CX2ACB > SAT 28.12.02 23:07l 200 Lines 7844 Bytes #999 (0) @ AMSAT
BID : ANS-363.02
Subj: Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2002-12-27 2
Sent: 021228/2131Z @:CX2ACB.MVD.URY.SA #:55926 [Montevideo] $:ANS-363.02
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 363.02 From AMSAT HQ
BID: $ANS-363.02
The ARISS (a joint effort of AMSAT, the ARRL, NASA, the ARISS international
partners including Canada, Russia, the European Partners, and Japan)
operations team wishes to announce the following very tentative schedule for
ARISS school contacts. This schedule is very fluid and may change at the
last minute. Remember that amateur radio use on the ISS is considered
secondary. Please check the various AMSAT and ARISS webpages for the latest
announcements. Changes from the last announcement are noted with (***).
Also, please check MSNBC.com for possible live retransmissions
(http://www.msnbc.com/m/lv/default.asp). Listen for the ISS on the downlink
of 145.80 MHz.
For information about educational materials available from ISS partner space
Agencies, please refer to links on the ARISS Frequently Asked Questions
If you are interested in supporting an ARISS contact, then you must fill
in an application. The ARISS operations mentor team will not accept a
direct request to support an ARISS contact.
You should also note that many schools think that they can request a
specific date and time. It does not work that way. Once an application
has been accepted, the ARISS mentors will work with the school to
determine a mutually agreeable date.
Websites that may be of interest include:
Your completely filled out application should be returned to the
nearest coordinating ARISS region if your specific region is not
listed. E-mail is the preferred method of submitting an application.
Here are the email addresses:
ARISS-Canada and all other countries not covered: ve2ka@rac.ca (Daniel
Lamoureux VE2KA)
ARISS-Europe: jh.hahn@gmx.net (J. Hahn, DL3LUM / PA1MUC)
ARISS-Japan and all Region 3 countries: iaru-r3@jarl.or.jp (Keigo Komuro
ARISS-Russia: n2ww@attbi.com (Valerie Agabekov N2WW/UA6HZ)
ARISS-USA: ARISS@arrl.org (The American Radio Relay League)
ISS Expedition 6 crew:
Kenneth Bowersox KD5JBP
Nikolai Budarin RV3FB
Donald Pettit KD5MDT
World Scout Jamboree 2003, Sattahip, Thailand, Direct via E20AJ
Contact is on for Saturday 2002-12-28 08:40 UTC
Don Pettit is the scheduled astronaut.
Good luck Scouts and Don!
The contact will be on the web starting after 08:30 UTC
Here are the proposed questions for the World Scout Jamboree.
1. How do you eat your food? How is it cooked?
2. Do you think the camping skill is useful as astronauts?
3. What are you doing to maintain your health?
4. What is the first thing you want to do when you come back to the earth?
5. Do you think that the earth is still blue?
6. How do you find time for your family or loved ones and how do you
communicate with them?
7. Astronauts are dedicated, patient, and under constant pressure, how do
handle all the demands on yourself?
8. What are you feeling from living in space?
9. If you were to meet Thai people, what would you like to ask them?
10. May I have your message to the scouts?
11. What was the most delightful thing as astronaut?
12. Do you want your children to become astronaut like you?
13. How can I be the astronaut like you?
14. How do you obtain fresh water, is there big tank?
15. How does the lack of gravity affect the body and how do you manage it?
16. How do you take a bath?
17. How is the temperature in the space station maintained? What is the
outside temperature?
18. If the ISS slip from its orbit, how would you take it back to the right
19. When you left the earth, did any cosmic rays affect you and how?
20. Do you feel something great in the space?
Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, Chicago, Illinois direct via AJ9N
Contact is on for 2002-12-29 18:21 UTC
Ken Bowersox is the scheduled astronaut.
Good luck Adler and Ken!
Contact will be on live streaming video/audio, the website
is http://www.adlerplanetarium.org and follow the links.
Here are the proposed questions for Adler.
1. What happens if you runout of gas in space?
2. What kind of plants will you be growing on this mission and why are you
growing them?
3. What is your favorite space food and how do you cook it?
4. Do you get home sick and how do you handle it?
5. How many sunrises do you see in a day?
6. Are the astronauts able to communicate with their families? And if so,
7. When I try something new or different, sometimes I get a little nervous.
Do you ever get a little nervous doing something new or different in space?
8. What is the most interesting and/or important thing you have learned in
9. What do you feel (proud, scared...) when you are in space for the first
10. How do you sleep in the ISS?
11. How do you eat and drink when there is no gravity?
12. How big is the space station compared to the Sears Tower which is 1,400
ft tall?
13. What was your favorite thing you remember working with Astronaut Story
Musgrave on the Hubble Space telescope mission?
14. How many people are aboard the station and what do they do?
15. What happens to the food and stuff that floats up and gets lost on the
Station? (***)
16. What happens if you sneeze inside your helmet?
17. Now that you have spent a significant amount of time in space, if it
possible, would you want to be part of a manned mission to Mars?
Groupe scolaire "René Mure", Commelle-Vernay, France
Contact is on for Tuesday 2002-12-31 10:18 UTC
Don Pettit is the scheduled astronaut.
Good luck "René Mure" and Don! (***)
Here are the proposed questions for "René Mure".
1. How were you chosen to go to the ISS?
2. How long will you stay on board?
3. What is your own task during this mission?
4. How many persons are there on board?
5. How long does it take to fly from earth to the ISS?
6. Can you bring a lot of personal stuff into the station?
7. In microgravity conditions, is it difficult for you to find your way in
the station?
8. What is the ISS's inner temperature?
9. How do you manage to take a shower in microgravity conditions?
10. How long do you sleep?
11. How do you feel when on board?
12. What maximum weight can you lift up in microgravity conditions?
13. The ISS flies at a very high speed. Do you feel this on board?
14. What is the most dangerous action in a space mission?
15. Are you tied up to the ISS when you work outside?
16. Are scientific tests done with animals? Do they behave like humans in
17. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
18. What did impress you most in space?
19. Will the ISS be destroyed at the end like MIR?
Ecole Immaculle Conception, Brest, France, Direct
TBD week of 2003-01-06
Sacajawea Middle School, Montana Direct
TBD week of 2003-01-06
Cape Cod National Seashore, Wellfleet, MA, Telebridge
TBD week of 2003-01-13
Hochwald-Gymnasium, Wadern, Germany, Direct via DN1TA
TBD 2003-02
Cowichan Secondary School, Duncan, BC, Canada, Direct via VE7POH
TBD 2003-02
Park Ridge, Illinois
Oregon State University
TBD 2003-02
The latest ARISS announcement and successful school list in now available on
the ARISS web site. Several ways to get there.
click on English (sorry I don't know French)
you are now at http://www.rac.ca/ariss/
click on News
Currently the ARISS operations team has a list of over 60 schools that we
hope will be able to have a contact during 2002-2003. As the schedule
becomes more solidified, we will be letting everyone know. Current plans
call for an average of one scheduled school contact per week.
[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N for tha above information]
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