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G8MNY  > TECH     19.10.06 16:03l 106 Lines 5020 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 51596_GB7CIP
Subj: Simple AF test osc
Sent: 061019/1216Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EU #:51596 [Caterham] $:51596_GB7CIP

By G8MNY                                         (New Oct 06)
(8 Bit ASCII Graphics use code page 473 or 850)
At my local club for a construction contest we made up several
Velleman test osc kits. They all worked OK, but the output shapes
were very poor, so I have had a go at re-designing mine....

The circuit used a 555 astable osc & then used various cascaded CR
filters (1 Cap combination actually shorting the 555 square wave edges to
ground!). A seperately biased NPN was used as an active filter to help
the sign wave filtering & the options then linked into an outut NPN
emitter follower. There were 4 shapes available all at different levels.

I kept the 555 & set the frequency more to 1kHz by changing the main
timing R to 22k. (NB square wave ratio of 1:1 needs charge R (1k+22k)
to equal the discharge R (22k)! The large square wave is attenuated
6:1 & biased up to work the NPN at the same DC leval as the other
The other waveforms are self biased from the filtered square wave.

 ³     ³  1k  ÚÄÄÁÄÁÄ¿     5k6                  SQUARE     ³
ÄÁÄ   ===  ÃÄÄ´7 555 ³18k  ³                  TRIANGLE     ³
 ±  25u³  22k ³     3ÃÄÁÂÄÄ)ÄÄ18kÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄo  ³/
 ³     ³   ÃÄÄ´8     ³ 2k2 ³      ³               SINE <Ä´BC547
 ³     ³   ÃÄÄ´2     ³  ÀÄÄ)ÄÄÄÂÄÄ)Ä4k7ÄÂÄ10kÄÂÄ22kÄÂÄo  ³\e  10u
 ³     ³  === ³  5 1 ³    4k7  ³  ³u1   ³    ===    ³      ÃÄ´ÃÄ¿
 ³     ³47n³  ÀÄÄÂÄÄÂÙ     ³u22³ ===    ³  22nÀÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÄÄ´+  47k<ÄÄ>
 ³     ³   ³ 10n=== ³      ³  === ³ 47n===      10n===    4k7  Pot O/P

To get the 1/6 height triange wave I used an 18k & u1, & gave an without
too curvey slopes. Then I did the same a 2k2 & u22 as an initial filter
CR to set the higher level needed for the sine wave feed to an active
butterworth 18dB/octave filter, that used a doubling of values to give a
good filter shap. This gives a total of 24dB/O filtering for the sign
wave on the initial square wave harmonic levels.

Only 1 NPN transistor is used in this circuit now. I changed it's
emitter resistor to reduce current & the 1uF supply cap to 25uF & also
the output feed cap to 10uF for as no droop square wave.

Power comnsumption is now a lower 11mA, & the circiut will operate OK
on 12V.

Output level is dependant on supply, but all about 1V P-P on 9V.

The main use is for AF work, where tones can be injected into AF stages.
The 3 waveforms have different uses..

  SQUARE WAVE used with a scope to quickely determin the AF bandwidth..
    ._                    _________                     _.
   ³  ~-._        ³       ³  Very  ³       ³        _.-~  ³
   ³  Poor~³      ³       ³  flat  ³       ³       ³ Too  ³      ³
   ³   LF  ³     _³       ³Responce³_______³         much ³_     ³
           ³ _.-~                                     LF    ~-._ ³
      _____ ~        100%³  ³                      .            ~
    /~too  ³             ³  ³                      ³\.____
   ³little ³      ³      ³  ³   30%   20%          ³  Too ³      ³
      HF    \_    ³      ³  ³     ³    |  13%      ³ much ³ _----Ù
              ~~~~~      ÀÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁ         HF  ³/
                          1kHz  3kHz 5kHz 7kHz
   The spectrum is very anoying to the ear as it contains only odd
   harmonics that attenuate by there harmonic number fraction.

   TRIANGE WAVE used with a scope to look at Amplifer crossover &
   peak & other non linearity.

      /\ crossover            /\   ideal             /\  peak
     /  \_    _/             /  \  straight        /    \compression
          \  /              /    \ sides          /      \    /
           \/                     \/                       \/

      /~\  symmetrical            asymmetrical       /\ asymmetrical
     /   \ clipping        /~~~~\ clipping         /    \compression
          \   /                  \  /            /        \  /
           \_/                    \/                       \/
   The spectrum is like a Sqware wave, just lower odd harmonic levels.

   SINE WAVE used with a scope or AF spectrum analyser (sound card) or
   just ears to judge level of unwanted harmonic generation in a piece
   of af kit.
       /~ ~\            Note the smooth        dB   ³    ³
      |     |           curves of the         level ³    ³
     ³       ³       ³  sinewave, with a            ³    ³ Litttle/no
              |     |   perfect inverted            ³    ³ harmonics
               \_ _/    image & no harmonics.       ÀÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
                 ~                                     1kHz

    Accurate constant level variable frequency sine wave oscilators are
    used to determin the true frequency responce.

Why don't U send an interesting bul?

73 de John G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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