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CX7BY  > SAT      13.06.04 05:51l 61 Lines 2283 Bytes #999 (0) @ AMSAT
BID : ANS-165.05
Subj: ARISS Status  07 June 2004
Sent: 040613/0328Z @:CX7BY.MVD.URY.SA #:16212 [Montevideo] FBB $:ANS-165.05

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 165.05 From AMSAT HQ
SILVER SPRING, MD.  June 13, 2004
BID: $ANS-165.05

1.  Walton High School Contact Successful

Walton Central High School in Walton, New York experienced a successful
contact with the ISS on Wednesday, June 2 at 1757 UTC. Mike Fincke, KE5AIT,
answered 16 questions posed by eight physics students. The contact was
performed via the telebridge station, NN1SS, at GSFC, while Mark Steiner,
K3MS, sat at the controls. ARRL's web story covering the contact, "No Pets,
Voting Booths in Space, Astronaut Tells High Schoolers" can be found at and provides a link to
the audio from the ARISS event.

2.  Expedition 8 Crew Debriefing

The ARISS-U.S. Team debriefed Expedition 8 Commander Mike Foale, KB5UAC, on
Friday, June 4. The discussion covered operations, school contacts,
hardware, and computer availability on board the ISS. Mike had a favorable
impression of the ARISS program, and provided suggestions for further
improving the project.

3.  Field Day 2004

The ARRL will hold its annual Field Day event the fourth full weekend in
June. This year, Field Day will run from Saturday, June 26 at 1800 UTC (2 pm
ET) to Sunday, June 27 at 2100 UTC (5 pm ET). Both Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, and
Gennady Padalka, RN3DT, have been invited to participate in the event. The
ARISS team should learn in the next couple of weeks as to whether they will
be participating in Field Day.

4.  ISS Ham Technical Team Meeting

The ISS Ham Technical Team held a teleconference on Tuesday, June 1.
Discussions included a new third party agreement, which came out of the
World Radio Conference, and how these changes might help the ARISS program.
Also discussed were the steps to be taken for future EVAs - shutting down
the radio equipment prior to an EVA, and bringing the systems up again,

5.  ARRL to Update School Applications

ARRL has made plans to go through the older ARISS school applications in
September (when school starts up again). Teachers will be contacted and
asked to update their information and to provide schedules of vacations for
the school year.

[ANS thanks Carol for the above information]

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