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From: PY1AYH @ PY1AYH.RJ.BRA.SA (Alcemar)
To:   SATS @ WW
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     Frank H. Bauer, KA3HDO to Step Down from ARISS and AMSAT Duties

Frank H. Bauer, KA3HDO, announced today that, effective immediately, he will be
stepping down from all his Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
(ARISS) duties.  This includes his contributions to NASA Education as the ARISS
program leader, his support as the Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station (ARISS) International Working Group Chair, his appointment as one of
two ARISS USA delegates, and as the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation’s
(AMSAT) Vice President for Human Spaceflight Programs.
Mr. Bauer cited personal and professional reasons for his departure.  He is
currently the Chief Engineer for the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at
NASA Headquarters.  This directorate is developing the next generation human
spaceflight vehicles that will take NASA to the International Space Station and
then to the Moon, Mars and beyond. He is also providing some backup support to
the Space Operations Chief Engineer who supports the Space Shuttle and
International Space Station Programs.   “Work responsibilities, which have
increased substantially over the past couple of years, coupled with some recent
health issues within my immediate family, led me to the conclusion that I could
not continue to provide the leadership and passion that has been characteristic
of my past support to these amateur radio endeavors,ö Mr. Bauer said.  “This
was a very hard decision.  I will certainly miss the phenomenal ARISS
international team and our mission to inspire the next generation of space
explorers using ham radio as our platform.  But I thought it would be best to
step down at this juncture,ö Bauer explained.  KA3HDO continues, “Over the past
12 years, we have developed, mentored and matured an outstanding volunteer team
with a wide breadth and depth.  I am fully confident that they will keep the
ARISS program running smoothly without missing a beat.ö 
AMSAT-NA President Barry Baines, WD4ASW, has tapped Will Marchant, KC6ROL, to
become the next AMSAT Vice President for Human Spaceflight Programs and the
AMSAT USA delegate of the ARISS International Working Group.  Barry Baines
stated that “AMSAT is fortunate that we have a very capable leader in Will
Marchant who is intimately familiar with ARISS, our extensive human spaceflight
program, and is well respected internationally.ö  Barry observed, “Frank’s
leadership has left a significant mark on the overall ARISS program and the
cooperative relationship between amateur radio, NASA and other governmental
space agencies.   However, Frank also ensured that his team evolved to the
point where the work that he pioneered will be carried on by those that he
mentored and encouraged to take on greater responsibility.ö
In his new role, Will Marchant will work with the other ARISS USA delegate,
Rosalie White, K1STO, from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the other
ARISS International Delegates and the ISS Space Agencies to coordinate the
development and operations of the amateur radio systems onboard the ISS. 
Rosalie stated that “I look forward to working with Will in his new role.   He
has provided outstanding leadership and support to ARISS from its very
beginning, most recently as an Operations team leader.  And he helped pioneer
the school group mentor role as part of the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment
(SAREX) program in the early 1990’s.ö  She continued, “Frank will be missed
tremendously. It is incredible how much volunteer time and effort he put into
ARISS educational activities; it was easy to see it was his passion.ö  
With Mr. Bauer stepping down from the ARISS International Chairman role, the
ARISS International Vice Chair, Mr. Gaston Bertels, ON4WF will become the ARISS
International Chairman effective immediately.  Mr. Bertels has been a leader of
ARISS from its inception and serves as the Chairman of the ARISS-Europe team.
Mr. Bertels has established a close relationship between ARISS and ESA, the
European Space Agency. This resulted in the development and the installation of
ARISS L- and S-band antennas on the nadir of Columbus, the European Space
Laboratory.  Mr. Bertels also chairs the ARSPEX (Amateur Radio Space
Exploration) working group of the International Amateur Radio Union, Region 1. 
Mr. Bertels stated: "We can understand the reasons of Frank Bauer's
resignation, but we also feel how difficult this decision has been.  Frank has
inspired a worldwide group of passionate radio amateurs, working together to a
common goal.  Now it is up to us to continue in the same direction and with the
same spirit.  That's the best farewell present we can offer Frank".
Mr. Bauer’s departure today represents the culmination of over 25 years of
leadership and support to amateur radio activities on human spaceflight
vehicles, including NASA sponsored ham radio activities on the Shuttle, Space
Station Mir, and the International Space Station.  Starting in 1983, he led the
Goddard Amateur Radio Club team that provided around-the clock Space Shuttle
retransmissions from the WA3NAN club station.  These retransmissions provided
the international ham radio community up-to-the-minute information during the
flight of Owen Garriott, W5LFL on STS-9 and subsequent SAREX flights.  These
real-time bulletins and frequent orbital element updates could only be obtained
through amateur radio in the days prior to the internet.  In 1991, AMSAT then
President Bill Tynan, W3XO tapped Frank to be the AMSAT VP for Human
Spaceflight, a position he has held until today.  
In 1996, when the International Space Station design development was well
underway, NASA Headquarters Education Office executive Pam Bacon (Mountjoy)
requested that the amateur radio community form a single, international team to
provide one voice for all ham radio development and operations on the ISS.  The
SAREX Working Group, led by Roy Neal, K6DUE, was tapped to turn this vision
into reality.  In November 1996, Roy (ARRL), with the other SAREX working group
members Frank Bauer, KA3HDO (NASA/AMSAT), Rosalie White K1STO (ARRL), and Matt
Bordelon, KC5BTL, (NASA) organized a joint NASA-international amateur radio
meeting at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.  This led to the formulation of
the ARISS International Working Group of delegates representing Canada, Europe,
Japan, Russia and the USA—and the rest is history.  
Since those austere beginnings, the ARISS team of volunteers has developed and
deployed ham radio equipment that resides in three modules of the ISS---the
Service Module, the FGB and the Columbus Module as well as having deployed a
short duration satellite in a space suit called SuitSat-1/Radiosskaf/AO-54. 
These systems enable the ARISS team to inspire over 15,000 students each year,
encouraging them to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics through amateur radio communications with the ISS on-orbit crew. 
It also introduces these students and millions from the worldwide general
public to the fun, exciting, multi-faceted world of amateur radio.
The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), is an educational,
not-for-profit corporation founded 40 years ago and is based in Silver Spring,
MD.  Its primary objective is to foster Amateur Radio’s participation in space
research, communications, and education through the development and operation
of amateur radio satellites in space.  To date, there are over 60 amateur radio
satellites that have been built by volunteers around the world and flown in

Last Wed 03/25

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