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VE3WBZ > GAMES    05.07.11 03:00l 192 Lines 7817 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 45180_VE3LSR
Subj: Reply 2 in 1...bork n
Sent: 110705/0148Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:45180 [Barrie] $:45180_VE3LSR


DT: Monday,July 4th.,2011 @2102hrs EST

Hello Warren, and lurkers, and all scratching their whatevers.,
And oh boy am I ever miffed today, cuz I couldn't find an
American to wish Happy July 4th to !   What's happened to them all?

Oh well , cuz I am a lazy troll, I am combining Warren's two
posts into one, so read or delete and find some other jazz
to mull over....

<< Quoting KB2VXA to GAMES @WW >>

> From         : KB2VXA         To           : GAMES @WW      
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 04-Jul 14:14
> Bid          : 4849_VK6ZRT    Message #    : 44961
> Title        : Re: VE3WBZ's bork
>  Yeah, the bennie invasion!   Lucky us, yesterday (Sunday)
> bennie repellant fell from the sky amid loud fireworks from Zeus
> but today is another story.

 For those wondering, it rained and lightning, and Bennies might
have been fried on the beach ....eeek ....reeek.

>  With that having been said a cheer for the red, white and blue
> and a razz for Union Jack, it wasn't until 1812 he finally realized
> what we mean by if you can't beat 'em, join em. Welcome home Jack!

 Glad you had an enjoyable day.   1812...I remember those times, and
CANADA expelling those colonial tourists from the south... freeloaders.

Now all these years later, it looks like all for vain.

> Oh never mind Howard Squirm the wiggly worm... Some people laugh at
> anything and Howie made millions while surrounded by idiots,
> then I remembered Cher singing The List Goes On.

 He lasted a short time in the Toronto market....fizzled.

>  I don't know what happened to Andy Pandy but it's a safe bet
> those 3 stooges stepped over the line and got an Ofcom whack upside
> the head. The strange thing about Trolley Wally was his inverted
>  manners, he was a perfect gentleman on the internet and a pig on
> the air while the reverse is usually true of certain hams. Ah dunno,
> maybe it's best leaving sleeping dogs lie, digging up poo only makes
> a terrible stink. Besides, Ian has his hands full with the BNP and
> the occasional packet poke.

  So thats what happened to them...mmmm.... as for the BNP well they
got it in court and news what they are doing now.
It's a coalition in UK so BNP and the rest will have to wait for
their turn at the election process.

> Yeah, To Sir With Love only the trouble with white Sidney is NOBODY calls 
> him MISTER Tibbs. Right, when a station maintains radio silence what do 
> you think is about to happen?

  Perhaps he has gone to Sydney to set them right?   It is written that
most Australians haven't a clue to what happened in such places as
the "Battle of Perth"  or " mmm spelling probelm here "Mongar Lake"?

The teacher's there have a website of interest, and they point to the
Crown instructing those administrating Australia to recognize native
rights etc.... which obviously they didn't.

YES ...he might be gone a long time, while he rewrites their history
books, as I know he wants to be fair.

> I'll bet he's breeding those frogs in the basement waiting to strike.
> May take a while, he's still sorting tisks from taskets...

I hear the French people like frogs and eating you are
saying <smirk> that oor Bob is breeding frogs for his dinner table?
Or to feed the singing Dingo?  No wonder the mutt is at the local.

> Yeah, he's lucky we weren't in his classroom; then too we'd have
> spent a lot of time in the headmaster's office driving HIM nuts.

You forgot the detention class after school ... that was always good
for a laugh.   When I run into ex-students of my high school, and
we remember...  Mickey Marsh always comes up.   This big Oversized
egghead and round black glasses and a brain mas scientist voice
and antices never ceased to entertain us all... My old school used
to want me to come to reunion....but not unless Mickey was there too!

>  Cummon Bobbo, <tickle tickle> are the frogs ready yet?

  I have him on my Skype...I think under two contact names... errr
but there he is silent too....but I think he talks to Ian G0TEZ
but...oh well...not me  <sob>  <sob>....

<< bugs bunny deleted...making me hungry for a double downer >>>

> 73 de Warren
> [End of Message #44961 from KB2VXA]

Aaaah bummer the end of the first posting....but heres the 2nd one

<< Quoting KB2VXA to GAMES @WW >>

> From         : KB2VXA         To           : GAMES @WW      
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 04-Jul 14:38
> Bid          : 4850_VK6ZRT    Message #    : 44962
> Title        : Re: VE3WBZ > VXA's poke
> Now is that a new Scuba Doo Doo cartoon spinoff, a rock and roll band or 
> Harvey Rollband? Oh, that's an obscure reference to a CBer way back when.

Speaking of CB ... today via skip heard a commercial on ch 19 to stop
at some truck stop and there were multiple commercials....funny never
heard that one before....reminded me of the 2meter repeaters and their
ads for fleamarkets etc....oh well I wandered.

>> "What are Quangos?  Reptile?"
> No, Teenage Mutant Ninja Kangaroos. Bob started this whole mess when he 
> sang "listen while I play... my blue kangaroo" and somebody over in 
> Candyberry took him literally. Then he put the Aussie version of DARPA on 
> developing a super weapon of mass destruction, trouble is the beasts 
> escaped before programming was complete and turned on their masters. As 
> the poet said; and the rest is history (in retrospect of a city in 
> Germany I'll bet you thought was fictional).

  Hmmm...I see a new series of exchanges to explain this in deepest
depths so WE all can understand, and of course have fun along the way.

I seem to remember the blue kangeroo and the talking dog, or is that
the singing dingo....

> I don't remember who started that Aussies finding beer at the center of 
> the Earth thing... Fawstahs? It's Awstralyan for beah mate.
> WTH is a beah mate?

Call DUNC ... he'll get to the bottom...

> To borrow a phrase from Rod Stewart, wake up Bobby I've got something to 
> say to you. (;->)

  I say Bobby is there reading along... waiting for me to mention
or better still critic Mr. Howard.   I always thought Mr. Howard
was the alias Jessie James used...but yeah BOB is there....

                      __  _/:::>__
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> 73 de Warren
> [End of Message #44962 from KB2VXA]

  OK I left the duck in ... come on back to us BOB.

  Well thats it... a twin spin posting to kill 2 posts... hey hey hey
and I and Maria are heading out for tea and stuff at the local
chew n choke to finish off this day...   Red sky tonight...what
a sunset...  Bye BOB ... se you too Ian...and to
everyone reading along...well a good night.

73 Pete VE3WBZ

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