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VK3ABK > TECHNI   08.03.04 03:49l 115 Lines 4570 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 17613_VK3KAY
Subj: RE: Inventers VK3ABK
Sent: 040308/0103Z @:VK3KAY.#WEV.VIC.AUS.OC #:17613 [Wendouree] $:17613_VK3KAY

Hello all Inventors.

Ian, G0TEZ, has been waving the flag for some of his favourite inventors,
and pulling the rug from under those he can do without. While memory fades
with time, history can be made to fit our needs. But, let's be fair.

From        : G0TEZ
To          : TECHNI@WW      
Type/status : BF
Date/time   : 28-Feb 22:49
BID (MID)   : 8C0385G0TEZ
Message #   : 306289
Title       : Re: Inventors VK3ABK..


History is often what you make of it.

Comment...Yes, a popular pass-time!

73. Dick. VK3ABK.
 Yes Dick.
 Wouldn't it be nice though, to watch real HDTV, 500 lines, 3D colour TV.
This was demonstrated by J.L.Baird in 1942, when officially, he did nothing.
WE are starting to see the truth. E.G. a programme made in 1992 but never
shown in the UK has Prof:Malcolm Baird. The son of JLB showing
photographs of his fathers 1940s all electronic TV sets.

Comment...This program, or one like it, was shown in Australia. As I recall,
it was entertaining but not particularly decisive.

He was a teenager and didn't think his father's large screen HDTV with
3D pictures was anything special as TV was being invented.

Comment... Come on Ian! You are putting ideas into someone's head.
           Maybe your own. :-)

He inherited all the plans and patents taken out by his father.
It can be proved that JLB was not the 'Down at heel shoe salesman making a
type of TV out of cardboard and string. ' Which has been the official
story for all my life.

Comment... Down at heel shoe salesman? Your "official"(s) have done him wrong!
           Baird did have a good idea, but he didn't know when to stop.

           As for Zworykin, he only dreww diagrams.

Comment...Vladimir K Zworykin was Director of Research, Research Laboratories,
          Radio Corporation of America. Among other things, he co-authored,
          with G A Moreton, 'Television' The Electronics of Image Transmission.
          A book which starts with 'Emission of Electrons from Solids' and
          ends with 'The Problem of Television Programs'. In between is a
          technical dissertation, including mathematics, of an all electronic
          television system for transmission and reception.

Edison was just the world's biggest plagiarist. After all the ideas he
'borrowed' from other people, it is hard to believe he even invented the

Comment...See Patrick's description of an 'Invention'.

As I'm sure you know, the Gramophone with it's two sided, flat discs, was
the invention of a man called Berliner.

Comment...No; I didn't know that!

Only a few hundred people ever used his Phonograph. The Gramophone was far
better, if only because you could store a lot more discs than the
cylinders the phonograph used.

Comment...I can remember old movies which showed many an office with the
          cylinder type "phonograph" in use. More compact than a disc player
          for sending between offices. The term 'Dictaphone' was used for
          many years. 

As someone else said. It doesn't really matter who thought of something,
they're all dead anyway - very true.

Comment...But, 'thankfully' they did live, and gave us some nice toys!

You can go on believing that Baird used cardboard spinning discs for 30
line pictures and that Zworykin, with the help of RCA, invented the
EMIscope etc.

Comment...Baird has been shown using more than cardboard discs (don't be so
hard on him) and Zworykin (and RCA) developed (patented) both the 'straight'
and 'image', Iconoscope (electrostatic and electromagnetic).

Philo.T.Farnsworth, if he ever existed, was just a drunken liar.
Only the inhabitants of Rigsby,Idaho, believe any different.

Comment...Shame! Libel! Kicking a man when he is down! I hope the citizens
          of "Rigsby, Idaho, cut your co-ax! Anyway, Farnsworth is mentioned
         several times in 'Zworykin and Moreton' for inventing the 'Dissector
         Tube' which was further developed into the 'Image Orthicon'.
         P.T. Farnsworth was a pioneer in television development, and a
         founder of the eponymous television company. (Drunk or sober) :-)
I'll carry on believing what the co - worker of JLB told me in 1963.

Comment...Which brings us back to "History is often what you make of it".

He doesn't care, he died just afterwards.

Comment...Maybe he died with a guilty conscience.

     All the best - Ian, G0TEZ @

Comment...Likewise: 73. Dick. VK3ABK.

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