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ZL3AI  > APRDIG   22.06.04 09:50l 465 Lines 18858 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3513-ZL3AI
Subj: TAPR Digest, Jun 18, 1/1
Sent: 040622/0712Z @:ZL3VML.#80.NZL.OC #:26413 [Chch-NZ] FBB7.00i $:3513-ZL3AI

TAPR APRS Special Interest Group Digest for Friday, June 18, 2004.

1. Re: Any new symbols?
2. NOSaprs Development Version is out !
3. Re: Any new symbols?
4. Re: Any new symbols?
5. my first question
6. RE: my first question
7. H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
8. Re: H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
9. Re: H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
10. Magellan GSC-100
11. H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
12. Re: H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
13. Fw: my first question


Subject: Re: Any new symbols?
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 21:46:28 -0700
X-Message-Number: 1

Fritz Anderson wrote on 6/17/2004, 8:19 PM:

>As of the 1.0.1 version of the protocol reference, \" is reserved,
>and the others are unassigned. But the document's nearly four years
>old, and perhaps meanings have been attached to them. Can anyone point
>me in the right direction? I'd be grateful for any help.

This (as far as I know) reflects the current APRS symbol assignment 
including the additions discussed intensively on this list about two 
months ago.  This list layout was modified from the list provided by 
G4IDE in the UI-View program.

       Character      Primary Table        Secondary Table
       After          "/" between          "\" between
       Long           Lat & Long           Lat & Long
       ------         -----------          -----------
         !            Police Stn           Emergency
         "            No Symbol            No Symbol
         #            Digi                 (Ovr) Digi
         $            Phone                Bank
         %            DX Cluster           No Symbol
         &            HF Gateway           (Ovr) Diam'd
         ' (Apostrophe) Plane sm           Crash site
         (            Cloudy               Cloudy
         )            No Symbol            MEO
         *            No Symbol            Snow
         +            Red Cross            Church
         ,            Boy Scout            Girl Scout
         -            Home                 Home (HF)
         .            X                    No Symbol
         /            Dot                  No Symbol
         0            Circle (0)           (Ovr) Circle
         1            Circle (1)           No Symbol
         2            Circle (2)           No Symbol
         3            Circle (3)           No Symbol
         4            Circle (4)           No Symbol
         5            Circle (5)           No Symbol
         6            Circle (6)           No Symbol
         7            Circle (7)           No Symbol
         8            Circle (8)           No Symbol
         9            Circle (9)           Petrol Stn
         :            Fire                 Hail
         ;            Campground           Park
         <            Motorcycle           Advisory
         =            Rail Eng.            No Symbol
         >            Car                  (Ovr) Car
         ?            File svr             Info Kiosk
         @            HC Future            Hurricane
         A            Aid Stn              (Ovr) Box
         B            BBS                  Snow blwng
         C            Canoe                Coast G'rd
         D            No Symbol            Drizzle
         E            Eyeball              Smoke
         F            No Symbol            Fr'ze Rain
         G            Grid Squ.            Snow Shwr
         H            Hotel                Haze
         I            Tcp/ip               Rain Shwr
         J            No Symbol            Lightning
         K            School               Kenwood
         L            No Symbol            Lighthouse
         M            MacAPRS              No Symbol
         N            NTS Stn              Nav Buoy
         O            Balloon              No Symbol
         P            Police               Parking
         Q            TBD                  Quake
         R            Rec Veh'le           Restaurant
         S            Shuttle              Sat/Pacsat
         T            SSTV                 T'storm
         U            Bus                  Sunny
         V            ATV                  VORTAC
         W            WX Service           (Ovr) WXS
         X            Helo                 Pharmacy
         Y            Yacht                No Symbol
         Z            WinAPRS              No Symbol
         [            Jogger               Wall Cloud
         \            Triangle             No Symbol
         ]            PBBS                 No Symbol
         ^            Plane lrge           (Ovr) Plane
         _ (Underscore)  WX Station        (Ovr) WX Stn
         ` (Accent)   Dish Ant.            Rain
         a            Ambulance            RSGB,ARRL
         b            Bike                 Dust blwng
         c            ICP                  (Ovr) CivDef
         d            Fire Station         DX Spot
         e            Horse                Sleet
         f            Fire Truck           Funnel Cld
         g            Glider               Gale
         h            Hospital             HAM store
         i            IOTA                 No Symbol
         j            Jeep                 WorkZone
         k            Truck                No Symbol
         l            No Symbol            Area Locns
         m            Repeater             Milepost
         n            Node                 (Ovr) Triang
         o            EOC                  Circle sm
         p            Rover                Part Cloud
         q            Grid squ.            No Symbol
         r            Antenna              Restrooms
         s            Power Boat           (Ovr) Boat
         t            Truck Stop           Tornado
         u            Truck 18wh           (Ovr) Truck
         v            Van                  (Ovr) Van
         w            Water Stn            Flooding
         x            XAPRS                No Symbol
         y            Yagi                 Sky Warn
         z            No Symbol            No Symbol
         {            No Symbol            Fog
         |            No Symbol            No Symbol
         }            No Symbol            No Symbol
         ~            No Symbol            No Symbol

         Symbols in secondary set with (Ovr) accept overlay
         character 0 thru 9 or A thru Z specified in position
         between lat and long instead of " \ ".

         Positions labeled "No Symbol" are currently unassigned
         and will produce unpredictable results when displayed
         in various programs.

         This table reflects the latest mapping of characters vs
         the symbols they represent as defined in the latest APRS
         standards document.  Many current programs and websites
         (such as and are not yet compliant
         and will display different symbols for some letter codes.
         For example primary set "T" will cause a thundercloud to
         be displayed on findu instead of "SSTV".

Stephen H. Smith                   wa8lmf (at)
Home Page:                  
Ham Radio/Mobile SSTV page:
APRS Stuff            
Personal APRS Webserver


Subject: NOSaprs Development Version is out !
From: "Maiko" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 23:52:19
X-Message-Number: 2

NOSaprs 1.16+ is out, this is a development copy (not official)
with some new features that need to be tested and played with.

1) APRS internet system and 'end-user' functions are now separated
   with a compile option in the makefile (FINALLY!). Yes, you can
   now compile NOSaprs for your 'end-user' RF JNOS station and do
   messaging with it direct to other APRS stations as well as thru
   any APRS igates running in the area. I've added a compile option
   that essentially takes out all the APRS internet system stuff.

   Bob made an interesting comment some time ago about applications
   in general just being another "Internet Video Game" or something
   along that line, so even though I've been meaning to do this for
   some time now, Bob provided some motivation to get going on this.

   Thanks for that Bob (really, I'm not kidding) !

2) Browser based APRS message center with IP access list. This is
   just a prototype, but I think it's (has the potential) slick !

3) Crude support for Kantronic tncs - "monitor only" interfaces
   to pipe heard APRS traffic to the APRS internet system. This is
   my attempt to get 'non-kiss' tncs interfaced with NOS systems.

For complete details, update kit (sorry JNOS only at this time) :

   * if the domain name does not resolve, use ''
     instead of ''. That should work fine.

Best regards,

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM


Subject: Re: Any new symbols?
From: "Curt, WE7U" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 05:36:38 -0700 (PDT)
X-Message-Number: 3

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Fritz Anderson wrote:

>I've been working on an APRS packet reader for Mac OS X, and have
>gotten it to the point where it will absorb the global feed from a
>javAPRS server without breathing very hard.
>I've been supplying graphics for object symbols more or less in order
>of how often they turn up -- I see a lot of my "unassigned" graphic for
>asymbol code, I make a graphic, and I add it.
>I'm now down to the point where most of the unknown graphics I see are
>for unassigned or reserved symbol codes, specifically
>   \"  \}  /J  /L  /c  /F
>.As of the 1.0.1 version of the protocol reference, \" is reserved,
>and the others are unassigned. But the document's nearly four years
>old, and perhaps meanings have been attached to them. Can anyone point
>me in the right direction? I'd be grateful for any help.

Look for "aprs errata" on google and you'll find Bob Bruninga's
Errata page, which spells out all known changes to the spec,
including symbols.

Curt, WE7U		
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"


Subject: Re: Any new symbols?
From: Fritz Anderson <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 08:34:25 -0500
X-Message-Number: 4

Thanks to all who helped, and the pointer to the errata page was 
extremely valuable (read: will keep me busy for a long, long time)!

	-- F

On 18 Jun 2004, at 7:36 AM, Curt, WE7U wrote:

>Look for "aprs errata" on google and you'll find Bob Bruninga's
>Errata page, which spells out all known changes to the spec,
>including symbols.


Subject: my first question
From: pattond don <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 19:56:01 -0400
X-Message-Number: 5

i have been using aprs for almost a year,  built my tiny-trac and
connected it all ..  my rig is permanent in my car.  a new antenna and a
very low swr,   my local coverage is so undependable that my son  ke4gla 
, and i  kd4fzk have considered puting up a digipeter,   i cannot find
anyone to talk to  about co-ordinating the repeater idea,,,,,,  we need a
cantronics  pks plus i am told that will do the job , a certain software
version is recommended,  9.0 or something ,,,,,   i use findu ,,, to
check my whereabouts,  have been very pleased when the system is working
for me,      i have been  looking for a web-page that will  show a
-_______trail of my whereabouts for my daily travels,,,, a map with
check-in points indicated,   i learn lots from pictures and wonder if in
the mass of aprs info some-one could quote for me a web page that might
answer my questions,  is java necessary for some of these  web pages ??? 
     thanx  kd4fzk


Subject: RE: my first question
From: "Eric H. Christensen" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 21:36:01 -0400
X-Message-Number: 6

I looked at your station on and was surprised to see that there is
a digipeater within seven miles.  Where are you having the problems getting
into the network?  Honestly, it looks like you have an excellent network
there and I couldn't see where else you would put a digi up.  Tell us about
the radio you are using with your TinyTrak and how much power you are



Subject: H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
From: "John Langtry, VE3NEC" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 21:38:28 -0400
X-Message-Number: 7


I have appeared to have misplaced my manual for the KPC3, and having been
asked to look into a "dead" one, I'd really appreciciate this information.
(Which JMP ?)

Frankly, I think I'm faced with a H/W problem on the RS-232 side, but as
they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

MTIA, vy 73 de John VE3NEC
IRLP node # 2200


Subject: Re: H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
From: Drew Baxter <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 21:49:29 -0400
X-Message-Number: 8

Try under Kantronics (left side) then Manuals on the right side.

Hopefully it has what you want :)

--Droo, K1XVM


Subject: Re: H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
From: Earl Needham <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 20:07:31 -0700
X-Message-Number: 9

At 06:38 PM 6/18/2004, John Langtry, VE3NEC wrote:
>I have appeared to have misplaced my manual for the KPC3,
>and having been asked to look into a "dead" one, I'd
>really appreciciate this information. (Which JMP ?)

If you don't get that particular answer, I think you can just slip the
battery out for a couple of minutes.

7 3

Earl Needham, KD5XB, Clovis, New Mexico  DM84jk
SETI@Home:  11627WU/7.55yrs


Subject: Magellan GSC-100
From: Glenn Little WB4UIV <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 22:19:52 -0400
X-Message-Number: 10

This unit has a VHF transceiver and GPS in one handheld package. I got some 
from that auction place. Does anyone have any info on this item? It was 
made to send short text messages via the Orbcomm LEO satellite system. I 
hope to be able to send short packets (APRS) of data in the ham bands with 
a little hacking. Just hoping that I was not traveling unexplored ground here.



Subject: H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
From: "John Langtry, VE3NEC" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 22:58:20 -0400
X-Message-Number: 11

Many thanks to Droo K1XVM and Earl KD5XB for your help and support; I now
have the information which I need.

vy 73 to all, John VE3NEC


Subject: Re: H/W Reset KPC-3 (non-plus)
From: "Keith - VE7GDH" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 19:58:32 -0700
X-Message-Number: 12

John VE3NEC asked June 18, 2004 6:38 PM

>I have appeared to have misplaced my manual for the KPC3,
>and having been asked to look into a "dead" one, I'd
>really appreciate this information. (Which JMP ?)

A "regular" reset if you can talk to the KPC-3 is just to type "reset"
at the command prompt, but it sounds like you don't have a command
prompt. If you need to do a hard reset, take the lid off and place a
jumper on J7 and then apply power. With a terminal program set for 1200
N 8 1, you should see the "sign-on" message from the TNC. Turn the power
off and return jumper J7 to the normal position... on one pin only
instead of bridging the two pins. That should do it unless there is a
problem with the TNC.

When you are done, you will probably want to ABAUD 4800 if you are using
it for APRS.

Is the TNC really dead? Perhaps it is stuck in KISS mode from someone
typing INT KISS followed by a reset. Before doing the reset, you could
connect it to a terminal program (but at what baud rate???) and send
ALT-192 (on the numeric keypad), ALT-255, ALT-192 and see if it
responds. If it does, type INTerface TERMINAL unless you want it to come
up in KISS mode next time around.

If you are using it with UI-View32, set it for terminal mode. UI-View
can get it into KISS mode when you start the program and out of it again
when you exit.

73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am."


Subject: Fw: my first question
From: "Keith - VE7GDH" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 20:14:23 -0700
X-Message-Number: 13

KD4FZK wrote June 18, 2004 4:56 PM

>i have been using aprs for almost a year,  built my tiny-trac and
>connected it all ..  my rig is permanent in my car.  a new antenna and a
>very low swr,   my local coverage is so undependable that my son ke4gla
>,and i  kd4fzk have considered putting up a digipeater,

What do your signals sound like? Take a listen on 144.390 MHz to other
transmissions and compare them to your own. Your deviation could be too
low, or it could be too high and distorted. Also, how busy is the
frequency where you normally operate? If it is extremely busy, it could
just be a matter of packet collisions.

If you do end up putting up a digi, the Kantronics KPC-3+ ver 8.x is
highly recommended. I just picked up a new one a few months ago. The
current version was 9.0. A Yaesu FT-1500M (if you can find one) would be
a good choice for the radio. There should be quite a few places that
list digi parameters, but you could look at for a sample
of the digi settings for a KPC-3+.

If you are using Windows, you could go one better and run UI-View32 as both a digipeater and an iGate. It will be OK with
any TNC that can do KISS mode, but the KPC-3+ would also be great for
it. One benefit would be that you could use it to track yourself and
other stations. You can go to to see if you have "made it
into the system" but I would highly recommend running an APRS program to
take full advantage of its capabilities.

73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am."



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