VE3WBZ > SPORT 05.10.12 16:29l 71 Lines 3502 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 13293_VE3LSR
Subj: RE: NHL Problems remind me of..
Sent: 121005/1507Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:13293 [Barrie] $:13293_VE3LSR
DT: Friday, October 5th.,2012 @ 1040hrs EST <JPST>
Hello Sports fans everywhere, in Canada and the United States ...
and with that familar voice Foster Hewitt would start his broadcasts
of Hockey Night in Canada ... a tradition here ...with only 2004-2005
and now, silence.
It also started me thinking about the Player's Union and exactly what
they want, and the owners, and then I think of the history part
and greed of the owners, and the plight of the player, really after
playing days are over, such as the case of ".........." a famed
maple leaf player, sort after by the others of the six team league
and how he ended up outside the Gardens selling pencils.
It also took me ,in thought to the Forum in Montreal, where the
Canadiens were celebrating 100 years of operation, and here for
the first time, a famed player from wayback < exact name and
period escape me> I knew from the hall of fame visits, etc...at
his age skating...and making it around the Forum ice.
Also at that event, I couldn't figure why? Gordie Howe wearing
his Detroit Red Wings sweater, at the gate to the ice trying to
shake hands with players past and present...and here and there
some refuding to have anything to do with him....hmmm I wonder why?
That refusing to have anything to do <sorry I mispelled it refuding>
was from players of the period where NHL players tried to get a union
going, and all players in the league looked for direction from their
stars of the game...those who might loose little perks for being
stars but wanting a players union.
Ever wonder why Ted Lindsey < Yeah "Terrible Ted" > part of a powerful
forward line with the Detroit Red Wings, was traded suddenly to the
Chicago Balck Hawks ? That was a mystery, until cleared up by a few
players, as Ted Lindsey favoured a Players Union, and tried to get
Gordie Howe onboard, and his support to make it happen. Howe betrayed
them all to the Detroit owner, who sold Ted to another part of the
family who happened to own the Chicago team. Neat work to hush it up.
The count now, is hundreds of players from the NHL are going to other
teams in the world, and what a treat. Mr. Betman the NHL President
< a non-player and I doubt he ever laced up > well there he is smuggly
walking along with the greedy owners, and they all look so confident
of winning this. Bottomline, is they are lossing. Fans are angry
but those in the know will now go to the neighbourhood rinks and support
as well watch the reruns of past games, to enjoy. Lots of great early
games are available, and if close enough visit the Hockey Hall of Fame
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where not only NHL but International greats
are also members, as well staff and coaches etc.
So NO "Stanley Cup" 2012-2013. I am always hopeful, now with this
that bigger and better things will come out of this, as well a better
maybe International League, where the world can come and play.
Could mean the end of the greedy NHL owners and the strangle hold they
have, but the real power is in the hands of the fans, as I can no longer
watch this new, more teams Washout NHL. Some teams couldn't even beat a
OHL team let alone be in the semi-finals. NO as a fan, I think some
palces here in Canada deserve a team, as some hotbeds in the US....and
then there is the rest of the world....a new area to expand to.
There you go...munch on that rant.
73 Peter VE3WBZ
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