G3VGW > SWL 28.10.03 23:27l 264 Lines 7456 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 39343_GB7NOT
Subj: DTK relay schedule
Sent: 031028/1910Z @:GB7NOT.#23.GBR.EU #:39343 [Arnold Nottingham] FBB7.00i
From: G3VGW @ GB7NOT.#23.GBR.EU 27 October 2003
Hello SWLs,
Here is the winter schedule for relays from Deutsche Telekom
facilities, courtesy of Wolfgang, DF5SX.....
Schedule of German Telekom transmitting station Juelich
B03 period (26/10/2003 - 28/03/2004)
B03ALL01 17.09.2003 Gesamtplan
Schedule: 26 October 2003 to 28 March 2004
1500 - 1530 3456 17870 JUL
1500 - 1559 17 17870 JUL
Adventist World Radio
0500 - 0559 1234567 7130 JUL
0600 - 0730 1234567 9840 JUL
1000 - 1100 17 11730 JUL
1730 - 1900 1234567 5840 JUL
1900 - 2030 1234567 11845 JUL
Bible Voice Broadcasting
0500 - 0530 246 11690 WER
0730 - 0915 17 5975 JUL
0845 - 1015 6 17565 JUL
1615 - 1730 3456 11650 NAU
1630 - 1659 1234567 9645 JUL
1659 - 1729 2345 9645 JUL
1700 - 1800 17 11650 NAU
1900 - 1915 2345 7295 JUL
1900 - 1930 5 9470 WER
1900 - 1930 16 7295 JUL
1900 - 1959 7 7295 JUL
1900 - 2000 7 6015 JUL
1900 - 2000 67 9470 WER
1900 - 2015 17 9470 WER
1900 - 2030 1 6015 JUL
Christliche Wissenschaft
1000 - 1059 1 5985 JUL
Radio Voice of the Democratic Path of Ethiopian Unity*
0700 - 0759 1 17655 JUL
1830 - 1929 4 7220 JUL
0900 - 1330 1234567 15715 JUL
0915 - 1305 1234567 5975 JUL
1100 - 1300 1234567 9760 JUL
1130 - 1300 1234567 21735 JUL
1305 - 1455 1234567 5975 JUL
Democratic Voice of Burma
2330 - 0030 1234567 5945 JUL
Deutsche Welle
0600 - 0756 1234567 5965 JUL
0600 - 1000 1234567 6140 JUL
1000 - 1300 1234567 6140 JUL
1300 - 1600 1234567 6140 JUL
1600 - 1900 1234567 6140 JUL
Evangelische Missions Gemeinden in Deutschland
1100 - 1130 @ 7 15225 WER
1500 - 1530 @ 7 9635 WER
1830 - 1859 56 6015 WER
2200 - 2230 4 9860 WER
Evangeliums Radio Hamburg
0958 - 1100 1 6045 JUL
1100 - 1200 1 6045 JUL
Gospel For Asia
0030 - 0130 1234567 9495 WER
1430 - 1529 1234567 13650 WER
1530 - 1629 1234567 13790 WER
2300 - 0030 1234567 9765 WER
Hrvratska Radio Televizija
0000 - 0359 1234567 7285 JUL
0200 - 0559 1234567 7285 JUL
0500 - 0759 1234567 9470 JUL
0600 - 0959 1234567 9470 JUL
2300 - 0359 1234567 7285 JUL
International Broadcast Bureau
0230 - 0430 1234567 6010 WER
0630 - 1030 1234567 21690 WER
1230 - 1300 1234567 17555 JUL
1230 - 1430 1234567 21690 WER
1500 - 1600 1234567 6055 JUL
1600 - 1700 1234567 6180 JUL
1630 - 1830 1234567 12140 WER
1700 - 2000 1234567 12110 JUL
1800 - 1900 1234567 9785 JUL
2230 - 0030 1234567 5910 WER
IBRA Radio Sweden
0500 - 0530 1234567 9710 JUL
1730 - 1759 1234567 9660 WER
1730 - 1845 1234567 9520 WER
1900 - 2000 1234567 9495 JUL
2000 - 2100 1234567 7260 JUL
Radio Vilnius Lithuania+*
0000 - 0100 1234567 6120 JUL
1330 - 1430 1234567 9585 JUL
Pan American Broadcasting
0045 - 0100 1 9435 JUL
0130 - 0145 1 9495 JUL
1400 - 1430 17 13605 JUL
1430 - 1445 17 13605 JUL
1445 - 1500 1 13605 JUL
1500 - 1515 1 12015 JUL
1500 - 1515 47 12015 JUL
1515 - 1530 1 12015 JUL
1530 - 1545 1 12015 JUL
1545 - 1600 1 12015 JUL
dio Rainbow, Kestedamena Radio*
0900 - 0959 @ 7 6180 JUL
1900 - 1959 @ 6 11840 JUL
Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie
1830 - 1859 5 11840 JUL
Radio Television Belge de la communaute Francaise
0357 - 0559 23456 9490 JUL
0527 - 0559 17 9490 JUL
0600 - 0812 23456 17580 JUL
0600 - 0906 1 17580 JUL
0600 - 1059 7 17580 JUL
1057 - 1306 23456 21565 JUL
1100 - 1217 7 21565 JUL
1157 - 1217 1 21565 JUL
1557 - 1816 123456 15135 JUL
1657 - 1831 7 15135 JUL
Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo
1700 - 1759 1346 9820 JUL
Swiss Radio International
0555 - 0800 1234567 13790 JUL
0555 - 0800 1234567 9885 JUL
0555 - 0800 1234567 17665 SOT
0825 - 1030 1234567 21770 SOT
1625 - 1815 1234567 9755 JUL
1625 - 1815 1234567 11810 JUL
1625 - 1815 1234567 15555 SOT
1825 - 2130 1234567 9820 JUL
1825 - 2130 1234567 13660 JUL
1825 - 2130 1234567 11920 SOT
2155 - 2400 1234567 9885 SOT
Tigrean Internat Solidarity for Justice and Democracy Radio Suthid*
1630 - 1659 36 9820 JUL
The Overcomer Broadcast
0400 - 0600 1234567 9770 JUL
1200 - 1600 1234567 6110 JUL
1300 - 1559 1234567 13810 JUL
1400 - 1559 1234567 13810 JUL
1600 - 1700 7 6110 JUL
2000 - 2100 1234567 9605 JUL
Trans World Radio
0557 - 0615 23456 7315 JUL
0927 - 0945 34567 7315 JUL
1127 - 1200 7 7340 JUL
1327 - 1345 1234567 5945 JUL
1657 - 1730 7 5945 JUL
1657 - 1730 7 7180 JUL
1727 - 1800 123456 5945 JUL
1730 - 1800 7 5945 JUL
The United Methodist Church
0400 - 0559 1234567 9815 JUL
0600 - 0800 1234567 11690 JUL
1700 - 1859 1234567 13820 JUL
1700 - 1859 1234567 11735 JUL
Universelles Leben
0100 - 0129 1 9435 JUL
1600 - 1629 1 9495 JUL
173 1759 345 6015 WER
1800 - 1829 1 11840 JUL
1900 - 1929 1 7105 JUL
Voice of Democratic Eritrea*
1500 - 1559 7 5925 JUL
1700 - 1759 25 9820 JUL
Voice of Ethiopian Salvation, Medehin Radio*
1600 - 1659 15 9820 JUL
High Adventure Ministries - The Voice of Hope
0800 - 0850 23456 5975 JUL
1515 - 1759 17 9860 JUL
1530 - 1600 124567 9705 JUL
1530 - 1615 3 9705 JUL
1530 - 1700 2 9860 JUL
1615 - 1730 2 11650 NAU
1800 - 1859 17 7210 JUL
1900 - 1945 23456 6015 JUL
1530 - 1715 5 9860 JUL
1530 - 1745 3 9860 JUL
1530 - 1759 46 9860 JUL
Voice of Russia
0200 - 0300 1234567 5995 JUL
0300 - 0400 1234567 5995 JUL
1500 - 1600 1234567 9555 JUL
2000 - 2200 1234567 5975 JUL
2000 - 2200 1234567 5965 JUL
2100 - 2200 1234567 6170 JUL
2300 - 2400 1234567 6175 JUL
Vlaamse Radio en Televisie 1
1857 - 2056 7 5910 JUL
Vlaamse Radio en Televisie 2
0757 - 0826 1234567 5985 JUL
1827 - 1956 1234567 13790 JUL
WYFR Family Radio
1700 - 1800 1234567 13720 JUL
2000 - 2100 1234567 9595 JUL
2000 - 2100 1234567 11735 JUL
* = Additional detail by wb
@ = From 1 November 2003
+ = Active on demand
[via Wolfgang Bueschel]
(Alan Roe-UK, WDXC U.K., Oct 9, 2003)
Danke Wolfgang!
(Please note I am not the author of the above, just the packet postman!)
(The above information is also stored on the BROADCAST topic on
the excellent CLIVE database @ GB7MAM, together with over 160 other files
of shortwave and broadcast information.)
73, Richard G3VGW @ GB7NOT (Ambergate, Derbyshire, UK)
(Edited & sent using a BBC Micro)
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