for the RF" the hard way!

RF Chokes:
Wind coax or balanced aerial leads to make "RF chokes" near shack end, to help
keep shack RF fields & RF lead currents down!

I N  U S E
Running it /P for 8 days at a summer camp on HF pile ups, I did find a 24V fan
(quiet on 12V) was useful to cool the front part of the PA & occasionally my
25A linear PSU floating a battery. The rig & PSU were floated on another
battery. This did allow a much smaller petrol generator (650W 2 stoke) to be
used rather than a 2.3kW 4 stroke & QRO Valve Amp. (That was used for cold
night to keep the operating tent warm!)

See my Tech buls on "AF 2 Tone Test Osc Design", "Transistor PA Biasing", "Lead
Acid Batteries", "2nd Car Battery for /M & /P", "Rig DC Power & RF Hazards",
"Using 2 HF PAs" & "NORTHERN 650W 2 Stroke Genny".

Why Don't U send an interesting bul?

73 de John, G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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