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Date: Thu, 09 Apr 98 07:42:29 MET
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From: pa2aga
To: tcp_broadcast@pa2aga
Subject: TCP-Group Digest 98/42
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TCP-Group Digest Tue, 7 Apr 98 Volume 98 : Issue 42
Today's Topics:
Celosvetova bezpecnostni sit pro vozidla/predmety
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu>.
Subscription requests to <TCP-Group-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>.
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available
(by FTP only) from ftp.UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Loop-Detect: TCP-Group:98/42
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 18:40:49 +0200
From: arpe@worldregister.com (WorldRegister)
Subject: Celosvetova bezpecnostni sit pro vozidla/predmety
Dvojjazycny e-mail: Nahore cesky, dole anglicky
Bilingual Mail: Czech above, down English
Dulezity e-mail do rukou Vaseho tiskoveho oddeleni se zdvorilou prosbou o
zverejneni. Vrele diky!
Vazene damy a panove
Kliknete prosim take Vy na http://www.worldregister.com
Uvidite, jak lehce, efektivne a za dobrou cenu mohou Vasi ctenari, posluchaci,
divaci lepe ochranit svuj hodnotny majetek (vozidla a predmety) pred kradezi a
zproneverou. Uvidite take, jak je mozno snizit riziko, ze clovek nechtene
koupi kradenou vec - a dostane se pak do kolotoce paragrafu. Okamzity uspech
je zarucen.
My informujeme na celem svete prostrednictvim Internetu a e-mailu vsechny
dostupne tiskove organy, pojistovny, leasingové banky a obchodniky o nasem
novem objektu pece. Jeste dnes z toho muzete mit uzitek!
Kratka dokumentace
nemeky: http://www.worldregister.com/deutsch/kurzprospekt.htm
anglicky: http://www.worldregister.com/english/kurzprospekt.htm
Dobre duvody ke spolupraci
nemeky: http://www.worldregister.com/deutsch/stichworte/motivation.htm
anglicky: http://www.worldregister.com/english/stichworte/motivation.htm
Vzor dotazu ohledne majetku zdarma
nemeky: http://www.worldregister.com/deutsch/info/privat_11_2.htm
anglicky: http://www.worldregister.com/english/info/privat_11_2.htm
Vzor zapisu majetku za poplatek
nemeky: http://www.worldregister.com/deutsch/info/privat_4_2.htm
anglicky: http://www.worldregister.com/english/info/privat_4_2.htm
Prevence podvodu pro pojistovny, Vseobecne
nemeky: http://www.worldregister.com/deutsch/info/versi_7.htm
anglicky: http://www.worldregister.com/english/info/versi_7.htm
Odhaleni predstiranych kradezi
nemeky: http://www.worldregister.com/deutsch/info/versi_5.htm
anglicky: http://www.worldregister.com/english/info/versi_5.htm
Obrana pred vickrat hlasenymi skodami
nemeky: http://www.worldregister.com/deutsch/info/versi_8.htm
anglicky: http://www.worldregister.com/english/info/versi_8.htm
Vase e-mailovß adresa je uverejnena v Internetu. Myslime si, ze tato novinka
Vas muze z profesnich duvodu zajimat. Jiz nyni Vam dekujeme za Vas cas a jsme
Vam kdykoliv k dispozici pro zpetne dotazy.
Se srdecnymi pozdravy, WorldRegister, Werner Bachmann.
Neprejete-li si zadne dalsi informace, poslete nam prosim tento e-mail proste
zpet. Okamzite Vasi adresu vymazeme.
Worldwide safety net for vehicles / objects
Important press communication with the polite request for publication.
Many thanks!
Dear Sir/Madam
Please, also click on http://www.worldregister.com
You will see how easily, cost-efficiently, and effectively your readers,
listeners, viewers, and other members of your audience can protect their
valuable property (vehicles and objects) better against theft and
misappropriation. They will also see how to reduce the risk of unintentionally
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"wheels of justice." Immediate success is guaranteed.
We notify all press organs, insurance companies, leasing banks, and merchants
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Short documentation
Good reasons for joining
Mask pattern of one free property query
Mask pattern of a fee-based property listing
Fraud prevention for insurance companies. General.
Uncovering of fake theft
Warding off of claims reported multiple times
Your e-mail address is published on the Internet. We believe that this
innovation interests you for professional reasons. In advanced, we would like
to thank you for your time. If you have any further questions, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Sincerely, WorldRegister, Werner Bachmann.
If you wish to receive no further information, just return this email to us.
We will immediately delete your address.
End of TCP-Group Digest V98 #42
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