VE3WBZ > TEACH 08.10.09 17:29l 117 Lines 4432 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 25693_VA3BAL
Subj: Thanks Bob..now lets debate :)
Sent: 091008/1602Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:25693 [Ballantrae] $:25693_VA3B
DT:Wednesday,October 7th.,2009 @1041hrs JPST
<< Quoting VK6BE to TEACH @WW >>
> From : VK6BE To : TEACH @WW
> Type/Status : B$ Date/Time : 07-Oct 00:32
> Bid : 4E0229VK6BE Message # : 25544
> Title : RE: Bob VK6BE as a teacher
> Pete, in my 47 years of teaching I cannot recall even one
> student who did not cooperate with me .....finally.
Hi Bob., Finally in the end, and away from the class we
meaning the teacher in question, and I did reach agreement
on our debates.
> He, or she, might have had some grief for a short time but
> in the end I had no problem and neither did the student.
> I coached several sports in my time - a good vehicle for
> building relationsips with students particularly those who
> have trouble learning.
The problem in Canada, in regards to sports, is unless the
grades are there, and an average, you don't get to join
any teams in the school or against other schools.
Also in that equation , was if you wanted to really support
that school, and my first high school, I never liked them
and they never liked me, and that was ok. I think it
was the neighbourhood, as I went to another school and
the change was like night and day.
> My work with school choirs also helped.
I think the only thing I liked about my first high school
was the music department head. He was well liked and differed
from the rest there. Also a very popular gym-coach who asked
me to join their junior team, and I refused, so many times
only to play in my last years in school against them and
him, and well our friendship etc was there...he went soon
after to another school for obvious reasons.
> I meet many of my one time students frequently, now in
> their 60s in some cases, who greet me with a great deal of
> affection. It is heart warming for me.
You bet it is. I know many are asked about on some sites
I am on and read about. The bad apples, are forgotten
and rotted away and good bye.
> Don't worry about David's comments, Peter. This is another
> subject on which he has not one jot of knowledge but he
> ploughs on foot in mouth as usual. He does not know.
I can appreciate some of his postings, with sites, but
I can not get over, when there is a topic and disagreement
it seems, and well that is how I see it...he changes the
topic to support his claims if he is against your thoughts.
I state this, and he posts this...not even related.
> As for keeping up to date, Peter, I am fairly well up to
> date with what they are doing in clasrooms these days.
> I have kept in touch with my last school nd revisited some
> earlier ones for centenary celebrations etc.
> Computers come into it with much better equipment than what
> we use, and though I might have lost a lot of hair and be
> getting on in years I am not an idiot and have kept pretty
> well up to date with the present technology.
> In any case maths and English have not changed much and
> they are still taught in our schools here.
No math never changes....as a math teacher told me...the
only thing that changes is the book and someone to make it
look new < new Math > changes the wording. The so-called
New Math is actually the old math....and it is funny I
miss him, and have always wondered how long he stayed there
and where did he go from there. Not the kind of man to
stay in that school.
> David will waffle on with the help of the Internet.
> Without it he would be lost. Let him go, he is not harming
> anyone except himself..
> Cheers,
> Bob VK6BE.
> [End of Message #25544 from VK6BE]
I have no problem with him or anyone else referring to the
Net and some site. I really view very little of them unless
really interested. I have no problem with David , or anyone
expressing an opinion, but lets have a bit of decorum and
because on doesn't agree or one has a bee in the bonnet over
this or that person ....names are out...etc.
I tend to agree he is harming himself, and it is yet another
pattern emerging of past evnts those with good memorys
I know the schools have Re-unions....but oh well...I never
get an invite...hahahaha...I wonder why ? <g>
ttfn Bob ... You are lucky still you are retired and never
had me in you class.
Peter VE3WBZ
PS: Or that KALABUNGA Warren on the board <g>
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