VE3WBZ > SCHOOL 15.01.12 01:18l 198 Lines 8620 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 60297_VE3LSR
Subj: RE:G0TEZ...teachers & Prefects
Sent: 120115/0002Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:60297 [Barrie] $:60297_VE3LSR
DT: Saturday, January 14th.,2012 @ 1830 hrs EST <JPST>
<< Quoting G0TEZ to SCHOOL @WW >>
> From : G0TEZ To : SCHOOL@WW
> Type/Status : B$ Date/Time : 13-Jan 17:29
> Bid : 3B0188G0TEZ Message # : 60225
> Title : Re: Bob VK6BE's Packeteer School
> I think you made a mistake in letting certain people know your former job.
Hi Ian and Bob and others.... I do not think Bob made a mistake to
let us know his work and experiences, as he has nothing to be ashamed
of. He is in the majority and not the very very small few who were
just useless.
Once in a while I hear from folks who know and visit Bob, and have
a high asteem for him, then as well now, as he is while retired
active and a participant in his community.
> I made that mistake about a year ago when I mentioned that I was a
> prefect.
How so Ian? I only experienced "Prefects" in one high school, and
it was the difference between night and day, when I tranferred to the
other. I wish I had been tranferred long ago... or even expelled
before I entered the place.
BTW, there was no Prefects at the other school, and it ran better
as well relations and school atmosphere and sprite were very high.
> That lead to a surprisingly violent reaction, which surprised me.
If you had been at my former school or the first high school and
a Prefect, then my name would have been remembered if we were there
at the same time. Other schools ,I know had them, and they and
their interaction with fellow students was very much different.
when playing inter city sports if I came across a Prefect of that
school and I knew, well he received extra attention from me, to
go along with his use of the "P" to bully others.
> Personally, I would like to see a return to the old 3 tier education
> system. There was a programme about that last night on TV. They made a
> point of saying how bad the 11 + exam was but omitted to mention that you
> got at least three goes at it, one at 11 one a year later and a 13 + if
> the headmaster of your secondary modern school thought you could pass it
> as a 'late developer' in fact we did get one boy that way from a secondary
> modern school and he was treated no differently to any other pupil.
Here we start in Kindergarten or Public School and go until Grade 8
then you go to High School and there it goes from Garde 9 to 12 or
depending on the course as suggested by "Guidance" 9 - 13 ...the
least is a two year 9 -10 ...which isn't the best.
What is wrong today...is the apprentice program missing...it seems
after school or trades school one can with the certificate call himself
or herself whatever < i.e.= mechanic> when they really have not had
the wonderfull experience of working under a long time mechnic as
an apprentice. I call them fitters now....as I see this when
I go to the garage for service.
> The technical colleges gave an axcellent grounding in the trade exams
> such as the City and Guilds of London Institute exams. I myself have
> over a dozen C&Gs and am quite proud of them. In fact the Radio Ham
> exam is a C&G.
we have them as part of the High school course...one can take up
a Trades course or Commerce.
> The reason education on merit was abolished in the 60s was political.
> The government realised that the self styled 'middle' and 'upper'
> clasparents were terified that their kids might fail the 11+ and have
> to go to a Secondary Modern.
My father I know was born with the silver spoon in his mouth. I
realize that long after, and feel sorry for him, as he seemed like
a "gopher" for his father, and on the Board of this or that...so
he left for Canada or where ever just to get out from under this
> The main reason that I liked the streaming system was that, through
> jealousy, the brighter kids were beaten up so having grammar schools
> as an option meant that the bright kids didn't suffer as much of a
> risk of being beaten up day after day just for being clever which
> is what happens now with our one size fits all 'Comprehensive'
> school system.
Don't think I ever saw that here ... and oh yeah there were enough
snob kids, and they got what they deserved. What I did see and I
think I mentioned it, as it happened to me, was the "gangs" along
racial lineage, and that ended fast. No real bother. Only after
public school and hometime. Took'em out one by one.
> As for punishment, the biggest punishment was being expelled,
> though there was a cane which I never saw used.
Got that after the high school incident, only the threat was
expelled and the police and all that...but never carried out
for obvious reasons. A scare tactic that failed, and the
letter home, and my parents remembered the day, as they did
when my best friend's family was killed by the step-father..
still can not figure out, why he came to school, and only
one day...never saw him again as he went to live with other
The cane NO. They had a big 1/2inch piece of leather for that
the STRAP. He went nutso on me when I didn't cry or show
any emotion. My father was not amused over that assault.
> Then there were
> the prefects who could give detention or lines or a quick thick ear
> to the really nasty trouble makers which saved the masters and
> mistresses from having to face angry parents.
In that one high school where I was, I know they gave detentions
but I never got one from them. They knew even then in the school
I was not a victim. If they had tired a "thick ear" that would
have been GREAT, and a vacancy for a new Prefect candidate.
If the masters or whatevers needed a Prefect to beat up students
rather then face to face meetings with parents to work it out
then they should not be in the profession.
I guess my school records followed me from public school....as in
High School I never wanted to join any team...or even go to games
which was the opposite at the school I tranferred too... I went to
games with pride, NOT forced as they did at the other...and well
to have revenge ...I had to play to be on the ice to carry Justice
back to the source...with pride.
> That TV programme also included interviews with elderly ex pupils
> who talked about the one teacher who took the time to change their
> lives for the better. This brought a lump to their throats.
My memory of school days, is filled with teachers I once knew
and I know there are some still alive, and do problem with detention
as it was a source of getting their subject taught ...firm in mind.
You bet, I have the same feelings....they greatlt outweight those
who I class as bully-types and for which I hope I don't meet again.
Swift Justice ....
> I admire teachers, I had the chance to be one but didn't really
> fancy it.
You would have enjoyed it Ian. I had the opportunity to coach
as well teach sailing, and the most important and lonely of
postions ..that of being the master of the vessel.
I was so happy to have trained many youth in the 1980-1990s
that WON championships, as well just enjoy sailing, and friends
minus the politics and small mind stuff most clubs seem to be.
As a coach, I am happy to say that I still hear from my lads and
they even in their 30s and 40s, still enjoying shinny hockey and
the love of skating, and stickhandling, and just plain being
a part of a team, acting as one.
My parents wanted me to be a history teacher, as I love the subject
but then ...fate took me elsewhere, and maybe for the good, as I
saw and have been places with a better understanding of peoples
and their ways.
> Congratulations.
> 73 - Ian, G0TEZ @ GB7CIP
> Message timed: 17:23 on 2012-Jan-13 GMT
> Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80
> [End of Message #60225 from G0TEZ]
BTW Ian ... did you keep your school sweater with the BIG "P"
on it. One kid had it in Grade 9 ... almost like he was
awarded this special designation over the others. He certainly
let it go to his head. Didn't push it away from the school
and I enjoyed the game, and mauling on the ice. Yep took the
tallons of the George Harvey Hawks, and ripped them out and gave
it to their Kaptaino, who was a "P" but useless on ice.
Anyone else reading, every have this Prefect experience, or was
our high school in Toronto, just an experiment ?
Yep ...all on the plane thats landing in the Great Outback and
the school bus is there ...to drive us over to Bob's School.
ttfn 73 Pete VE3WBZ
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