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VK7AX  > BCAST    22.02.25 05:15l 985 Lines 33766 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: VK National News 23Feb25
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VK National News 23Feb25

Text edition:

Weekly news from the WIA:
MP3 edition of news available at: 
Text edition:







WIA Director Lee Moyle VK3GK





This is WIA Director Lee Moyle VK3GK

The WIA Merit Award program identifies and recognises sustained outstanding achievement in the diverse field of Amateur Radio that furthers the science of radio, and/or service to the WIA.
It plays an important role in promoting excellence with nominations made by WIA members and decided by the WIA Board of Directors.

Nominations are called for using a special form found on the WIA website. It contains the name of the individual nominated, the person nominating them, two other supporting members who may also be contacted, and details of the achievement.
The type of award is not made in that nomination, with that decision made by the WIA Board of Directors.
If the nomination is successful, these are usually announced at the WIA annual general meeting, and where possible presented at that gathering of members.
WIA Merit Awards are not necessarily awarded every year.

A list of WIA Merit Award recipients and their achievements are published later in Amateur Radio magazine and on the WIA VK1WIA Sunday broadcast.

Nominations for WIA Awards will be presented at the WIA AGM in May 2025 in Bendigo. Nominations will close on 31st March 2025.

The WIA Merit Awards are as follows:

GA Taylor Medal
Michael J. Owen Distinction Medal
WIA Honorary Life Membership
Chris Jones Award
Brenda Edmonds Award
Ron Wilkinson Achievement Award
WIA Technical Excellence Award
Presidents Commendation

Details and descriptions of each of the WIA merit awards can be found on the WIA website.

If you consider someone worthy to be nominated for a WIA award, please take the time and submit your nomination the WIA Bayswater office.

Voting for WIA Board of directors is still open. If you were a WIA financial member as at December 31st 2024 you should have received your how to vote information either in AR magazine or via email.
Electronic online voting is quick and easy. Just use the unique link provided in the email.
The Bios of the candidates have been provided to allow an informed decision.
A reminder that once your vote has been submitted, you cannot change it, so choose wisely.

For now, 73 from Lee VK3GK.


ICOM have a job opportunity for a Business Development Manager.

The ideal candidate should have a minimum of 3 years' experience in Radio,
IT or similar electrotechnical industries. Ideally, you will be a
licenced Amateur Radio Operator or have a keen interest in the hobby with
underpinning knowledge. You will be commercially aware, you will have
the ability to negotiate and communicate with excellent attention to
detail, applying your knowledge in a proffesional and commerical manner.

This job has been advertised on SEEK.


Faced with the upcoming sunset of methods used to calculate fees for repeaters, beacons and some apparatus amateur licenses, the Australian Communications and Media Authority has finalized small changes it is making. These changes, based on a new methodology, will take effect after the 1st of April sunset of the previous method. The result is that repeaters, beacons and non-assigned apparatus licenses will be assessed $52.62 annually. The changes do not affect those holding Australian class licenses, which have no annual fees. The ACMA said in its February 5th announcement that it has not yet finalized its apparatus license tax reforms for radionavigation-satellite service repeaters.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS is with thanks to ARRL, DX-WORLD, eHam, Hackaday,
SARL and the World Wide sources of the WIA.


On 21 January 2025, voting was completed on Proposal No 266 concerning
the admission of the Libyan Communications Amateur Society (LCAS) to
IARU membership.

With 52 affirmative votes required for approval, there were 61 votes in
favour, no votes in opposition, and no abstentions.

Accordingly, Proposal 266 has been adopted.

IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Newsletter

The first IARU Region 1 Monitoring System newsletter of 2025 has been
published. The January edition highlights that almost one thousand
transmissions of powerful over the horizon radar signals were recorded
in the HF amateur bands for January alone.

Transmissions associated with the Russian Ukrainian radio war continue
to dominate reports as well.

I made mention there of the Russian Ukrainian radio war. Well it's taken a
turn or two for the worst.

Electronics firm RigExperts administrative office, in Kyiv, Ukraine, has
been destroyed by a Russian ballistic missile. All employees are reported
to be safe.

RigExpert is a leading manufacturer of antenna and cable analysers and
officials said they are committed to restoring operations as soon as
possible. Our top priority is the safety of our team and the continuity
of our operations, said Ashot Andeev, Chief Executive Officer. While our
administrative office is in ruins, our production facilities survived,
allowing us to continue serving our customers and partners.

The news this week has been consistently bad, but Ukrainians frequently
carry on as if nothing has changed. This is because in a way little does
change, if youre dealing in daily life, not headlines. The reality is the
fight, in whatever form that takes Zaporizhzhia Radio Club lost its
windows to one of the nightly drone attacks... and got down to fixing

"A mobile air defence group was chasing a drone and it just happened to be
shot down over the workshop. It's not news," said Myk, the chairman. Just
another day for a Ukrainian volunteer workshop, with a few extra tasks
rebuilding place after military attack. As the name suggests, the club,
which has a few dozen members, was founded for ham radio enthusiasts in
Zaporizhzhia city and oblast. They teach young people to design and
assemble various electronic devices, broadcast and communicate digitally
and in Morse code.

Allan Boyd, VE3AJB RAC President and Chair has announced the selection
of Mike Kelly, VE3FFK as the recipient of the RAC Amateur of the Year
Award for 2024.

With over five decades as an Amateur, Mike, VE3FFK, has volunteered
countless hours as a member of the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club.

My Amateur career began as a teenager intrigued by the sounds of Morse on
an old all wave radio, and wanting to figure out what those guys were
saying. That led to a course with the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club and
eventually a few Executive positions there over the years. One of those
positions was the club's designated Delegated Examiner in around 1993,
something I still enjoy doing". Mike said.

An interest in public service events led to several years volunteering for
the Canadian Ski Marathon, the Rideau Lakes Bicycle Tour, several car
rallies, soccer tournaments and road running events. Other interests
included bicycle mobile HF and VHF operating, and portable operation
before it became as popular as it is today.

Radio Amateurs of Canada sincerely congratulates Mike Kelly, VE3FFK, on
his appointment as Amateur of the Year for 2024.

New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE)
is seeking feedback on changes to radio spectrum licence fees.

These fees recover the costs of managing New Zealands radio spectrum
regulatory system, including maintaining the Register of Radio
Frequencies, issuing licences, and investigating interference and for
the past eight years, fees have been set below actual costs due to a
historic surplus. As the surplus is nearly depleted, MBIE is adjusting
fees to ensure full cost recovery. The proposed changes shift fees from
an under-recovering level to full recovery.

Under consideration, two fee options.

Needed from the New Zealand spectrum users, their preferred option
Alternative options
and how the changes may impact businesses

The consultation is open until 5pm on 11 April, 2025.


Although there are numerous amateur radio awards, such as DXCC and
Worked All Europe, Frederich Merz, DK7DQ, is hoping for an achievement
that could be thought of as Worked All Germany even though, in this
case, it's outside the realm of amateur radio.

Frederich Merz is leader of Germany's CDU party and a possible front
runner in this month's elections. A win would make the political
conservative the nation's new Chancellor and as such he would join the
ranks of other licensed heads around the world - most notably the late
King Hussein of Jordan, who held the callsign JY1, and the present
King of Thailand, whose callsign is HS1A.

Still in Germany and the German Amateur Radio Society will be holding the
48th HAM RADIO. From Friday, June 27 until Sunday, June 29th. HAMs and
electronics enthusiasts from all over the world will meet again in
Friedrichshafen will hear topics such as:-


The US Congress has also returned to considering a measure giving hams
the right to install antennas that, until now, have been banned or
restricted by homeowner associations.

This is the latest version of the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness
Act, which has been considered by US lawmakers over the past several years
without taking any action.

The measure prohibits HOAs from writing rules that ban amateur radio
antennas, which are recognized as part of an essential disaster
communications system for public safety. The act also provides hams with
a means of resolving disputes that arise in connection with their

Paul Giamatti to Play Art Bell in Biopic Film

Publication Screen Rant reports of an upcoming film set to portray the
late Art Bell and his radio show Coast to Coast AM. Paul Giamatti is said
to be starring in the lead role.

With Giamatti, a two-time Oscar-nominated actor attached to star,
the Art Bell biopic has received a big boost in terms of its prestige.
The late paranormal DJ hosted the five-hour radio show, Coast to Coast,
which took unscreened calls from guests recounting allegedly firsthand
tales of alien encounters, reincarnation, time travel, and other phenomena
reminiscent of The X-Files. Bell even claimed to have had his own UFO
encounter. At the peak of its popularity during the 1990s, Coast to Coast
drew an audience of roughly 10 million listeners.

Amazon and Warner Bros. are said to be bidding on the project.

In addition to working as a radio host, Art Bell was an Amateur Radio
operator holding a license in the US W6 O BB and Philippines 4 F 1AB.
He was originally licensed at age 13.



The Board of the WIA has accepted the following distance record:-

* 50MHz Short-Path DIGITAL
* Steve Gregory VK3ZAZ to Jose Ribeiro de Sa CT1EEB
* Date of contact 28/10/2024 @ 08:43 UTC
* Distance claimed 17,479Km exceeding the current record by 1,740Km



If you've got your eye on the World Radiosport Team Championship 2026
in the UK, you may want to read the competition rules which have just
been published by the championship's committee.

The rules have been adjusted slightly from the previous competition to
ensure that this a fair test of operator skills. Questions may be
submitted to the committee via social media, on the WRTC reflector or at
amateur radio conventions.

Find a link to the rules in the text version of this week's WIA NATIONAL




SSB February 21 - 2200Z February 23.




The REF Contest starts at 0600UTC on Saturday 22 February and ends at
1800UTC on Sunday 23 February. Using SSB on the 80 to 10m bands, where
contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number.



The IARU 100th Anniversary Centennial QSO Party.

The IARU CQP will be held for nine days, beginning Saturday 12 April and
ending Sunday 20 April. This event will celebrate 100 years of the IARU



HARRY ANGEL MEMORIAL 80 Meter Sprint, Saturday May 3. (vk4uh)


VK Shires Contest 7th - 8th June 2025


NZ Straight Key Night

Next New Zealand Straight Key Night will be held Sunday 8 June
from 9pm to 10pm NZDT (0800 to 0900 UTC) on 80 metres.

Polish and lubricate that old morse key and enjoy an evening of
old-time radio fun.

Straight Key Night is an informal event which honours the roots of
amateur radio: Morse Code sent with a straight key (no bugs,
sideswipers, keyers or keyboards).

Winter SKN is the second Sunday in June, 8-9pm NZ time.
Summer SKN is always the first Sunday in December, 9-10pm NZ time.

SKN honours the original amateur radio mode in an easy-going style.
Operators send signal report, name, location, type of key, type of
transmitter and power output. Stations are limited to 100W output

SKN is not a contest - but the operator who gets the most votes for the
quality of their sending will win the Bruce Scahill Best Fist Award.
This certificate honours Bruce ZL1BWG (SK), who was a dedicated
supporter of SKN. Please email your nomination to ZL1NZ within one week
following the event.

(Neil ZL1NZ, SKN Manager)


IARU HF World Championship.

The 24-hour IARU HF World Championship starts at 12 HUNDRED UTC on
Saturday 12 July and ends at 11:59 UTC on Sunday 13 July.

This annual contest supports amateur self-training in radio
communications, improving operating skills, conducting technical
investigations and inter-communicating with other amateurs around
the world using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 metre bands



Trans-Tasman Low Band Contest - 19 JUL 2025

The Trans-Tasman contest, held on the 3rd weekend in July, aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL

Only contest bands 160 80 and 40M are allowed with SSB, CW and Digital (RTTY OR PSK)




Operation Veritable Special Event Operational Through February 28th

Radio Club Limburg is operating special event station PA 8 OV to
honour the Allied pincer movement during World War II. The event, on air
now through to February 28th as PA 8 OV is active on SSB, CW, and
various digital modes.

This event only runs every 5 years, with the next event scheduled to take
place in 2030.

See the PA8OV website for more details.



Currently based in Nairobi, Kenya, and using his 5 Z 4 J callsign,
John has just received his 5X1J license.

"I have an office in Uganda and I travel by road to Uganda from Kenya
on a regular basis, usually for 2 to 3 weeks for each trip", he says.
"It is on these trips that I will be using my 5X1J callsign.
I will be operating mostly from Jinja, at the source of the River Nile
near Lake Victoria".

QSL only via LoTW.


Northern Arizona DX Association will be continuing with year five of the
10-year special event countdown to the 100th anniversary of the discovery
of Pluto by Clyde Tompaugh at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona.

This annual 9-day event is held each February through to the 2030
anniversary. This year's event will take place February 15-23 (UTC).



Our I.A.R.U. celebrates its centenary this year (2025).

Since its founding in Paris, France, IARU has worked tirelessly to
promote innovation in amateur radio and to encourage the growth of
the service in communities throughout the world.

VI 100 IARU is a special event callsign transmitting from VK3 to help
celebrate the IARU Centennial.

qsl via MO 0 OXO

A team of operators from DARC is active until the 27th of April using
special callsign DA 0 IARU. The station is operating to celebrate the
100th anniversary of the IARU.

A 9 100 IARU is the special callsign for the Bahrain Amateur Radio
Society to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the International
Amateur Radio Union. Look for activity for five days each month
(which days don't ask me! HiHi) during 2025. QSL via EC6DX.

( / 425 dx news / rsgb)


Thierry, TK1CX is active from Cameroon until the end of February.

He is QRV as TJ/TK1CX on the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m bands.

He operates mainly using FT8.

QSL via Logbook of the World, eQSL, or via EA 5 ZD.



PC 80 TT is the special callsign for members of VERON Leiden to celebrate
the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands during
World War II (5 May 1945).

Look for activity now until June One

QSL PC80TT via the bureau to PI4LDN.

The special call sign honours the memory of Rudolf Tappenbeck (PCTT),
a pioneer of Dutch amateur radio who died in Neuengamme concentration
camp 1944.



This year the SARL is on the air with special event callsign
ZS 100 SARL as the society celebrates their centenary of organised
amateur radio activity in South Africa.



Don, KW7R is active as V73KW from the Marshall Islands in the north
western Pacific Ocean. He is there on a work assignment until
September and in his spare time, he operates CW and FT8 on various bands.

QSL V73KW via Logbook of the World.



British Railways Amateur Radio Society is running special event stations GB0LMR and GB2SDR during 2025 to celebrate 200 years of train travel.

Operation will be mainly focused on 40m but there may be additional activity on other bands.

QSL via the Bureau.



Over in "the Motherland", the RSGBs weekly news broadcast GB2RS is
celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. As part of the celebrations,
special callsign GB70RS is active throughout the year. The callsign is
being operated by radio amateurs who help to deliver GB2RS each week and
could include Newsreaders and RSGB Headquarters staff.

Unlike here in VK , in the UK RSGB have to have separate news readers for
each frequency.

You can listen out for RSGB operators on all modes and all bands, with
activity taking place at any time, although you are particularly likely to
hear them before and after the GB2RS broadcasts.

Find out more via the GB70RS page at



Special event station LZ 75 IPA is active right throughout 2025
celebrating the 75th anniversary of the International Police

QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or direct to LZ 3 HI.

(425 dx news )


Lonar Meteor Lake Special Event AU 6 LON.

Lonar Meteor Lake is a creator lake formed by the impact of a meteor
5 MILLION years ago. It is an astronomical wonder in itself. VU2DSI,
Datta from India will be operating/activating from this unique place in
the world of astronomy from 20 th to 24 February. Lonar Meteor Lake is in
the Buldhana district of the state of Maharashtra in India.




In all likelihood, asteroid 2024 YR4 will slip silently past the Earth.

Based on the data so far, theres an estimated chance of only 2.1% to 2.3%
that it will collide with planet Earth December 2032.

Under normal circumstances, if somebody told you there was a roughly 98%
chance of something NOT happening, you probably wouldnt give it a second
thought. Theres certainly a case to be made that you should feel that way
in regards to this particular event frankly, its a lot more likely that
some other terrible thing is going to happen to you in the next eight
years than it is an asteroid is going to ruin your Christmas party.

While the chances are still excellent that 2024 YR4 will zip harmlessly
past our Blue Marble in 2032, its not outside the realm of possibility
that some big decisions might need to be made in the next few years.

Thats where advanced space-bound observatories like the James Webb Space
Telescope come in. While our instruments on Earth soon wont be able to
see 2024 YR4, the JWST will not only be able to keep its gaze on the
asteroid for longer, but the infrared observatory is uniquely suited for
capturing critical data about its size and shape.



For this story we turn to John Williams VK4JJWs.

They're called chorus waves but these disturbances, first discovered in the earth's magnetic field decades ago, are apparently nothing to sing about.

For one thing, scientists realise these bursts of energy are not necessarily limited to the earth and nearby planets; their presence may pose dangers to deep space travel.

When the waves are converted to audio, the signals are said to chirp, mimicking birdsong. The dark side to this sweet song is the discovery that the waves are capable of accelerating particles to almost the speed of light - a rate that would endanger astronauts and spacecraft passing through them. Scientists have dubbed these particles "killer electrons."

The finding was made recently by researchers at Beihang University in China and published in the journal Nature. The researchers detected the chorus waves through use of NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, a study of the earth's magnetic field that utilises four satellites flying in formation.

Earth isn't the only planet experiencing this phenomenon. Scientists now know that the waves can occur near any planet in our solar system with a magnetic field. In fact, a magnetic field is no longer a prerequisite: The waves have been found on Venus too, which has no magnetic field. They are created instead when solar wind enters the atmosphere from transient fields. All of which leads scientists to a chorus of questions.

This is John Williams VK4JJW.



The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) launched a Pico Balloon on Saturday
February 15th from Arizona, US. The balloon is currently traversing the
Atlantic ocean at around 44,000 feet.

Vicki N6KLS president of YLRL, Tom N6BT and K7CNT launched the YLRL K4LMB
Pico Balloon from Kingman, Arizona. Was very calm air and the balloon went
straight up and within 3 hours it was at 43,000ft heading straight for
Nogales AZ, it dipped into Mexico and then turned back to the NE and
crossed the Rio Grande River and ended the day south of Midland Texas.

It travelled a whopping 1,800 miles overnight.

This balloon and tracker was generously donated by Bob Goulden KJ7VBX.
Thank you Bob, the YLRL group members are very excited about this flight
and are hoping for a great flight. It's at a great altitude still and
traveling at 94 mph.

The balloon can be tracked here.

The Young Ladies Radio League has also announced the Memorial Scholarship
program for 2025. The scholarship program is aimed at women Amateur Radio
Operators studying radio, communications, electronics or Amateur Radio
related arts and sciences.

The YLRL is an international non-profit organization of women Amateur
Radio enthusiasts founded in 1939 and is the longest running YL club in
the world. The YLRL is sponsoring three memorial scholarships for 2025:

The Ethel Smith K4LMB Memorial Scholarship $2,500 award

The Mary Lou Brown NM7N Memorial Scholarship also $2,500.

The Martha Wessel K0EPE Memorial Scholarship worth $1,500.

The YLRL believes that education in the fields or radio, communications,
electronics and Amateur Related arts and sciences will play an important
role in shaping the worlds future. Through these Memorial Scholarships,
YLRL hopes to encourage female students to learn more about Amateur Radio.

To qualify, students must be female, have an Amateur Radio License, meet
the requirements listed on the website and apply using the online
application April 30, 2025.

Application link:

(ard and eHam)

AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary(at)

The oldest of the Starlink satellites are coming back to Earth and NASA
has detected metallic vapours in the atmosphere as they disintegrate.
These are among the so-called Generation 1 satellites that were launched
starting in 2018.

All that debris is adding up and apparently having other effects:
The SpaceWeather website said that just one of these satellites can
produce about 30 kilograms of aluminium oxide. This compound is known to
erode the Earths ozone layer.

Astronauts say the darndest things.
But as a group of students here recently discovered, the tricky part is
pinning one down to answer questions.

Their hard work paid off when they met at the Clifton Arts Centre and
Sculpture Park for an opportunity that few people have ever dreamed of.
Using an amateur radio setup, 10 children from area schools connected with
astronaut Donald Pettit for an exclusive -- but scripted -- chat about
life on the International Space Station.

They asked him how he celebrates his birthday, how he keeps track of time
and how he manages to fall asleep.

Its principal at the time, Sandra Giordano, had already planned for the
entire student body to make contact with an astronaut. To ensure that
opportunity was not lost, she formed her own amateur radio club outside of
school and redeployed some teachers to carry out the mission. The new
club, called Heart of ARC, conducted science workshops to train
participating students for the eventual radio connection, facilitated by
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, or ARISS.


Team 3 B 9 DJ will be active from Rodrigues Island (AF-017) from
24 March to 5 April. They plan to operate CW, FT8 and SSB on
160-10 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, or via OK6DJ.

Team 4 S 7 SPG are active from Nilaveli, Sri Lanka (AS-003) now until
March One. They are on CW, SSB, FT8 and RTTY on 80-10 metres.
QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or via SP6CIK.

Recordings of military transmissions can be found on the
Signal Identification Guide Wiki at

From the 1st to the 28th of March George, MM0JNL will once again be
activating special event station GB 0 GTS. This year the station is
active in support of the Great Tommy Sleep out. This national challenge
aims to raise funds and awareness for all former UK service personnel
who are living homeless.

More details are available at and

(Youngsters On The Air)
WIA committee:- Steve VK6SJ, Alec VK2MV and Pete VK2LP.

YOTA Contest 2025

Organized by the IARU R1 Youth Working Group in cooperation with the
Hungarian Amateur Radio Society, the aim of the YOTA Contest is to
increase we youngsters activity on the air, strengthen the reputation
of the YOTA programme and demonstrate support for youngsters across the

The three sessions of this year's YOTA Contest will be held

9 March
19 July
29 December


It is with pleasure that we announce the 2025 YOTA Summer Camp, which will
be hosted by REF, the IARU member society in France.
The event itself, 18 to 25 August about 50 kilometres to the north west of
Paris in the heart of the Vexin national park.

The RSGB is delighted to announce that Samuel McCutchion, M7UEL, will be
the RSGBs Scout, Cadet and Girl guiding Youth Champion.

Sam brings a wealth of hands-on experience to the role having been part of
the Scouts from a young age in Beavers and then working his way up to
Network. He then progressed to become an Assistant Section Leader.
This knowledge will help the RSGB Youth Team to engage and offer amateur
radio support to not only the Scouts, but also the Cadets and
Girl guiding.


Amateur Radio Emergency Service Renews Relationship with Red Cross in
Puerto Rico.

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) in the ARRL Puerto Rico Section
has signed a renewal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the American
Red Cross Puerto Rico Region. The agreement establishes a framework of
cooperation and a close working relationship with ARRL ARES volunteers.

Both ARES and the Red Cross agree that, with the resources of both
organizations, the public will be best served during disasters,
emergencies, and other public service related situations.

ARRL Puerto Rico Section Manager Carmen N. Greene, KP4QVQ, believes the
new MOU benefits everyone. The renewal of the existing MOU with the
American Red Cross of Puerto Rico is a testament to the relationship and
commitment we have at the local section level with the legendary
organization, she said. We feel that our communities will greatly
benefit from the joint efforts to train and practice the ability to pass
messages when the normal infrastructure is not available.



The first WICEN NSW events for this year are in support of Dementia
Australias Memory Walk and Jogs.

They will be at;

Cronulla and Mona Vale, on Sunday the 2nd of March
Penrith on the 9th
Wollongong on the 16th
the Hunter on the 23rd of March,
and at Sydney Olympic Park, on Sunday the 25th of May.

These events are straight forward and would suit anyone new to WICEN
activities. If you want to take part please contact Liz Dawson,
Liz's email address is in the text edition of this your WIA NATIONAL NEWS


WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of VRA Rescue NSW.

For more information about WICEN please visit




Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section

Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.



VK3 - Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group HamFest March One at
Mooroolbark Community Centre. (wiacal)

*Hi, this is Craig VK3WAR for the Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group.*
*We are holding our HamFest on Saturday the 1st of March at the
Mooroolbark Community Hall, 125 Brice Avenue, Mooroolbark.*

*Doors open to Traders at 8am and buyers at 10am.*

*Entry for buyers is $10 with tea & coffee provided.*

*This is a cash only event.*

*The hall is only a short walk from the Mooroolbark train station and
ample car parking is available onsite.*

*For more information or to book a table please see our website at or call Steve VK3NG on 0418 103 487 that's 0418 103 487*

*Tables are filling fast so book now and don't miss out!*

*We look forward to seeing you on the day.*


All the best Col Winger Treasurer YVARG*

VK7 - MEET THE VOICE social outing Ross Caravan Park March 23 (Al vk7)

VK4 - Redcliffe & Districts Radio Club REDFEST April 12 at
Deception Bay North State School. (wiacal)

VK - WIA AGM May 3 - 4. Hosted by Bendigo Amateur Radio & Electronics
Club and their Technology Expo (vk3gtv/wiacal)

VK2 - Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club's 49th Annual Field Day Weekend
at Wauchope Showground Hall June 7 and 8 (wiacal)

VK5 - SERG Convention and Fox Hunting Championship June 7 and 8
At Scout Hall in Mt. Gambier (vk5dj)

VK - Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association 50th anniversary
Glen Waverly July 26 (vk2ayl)

VK5 - AREG's Amateur Radio & Electronics Sale Sunday 26th October
at David Roche Park, Kilburn (VK5QI)

Country Paradise Parklands 231 Beaudesert Nerang Road.

VK3- Rosebud RadioFest, Eastbourne Primary School, Rosebud (wiacal)
November Sixteen.

VK8 - Darwin Amateur Radio Club DARC Xmas Party 6:30pm Dec 3 (wiacal)

  Reception Reports

 WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
 welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
 straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
 news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
 email their reception reports and location to


            (Posted to the packet network courtesy Tony VK7AX)

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