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G4EBT  > TECHNI   15.08.03 21:37l 157 Lines 5979 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 4B1318G4EBT
Subj: Re: Technical Ham Radio.
Sent: 030815/1629Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:10035 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:4B1318G4

Dick, VK3ABK wrote:-

>  The recent flood of 'BBC Fatties' from the good old Un-united 
> Queendom, is not doing our image any good, 

That the BBC Fatties" series of bulls has been seen outside the UK is of
considerable concern. It's further proof that bulls that aren't intended
for worldwide circulation are being sent beyond these shores, either by 
one or more UK sysops, or imported into VK from a UK telnet BBS and placed
on the ww packet network against the wishes of the originators. 

The bulls referred to are a tiny sample of UK packet output, and what
might be termed "trivia". They have no relevance beyond their intended
audience, which is specifically the UK packet network.

(Someone is also importing stuff into the UK from VK, sent to VKNET.
Presumably, had VK's wanted that to go to WW they'd have sent it there, 
so this isn't a one-way problem). 

As far as I can see not one bull on the "BBC Fatties" topic has been sent
outside the UK by UK originators. Below is the full list of callsigns  of
those who, to the best of my knowledge and belief, have originated bulls 
on this topic to date. 

Every single one was sent to GBR only - not WW. Many of the callsigns
listed, including me, have expressly said they DO NOT want their bulls 
to go to VK. Indeed, my own bulls usually carry the header: "TO GBR ONLY
PLEASE - NOT TO VK". Apart from myself, I believe this sentiment will be
shared by at least GM7HUD, G6KUI and G0FTD:

Topic "MAD" - Title "Fatties"

Date 11 August 2003:

Originators - SENT TO GBR ONLY:

12 August 2003


Topic "PREGGY" - Title "Fatties"
12 August 2003


13 August 2003

GI4GEL (twice)

Thus, the wishes of the 12 originators  of the above 16 bulls have been
disregarded and overridden by at least one UK sysop. Although messages
posted to "GBR ONLY" are then "in the public domain", and originators 
have no power over what then happens to them, it's extremely unhelpful,
indeed discourteous, for their wishes to be overridden by others.
Presumably, it must be happening with other bulls on other topics too.
Dick's egalitarian concerns are interesting, because one of the prime
reasons for many UK amateurs on packet recently deciding to confine their
bulls to the UK, was covered under the topics of "Woeful" and "VK Filth". 

The catalyst for that decision by several UK amateurs was a disgraceful
bulletin originating in VK under the misnoma "Humour" "OZ" containing 
swear words, which was racist, sexist, homophobic, and had allusions 
to incest.

As far as I can tell not one single VK amateur condemned that bull; at
least one re-circulated part of it, saying "he thought it was very funny",
and several said they can't understand what the fuss is about. 

Others seem to think that any language or bawdy humour that features on 
TV and in films is fine for packet.  At least the originator has since
apologised with good grace, and clearly no offence was intended by him 
in putting out the message.

There's enough "critical mass" of packet activity in the UK for us to stay
within our own shores, and that's the way that many active UK ops now want
it. If UK amateurs do wish to send stuff worldwide, that's a decision that
only they should take - it's not for others to override their wishes and
do it anyway.

This situation is a shame in a hobby that should be characterised by
international friendship and tolerance, in a facet of the hobby which 
is inexorably declining, but we have to deal with life as it is - not 
as we'd wish it to be. It's very evident that the culture and values of 
the UK and Australia differ markedly, certainly insofar as people on 
packet is concerned. 

We in the UK don't want to use packet to conduct disputes with amateurs 
in other countries, nor do we want to be jerked around by a small number 
of VK's from 16,000 KM's away. It's evident that there are irreconcilable
differences between the outlook of some VK and UK amateurs. Someone has 
to bring an end to that, which is what we in the UK decided to do a couple
of weeks ago. 

It's early days yet, but as a result of this disengagement packet in the 
UK seems to be picking up quite nicely. Hopefully, the same has occurred 
in VK, so it's win-win. We can all benefit from that, and give each other 
a rest.
> It is simply not Ham Radio to waffle on about personalities, and there 
> are plenty of more suitable subjects to talk  about that would be of 
> interest to 'Amateurs'.

We're sorry you've been troubled, but it's beyond the control of the
originators. We can only apologise for the misguided actions of whoever 
it was who went against our wishes, and who - for reasons best known to
themselves, circulated this trivia.

They're clearly not doing you a service, nor us, but whether they'll 
take note of this remains to be seen, as it's been going on for years. 

No doubt some who will read this will say "Huh - "Whinging Pom again" 
which only serves to underline the reasons for us wishing to disengage.

I mean no offence to anyone, I'm not trying to spark off a dispute, and I
won't respond to any bulls on this topic from outside of the UK. It's sent
with goodwill to all radio amateurs everywhere, by way of explanation, not
as "bait". 

In conclusion, I applaud Dick, VK3ABK, for well intended sentiments, and
for his many interesting, courteous, and well-written bulls on technical
matters. As he says, more technical stuff would be nice, but I fear that 
it seems to have migrated to internet, where the moderated newsgroups and
websites attain a standard that packet can only dream about. 

Regards to all,
73 - David, G4EBT @ GB7FCR

Eddystone User Group Member
G-QRP Club Member No: 1339

QTH: Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

Message timed: 15:36 on 2003-Aug-15
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.70

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