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Subj: TCP-Group Digest 98/20A
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Received: from pa2aga by pi1hvh with SMTP
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Date: Sun, 15 Feb 98 14:08:39 MET
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From: pa2aga
To: tcp_broadcast@pa2aga
Subject: TCP-Group Digest 98/20A
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TCP-Group Digest            Sun, 15 Feb 98       Volume 98 : Issue   20

Today's Topics:
                           remove (2 msgs)

Send Replies or notes for publication to: <TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu>.
Subscription requests to <TCP-Group-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>.
Problems you can't solve otherwise to

Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available
(by FTP only) from ftp.UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives".

We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party.  Your mileage may vary.  So there.
Loop-Detect: TCP-Group:98/20

Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 11:52:35 -0900
From: John Stannard - KL7JL <>
Subject: remove

At 14:04 12/17/97 -0600, wrote:
>(please print and save)
>Dear Future Executive:
>2Hour Resume/Cover Letter Package
>Please pardon us if this important message doesn't concern you.
>The Resume Doctor has created generic resumes and cover letters for both
>the general public and college graduates. All you do is modify them
>(delete the text which is there) with the inclusion of your information.
>There is no need to format anything. It's already done for you. We save you
>time even if you're an expert with word processors. Using this package is
>easier than using a resume program or having your resume or cover letter
>prepared by a resume specialist whom you don't know. The Resume Doctor has
>examined both options and find them too costly and cumbersome. You could
>have a superb looking resume in less than two hours with our resume package.
>In fact, we guarantee it. We'll finish it for you if you are unable to.
>(please read below).
>The Resume Doctor treats every customer as if they would a member of thier
>family. In order to continue to provide superior service to our clients,
>we are offering this package for a limited time only. If you're serious
>looking for work, we're serious about helping you. So order today before
>we sell out. The Resume Doctor has been preparing resumes since 1988 and
>we know what works.
>Our complete package, detailed below, may either be mailed to you on a
>diskette or attached as an E-mail download. In both cases, you will simply
>save the files as a document (doc ext.) or a rich-text (rtf ext). Please
>indicate on the order form below which method you require.
>                                 THE PACKAGE
>There's simply nothing that compares to what you get with our resume
>A complete package like ours could easily retail for more than $75.00.
>Your cost is just $29.95.
>You will receive a variety of resume templates. All of the templates are
>formatted differently. Just choose the one best suited for you. We also
>include the most common formatting instructions in case you get lost.
>Everything you need will be at your finger tips for fast and easy
>Our cover letters are the best. "You have to see to believe". Our cover
>letters are written for cold-calls, replies to classified advertisements,
>and self-promotion. The cover letters are motivational in style. There's a
>chock-full of paragraph options to choose from.  We think that our cover
>letters alone will get you in the door.
>Attn: Graduating students - "Our cover letters will level the playing field
>for you." (if you're writing your own cover letters, our cover letters will
>           serve as a perfect demonstration on how they should be written.)
>Similar to internet search engines, more and more businesses are using
>scanners that search for certain words/phrases in resumes. We'll provide you
>with the top 60 words/phrases and tell you where to put them. This is vital
>if you're applying at large companies.
>You get field headers too. Some of the most common headers in resumes are
>Objective, Summary, and Experience. You'll get a comprehensive list from us
>with your package.
>Words such as collaborated, systemized, rehabilitated, and inspired are
>examples of action word. Action words help get your message across. The
>Resume Doctor has more than 120 of them to give you.
>Want answers to our most common questions such as do you include salary
>history in a resume or cover letter or does a resume have to be just one
>Answers to those questions are included in our package.
>We have the best. Don't even think about going on an interview without them.
>They're that good!
>As indicated above, The Resume Doctor will finish-up your resume for you if
>you're not able to do it within two hours. We also anticipate reviewing your
>completed resume and cover letters. Just E-mail them back to us. We are
>responsible. You get interviews or a refund. It's that simple! All

To be continued in digest: tcp_98_20B

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