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VE3WBZ > GAMES    01.07.11 16:18l 218 Lines 9666 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 44743_VE3LSR
Subj: RE:VK6bE's comments:Open title
Sent: 110701/1458Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:44743 [Barrie] $:44743_VE3LSR


DT:Friday, July 1st.,2011 @0916hrs EST

<< Quoting VK6BE to GAMES @WW >>

> From         : VK6BE         To           : GAMES @WW
> Type/Status  : B$            Date/Time    : 01-Jul 01:46
> Bid          : B50289VK6BE   Message #    : 44700
> Title        : Re: Comment to Warren on: Open title
> What on earth are you talking about Pete? That is the most mixed up
> garbage on Australian politics I have had the privilege of seeing.

    Hello Bob,   And to what do you address your comments, as there
was due to being open title lots of themes?

As for the quote or on your part misquote of what you see me commenting
on Australian Politics, well I never did that...ONLY as stated when
a past leader of OZ, was addressing the World, via a UN meeting, and
in that case it is not Australian Politics, but of interest to the world.

Did I comment on which Autralian Political Party?     NO.
Did I comment on the bills in the Australian Parliament? NO.

Come on Bob ...  I DON"T LIVE THERE...I LIVE at the monent HERE.

Who cares.

> You
> couldn't even get the title right. Whose "tit" was it? Did it wear a bra?

Another Bobo cheapshot..."ok" BOB.  That  "tit" was due to posting title
only allowing so many characters,  but then we must take into consideration
you now and in the past.     What is this problem you have with a bra?

> Points:
> (1) Howard made only one mistake - he stayed one election too long
>     but even then he was PM for 12 years, the second longest in
>     history only surpassed by Robert Menzies who managed 16 years..
>     The Government that replaced him is in deep trouble in the polls
>     with a record low for the PM and the Party.

Point 1 seemed to have too many points.   But "ok"  I can comment
based on his International presentation,  as I leave it to the voters
in Australia to do their own thing .... why?   I DON"T LIVE THERE .

On the world stage, he allowed his personal, "I won't change attitude"
to spoil his International image.    That episode has already been
covered.   after that he went rather lame duck, as he soured his nation's
relations with others due to his personal feelings, and not doing what
the majority had expressed via their votes, and those of their
representatives in Parliament ...and as a lame duck, it was suggested
by one leader he retire...but no...won that election and after that
well the slide defeat...etc.

Who is running Australia is of no concern to me.    There is always
a honeymoon with voters until the chips are down and decisions must
be made and the post honeymoon polls are taken....BUT then who in
their right mind listens to polls.

> (2) Howard left the country in good enough shape for us to weather
>     the  global downturn.
> (3) Australia is NOT in recession and never was.The downturn did not
>     affect us all that much.

Hummm...there is some interesting points, and then why BOB were you
crying the blues about bonds and invetments lost by ...hmmm what
was it the town who had invested in the USA ?    Are you isolated
that much from the world Bob, you did not see it had ripples
everywhere.    Oh...yeah...forgot.... HE LIVES THERE!
Nice little world .

> (4) Australia has NOT classed the British migrants as "invaders".
>     Only New South Wales has done that and NSW is only ONE state
>     out of 6. Get it right Pete.

  Oh BOB ... you've flibbed it again.   It is NOT Australia or
"New South Wales"   but the Town Council of Sydney.    YES BOB
you should get your civics right.   See why you need me as
an exchange student in your classroom to bring reality into the
class, and open debate?

> (5) The word "antics" is over the top and insulting.

  If you mean this ruling passed by the Sydney City Council, as
antics is over the top and insulting ...YES.   With all the
issues facing citys or communitys worldwide...this is making
Sydney a laughing stock.   It has made world news.

> Pete if you are going to comment on Australian politics regardless
> of the fact that you just might raise the ire of good Australian
> amateurs at least get your facts right. You are way off the beam.
> That bulletin was a clumsy effort.

As mentioned, and proven Bob, I have no idea, no clue to what you
do in your country, unless your ruling leaders come to the
International stage, thus giving rise to a comment from me, or
anyone, as demonstrated in the past, when you engaged in this
silly exchange with another HAM who quoted to you and others
sites to go for information.     I have also enclosed my email
best as I can for those Australian Hams, you seem to be trying
to convince I am...based upon your latest flub with Australia
and NSW passing motions to declare settlers ..invaders.

Facts.... They can contact their BBS for those postings from
the ham in UK ... I think the sites are still there.   Where
he made presentations to International ears, your hero also
raised unflattering comments and those sites I guess are there,
and well that is a human error, but then his replacement set
the record right, to which even at the ceremony ,news carried
to the world your hero never showed, which makes me wonder.

Am I really off the beam Bob?    Sydney City Council didn't
rule all of you as being Invaders, instead of "settlers"?
OK are right didn't happen.    I shall leave
it to you, your lordship to tell all the media in the world
they are the beam...and maybe you should INVADE
Sydney  and explunpge the ruling from the council records?

> Incidentally for all his apology Kevin Rudd was very quickly
> dumped by his party, I believe he was the first Australian
> PM to be dumped while he was actually PM.

The big thing he did Bob, was he went thru with the ceremony
for what it was worth.   That was carried Internationally as
well Mr. Howard's personal comment, that todays citizen's
should not have to do this for what their ancestors did
or todays citizens not be judged for the actions of their
fore-fathers....gee that sounds like the albotros hanging
over Germans and Japanese today ...quilty and still paying
tribute to ...well for dumping  Howard was dumped
by his party and ok for Rudd it happens everywhere
Big deal...and the point?

> Apologies are mere words. Very cheap;they cost nothing.

 Flowers are better then bricks  ... Thank you and Please
and all mere words, and very cheap: cost nothing.... and
are a start.    To recognize there is a wrong, and an
attempt to correct.

> If you knew how much financial and other assistance is given
> to our indigenous people you might change your tune.

Why would I change my tune Bob?   I have not a clue to the
circumstances there.   Remember your favourite bleating of;
"I DON"T LIVE THERE... I DO"   I know ...well seems by this
posting YOU really don't know all.

When this waa brought up, and some statements were banted on
racial comments,   I also mentioned the same is carried on
here in CANADA, where PM Harper also made an apology and today
this painful statement is leading to settlements being made on
lands that were stolen or sold by government or officials
supposely acting on the behalf of the various bands.

We had our International know OKA standoff, where the public
was really not in tune with the situation and most interviews
show just how racial they are.   Here in Ontario  Caledonia
is still up in the air, and the Mohawks on the Grand River
are demanding justice, to well the media and reidents
making racial comments again and the government or police
but failing again to admit the shadey deal that happened.
In our area, the Chippewas and another bamd they are closely
associated with made a settlement.  Some are easy and some
hard, but then there is the residents already their and
paid money in good faith.

The question to all ... is just how far back can this be allowed
to go for settlement?     In the case of the City of Sydney,
and their ruling is funny and really stupid.  As I read
into it, I find the public gallerys and council seats filled
by native and decendents and mixed heritage, and ...well the
story does become clearer.    So now what happens?  Are they
going to demand all invaders do this or that?

> Nobody complains about this; It is some measure of recompense
> for the murky past and of far more help than mere words of
> apology; words are cheap. Get it right Pete.
> You are dabbling in dangerous waters.
> Cheers,
> Bob VK6BE.
> [End of Message #44700 from VK6BE]

 Oops already covered a measure of getting it right.   As for
dangerous waters Bob, are you implying that I turn a blind eye
to injustice and racism?    I am all for reasonable settlements
to the murky past.   BUT then how far back?   As a Pict, then
before that....I must protest events going before 0 AD.
Hmmm ... I want compensation from the Italian Governments for
the damage to my country made by their Roman Legions.

Dangerous?     I doubt you will ever get it right
this Open title of GAMES @WW ...  Now or in the past...
you seem to not grasp that when a leader goes on the
International stage, he is open to critic from all who
hear him, or her.

When it is domestic, well one must seek better information
and that is usually not "Accoring to Bob".    As for other
Australian hams emailing me or corresponding via whatever
means...they are most welcome to do so.

Beautiful day out there .... take care all ...see you all
again.. as I know there is going to be some interesting
scribes now at work.

73 Pete VE3WBZ  < From THERE>  ve3wbz -at-
  Skype me..MSN me .... whatever...

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