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G4EBT  > SOTA     19.12.07 22:04l 117 Lines 4279 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 287343G4EBT
Subj: Summits On The Air ("SOTA")
Sent: 071219/2048Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:55229 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:287343G4

Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs and
shortwave listeners that encourages portable operation in mountainous

It was the brainchild of Richard Newstead, G3CWI, a leading light in UK
amateur radio circles -   especially QRP, and seems to be gaining in
popularity - not just in the UK but internationally.

It enables those who like the outdoors to combine that with their QRP
portable amateur radio interests.

SOTA has been carefully designed to make participation possible for
everyone - this is not just for mountaineers! There are awards for
activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who either
operate from home, a local hilltop or are even Activators on other

The Association Reference Manuals contain a list of qualifying summits,
together with their locations. Each summit earns the activators and 
chasers a score which is related to the height of the summit. 

Certificates are available for various scores, leading to the prestigious
"Mountain Goat" and "Shack Sloth" trophies. An Honour Roll for Activators
and Chasers is maintained at the SOTA online database.

SOTA is designed to be compatible with other mountain users, and SOTA has
an environmental statement to explain this in more detail.

How to start participating?

Association Manuals and Rules can be downloaded in PDF format from the
SOTA Documents page.

Activators need a radio station that is portable - operation from cars is
not allowed. All bands and modes can be used - a 2m FM handy is ideal for
a start. Chasers simply need a normal home station. Visit SOTAwatch for
news about the SOTA community and to keep abreast of summit expeditions
and other vital information.

SOTA is International:

SOTA Associations are now operational in the United Kingdom, Ireland,
Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, France, USA (W2), 
Czech Repub and South Africa. See detailed status on the SOTA website.

SOTA has been designed from the outset to grow into an international
scheme. If your country/area is not represented here and you would 
like to know how to set up a local Association, you can contact Les, 
G3VQO for full details. 

There's a new French video (English sub-titles!) which gives an insight
into SOTA and lasts about 8 mins. Well worth a watch:

SOTA is a not-for-profit organisation to further the interests of 
amateur radio. Its website is here:

Richard, G3CWI, also produces "SOTA" beams - portable antennas designed
especially for the needs of SOTA operations. SOTA Beams is a separate 
little company which Richard runs. It's at:  

Through SOTA Beams Richard runs the SOTA Challenge:
What is it? 

One of the objectives of SOTA is to encourage new people to enter and 
enjoy the hobby of amateur radio. In particular, the SOTA Challenge 
aims to encourage young people to participate in the hobby.

The Challenge is open to anyone 18 years old or younger on 31st Dec of the
calendar year. The objective is simple; activate as many SOTA hills as you
can in the calendar year (1 January to 31st December). Each activation
must be a scoring SOTA activation and must conform with the SOTA rules. 

To qualify entrants must send:

Log entries showing dates, times, summits, modes, bands and stations
contacted, and signed statement that they were 18 or younger for the 
entire period. 

Entries must be received at SOTA Beams by 15th January following the 
year of activation. Please see our safety note below. The winner will 
be announced on this web site.

Winners will be not be allowed to enter the Challenge another time.

2006 Winner - Jimmy M3EYP:

Foundation licence holder Jimmy Read broke all previous records in 2006
with an amazing 84 summits activated. He combined this achievement with
walking the Pennine Way - the UK's longest long-distance path. 

I think that Andy, GM7HUD has a few SOTA summits to his name!

Best wishes 
David, G4EBT @ GB7FCR

British Vintage Wireless Society Member
G-QRP Club Member, No: 1339

Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

Message timed: 20:47 on 2007-Dec-19
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.70

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