IK3GLQ > SAT 15.01.20 15:19l 91 Lines 4631 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 1097_IK3GLQ
Subj: for o per LU1HVK
Sent: 200115/1429 @:IK3GLQ.IR3VI.VI.IVEN.ITA.EU $:1097_IK3GLQ Sally 4.1.232 vi.
>From ik3glq%ik3glq.ir3vi.vi.iven.ita.eu@n2nov.ampr.org Wed Jan 15 09:05:18 2020
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Message-Id: <1097_IK3GLQ@N1URO.bbs>
>From: ik3glq@ik3glq.ir3vi.vi.iven.ita.eu
X-JNOS-User-Port: Circuit (CTJNOS:N1URO-7 N1URO-7) -> Sending message
>From ik3glq%ik3glq.ir3vi.vi.iven.ita.eu@i0ojj.ampr.org Wed Jan 15 15:01:32 2020
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Message-Id: <1097_IK3GLQ@i3xty.bbs>
>From: ik3glq@ik3glq.ir3vi.vi.iven.ita.eu
X-JNOS-User-Port: Uplink (I3XTY-3 on port hub) -> Sending message
Date: mer, 15 gen 2020 14:29:50 LOC
Subject: for o per LU1HVK
ciao a tutti - immagino che a qualcuno interessino i messaggi di LU1HVK, che hanno certamente del
valore per noi radioamatori. Ora non so che programma usa, e di consegunza ogni suo bollettino mi
crea problemi nel riceverlo... si blocca durante la ricezione del bollettino in via COMPRESSA dal
HOMEBBS probabilmente, perche l'OM usa il programma LINUX. che è un ottimo software,
ma non si sposa con il windows, pertanto, e solo momentaneamente metto i suoi
bollettini in reject..perchè mi si blocca il programma in ricezione
probabilmente perchè esce dalle famose righe del FBB di 79 caratteri per
riga...se possibile, invito l'OM a modificare il sitema di inoltro dei suoi
messaggi, perchè il famoso programma per packet SALLY 232 e l'ultimo giunto
versione 033 NON LO RICEVE SI BLOCCA... ahhh beato l'FBB quello funziona
saluti Cliff ik3glq
hola a todos, creo que alguien estß interesado en los mensajes de LU1HVK, que
sin duda tienen valor para nosotros los radioaficionados. Ahora no sé qué
programa usa, y en consecuencia cada uno de sus boletines crea problemas al
recibirlo ... se bloquea al recibir el boletín a través de COMPRESSA de HOMEBBS
probablemente, porque el OM usa el programa LINUX. que es un excelente
software, pero no se casa con las ventanas, por lo tanto, y solo
momentßneamente pongo sus boletines en rechazo ... porque el programa estß
bloqueado en la recepción probablemente porque deja las famosas líneas del FBB
de 79 caracteres por línea ... .si es posible, invito al OM a modificar el
sistema para reenviar sus mensajes, porque el famoso programa de paquetes SALLY
232 y la última versión 033 NO LO RECIBEN BLOQUES ... ahhh bendijo al FBB que
SIEMPRE funciona
saludos acantilado ik3glq
hello everyone - I imagine that someone is interested in the messages of
LU1HVK, which certainly have value for us radio amateurs. Now I don't know what
program it uses, and consequently each of its bulletins creates problems in
receiving it ... it crashes while receiving the bulletin via COMPRESSA from
HOMEBBS probably, because the OM uses the LINUX program. which is an excellent
software, but it does not marry the windows, therefore, and only momentarily I
put its bulletins in reject..because the program stops me in reception probably
because it leaves the famous lines of the FBB of 79 characters per line .. .if
possible, I invite the OM to modify the system of forwarding of its messages,
because the famous program for packet SALLY 232 and the latest joint version
033 DOES NOT RECEIVE IT BLOCKS ... ahhh blessed the FBB that ALWAYS works
regards Cliff ik3glq
hello everyone - I imagine that someone is interested in the messages of
LU1HVK, which certainly have value for us radio amateurs. Now I don't know what
program it uses, and consequently each of its bulletins creates problems in
receiving it ... it crashes while receiving the bulletin via COMPRESSA from
HOMEBBS probably, because the OM uses the LINUX program. which is an excellent
software, but it does not marry the windows, therefore, and only momentarily I
put its bulletins in reject..because the program stops me in reception probably
because it leaves the famous lines of the FBB of 79 characters per line .. .if
possible, I invite the OM to modify the system of forwarding of its messages,
because the famous program for packet SALLY 232 and the latest joint version
033 DOES NOT RECEIVE IT BLOCKS ... ahhh blessed the FBB that ALWAYS works
regards Cliff ik3glq
li, mer 15 gennaio 2020 14:25
ºSoftware Sally vers. 4.1.232 by G8NPF º
º 73 de IK3GLQ º
Vicenza, mer 15 gennaio 2020 14:24 LOC
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