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BID : 64387_VK7AX
Subj: VK7 Amateur Radio News 25Aug24
Sent: 240824/0634Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:64387 [Ulverstone] $:64387_VK7AX
VK7 Amateur Radio News 25Aug24
Text edition:
FOR SUNDAY 25th August 2024
Welcome to the VK7 Amateur Radio News.
This was first broadcast on Sunday, August 25th, 2024 and we bring you the latest from the world of amateur radio in VK7.
This week, joining you from the Tasmanian Amateur Radio News desk is Mike, VK7FB.
Tune in as we share updates and insights across VK7, broadcast through an array of platforms and frequencies:
On DMR Talk Group 5 and D-Star Reflector 91C, managed by Clayton, VK7ZCR.
On Medium and high frequency rebroadcasts thanks to our dedicated operators:
1.862 MHz by Graham, VK7GS
3.670 MHz by Garry, VK7JGD
7.140 MHz by Dale, VK7DG
14.130 MHz by Peter, VK7TPE
28.525 MHz by Tony, VK7VKT and
UHF CB Channel 24 in the Hobart area, hosted by Mark, VK7FMAC
If you missed todayâ€Ös broadcast then you can catch the replay on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT and UHFCB24 in Southern VK7.
Thank you for tuning in and enjoy the broadcast!
Contesting News
Remembrance Day Contest
The RD is over for another year and all there is to do is put in your log!
If you used VKCL or N1MM all you have to do is create the Cabrillo Log formatted file and then go the VKLogChecker website and the link is in the email edition of this broadcast.
And submit the file - the website will tell you if it has problems with your file or will tell you it has successfully accepted your file and provide a listing of the log entries.
It pays to check that your Callsign appears on the submitted log list that is available at the RD Contest link and select the “View Submitted Logs” button.
At the time of writing there were 175 logs submitted and last year there was a total of 259 logs with VK7 submitting 51 logs and so far 37 VK7 logs have been uploaded.
The deadline for log submission is 1st September 2024, 0300 UTC.
Upload you log and make VK7 Great Again!
Statewide News
Thursday Night SSTV Nets
A couple of busy net nights that saw the following participants, VK7s – TW, ZGK, EV, FGGT, OO, ZAB, AAR, DBX, EKA and KT all sharing about eighty photos over the last two weeks.
The highlights were:
The working Hobart and Launceston waterfronts with Flippers, Spirit of Tasmania 1 and a Pacific Cruise ship
Mobile phones in 1938
A CB Action magazine adorned with the usual radio accessories
Justinâ€Ös collection of Ghetto Blasters
Hugh Jackman with a Ghetto Blaster
Teenagers that have morphed into Ghetto Blasters
Mauna Kea observatories above the clouds
Mauna Kea with the Subaru and Kek Observatories
Mauna Kea with the dish array for sub-millimetre signals
A model of The Da Vinci Tank
Setups for International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
The National Radio Centre GB3RS at Bletchley Park
Vintage radios with crystal detectors
Scenes from the movie Alien.
Commands from a fictional Artificial Intelligence computer HAL 9000
Wye is a river not a creek ...
and 73 from the Spirit of Tasmania
Remember Ken VK7KRJâ€Ös and Steve VK7OOâ€Ös fully automatic 24/7 monitoring sites that allow anyone who has sent an SSTV picture the ability to check them on their pages almost immediately, any time, both South and North Tasmania.
Also if you missed the net there are archives of all SSTV nights. These photos can be seen on Kenâ€Ös and Steveâ€Ös SSTV websites or on NTARCâ€Ös website under blogs and arranged as weekly nets.
SSTV VK7OO Tasmania Australia (tasme.com)
VK7KRJ's 2m SSTV scrolling web gallery
Blog 3 â€ö NTARC Inc.
73 from Andreâ€Ö VK7ZAB
Tassie Ham-E-Con
Innovation in Amateur Radio - Bookings Now Open
Exciting news!
The Tassie Ham Conference is set for November 2nd and 3rd, 2024, at the Sir Stanley Burbury Theatre on the Sandy Bay Campus of UTAS. This year's event is fully catered, offering endless tea, coffee, and other beverages, plus delicious morning and afternoon teas, and lunches on both days, all included in the conference fee.
Kick off the weekend with a pre-conference BBQ social gathering at the REAST Clubrooms on Friday night. Then, dive into a fun-filled conference on Saturday and the first half of Sunday, featuring engaging presentations and activities centered around the theme of "Innovation in Amateur Radio."
We're thrilled to announce that our lineup is nearly complete, with fantastic speakers from overseas, interstate, and locally, ready to share the latest innovations in Amateur Radio. Check out the conference website for more details and get ready for an unforgettable weekend!
We have locked in raffle prizes from ICOM, Yaesu, DigiRig, DX Commander, ZachTech, Messi & Paoloni, Ham Radio DX and REAST and there are some VERY impressive raffle prizes in there.
You get a complimentary raffle ticket if you attend the conference and you can purchase extra raffle tickets on the conference days. You can only get raffle tickets if you attend the conference!
Watch the Tassie HamECon web pages for more details as they come to hand.
73, TassieHamECon Organising Committee
UHF CB Repeater finally active on Mt Duncan.
This was a project first conceived by CCARC, Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club, to install a CB Repeater on Mt Duncan. Unfortunately, even though they had acquired the repeater, duplexers, coax and antennas, dwindling membership etc, had put the project on hold. CCARC had transferred ownership of the site, and all its equipment to NWTARC, and our clubâ€Ös priority was to get the CB repeater on air.
The Clubs repeater committee of Dave VK7DC, Dion VK7DB and Matt were tasked with making this happen, on Saturday 17th August they climbed Mt Duncan, assisted by Rob VK7ARG and installed the CB repeater, which operates on UHF CB channel 44.
The St Johns Ambulance repeater that we host on the site, was also tested and is operational. The CB repeater will be a great asset for the community to converse, and also be an important communication asset, during winter floods and summer bushfires for citizens to utilize, and its installation is supported by SES, TFS, St Johns and our local council.
Thank you to CCARC for literally donating the equipment, and those that made it all possible, great job.
73, Eric VK7EV, News Officer
North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club
The Summits On The Air/World Wide Flora and Fauna parks group meets twice weekly – Mondays and Fridays 10.30AM till 12.00 at the Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry Street, Launceston.
For more information contact Al on 0417 354 410.
73, Al, VK7AN
Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club Incorporated
Last technical night Ross VK7ALH continued his theme for the month with another transceiver from the Ten-Tec stable. This one was called the Omni and was a fairly conventional 100 Watt, HF, Amateur transceiver of the period, circa 1980s. As you might expect it exhibited an excellent level of construction, plenty of plug in printed circuit boards and even a couple of rather nice crystal filter boards, with each filter consisting of eight individual crystals!
This rig wasnâ€Öt in for repairs but was one from Rossâ€Ö vast collection of radios and was just receiving a bit of a once over. It came to the club rooms as a comparison in technology with the Ten-Tec Jupiter a couple of weeks ago. The Jupiter was the beginning of the Software Defined Radio or SDR influence at the company. Versions of the Omni stayed in production for many years with the Omni VII still in production well past 2006.
Andreâ€Ö VK7ZAB brought along a new soldering station that clips onto his Ryobi battery pack that he uses for his portable power tools.
After seeing Peter VK7KPCâ€Ös soldering station on an earlier Tech Night using an Ozito battery pack he thought it was a good idea. He does have a couple of good bench soldering stations but you need power cables for antenna or motor vehicle work. He also has a gas powered iron, but that is usually empty.
Like Peter, Andreâ€Ö also purchased his from “Cross Fire Power dot com”.
They are an Australian supplier doing the 3D printed cases with the integrated battery connector and built around a T12 soldering station module. All the common brand name 18 Volt batteries are supported along with a large selection of affordable tips for different jobs. The range covers from simple LED display to the OLED Pro with its settings menus.
Unlike the short replaceable tips in his old Weller and Hakko irons, these tip insert assemblies are about 150mm long. The first 100mm is inserted into the handpiece and locked into place, this contains the heating element along with the thermocouple. The last 10mm is the actual soldering tip that you see and use. This makes for faster heat-up and quicker control. Also this should be cheaper to repair if the element fails, just insert another tip assembly and you are ready to go again as all heating parts have been replaced. Check out the pictures for a better idea.
The light weight handpiece has a motion sensor to detect when the iron is not being used and switches to a standby temperature. Andreâ€Ö demonstrated that when picked up it only took 8 seconds to heat up to operational temperature.
Using the standard PCB size tip, it easily tinned a 25 amp multi-strand wire, the tip temperature stayed rock steady with power out peaking at about 50%, so this would be more than capable of soldering on to a PCB ground plane. The web site doesnâ€Öt have any technical specifications available on the systems but packaging for the tips has DC power listed as up to 25 Volt and a maximum of 80 Watts. Andreâ€Ö purchased one of the tips suitable for SMD, so he is going to compare the performance to his trusty old irons and see if the T12 can supplement or replace them?
And now for something completely different! As you are aware from these broadcasts, Ross VK7ALH has brought in many and various transceivers over the years being repaired, restored or just admired. This all takes time but he does sometimes actually get to use them on air! Last weekend was the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend or ILLW for short. So Ross organised a couple of days away at the Low Head Lighthouse, located at the mouth of the River Tamar. But not just Ross, there seems to be a bit of a tradition happening that has been going for quite a few years.
This year Ross with his VK7LH hat on was joined by VKs - Al 7AN, Roger 2RO, Graham 7GS, Dave 7LG and Peter 7ZPE. They are a pretty dedicated lot and rented the Light Keepers House at Low Head for their radio base camp set up and of course accommodation if they were lucky enough to sleep!
As the name suggests their accommodation was originally constructed for the Lighthouse Keepers to live in while they maintained the Lighthouse with its all-important light. The cottages started to fall into disrepair many years ago, but luckily this stimulated the urgency for the restoration of these heritage buildings and the eventual use as rentable accommodation. They certainly come with a pretty cool view, both visually and radio send and receive wise.
I am not sure how the on air QSOs went but I do know the weekend was rounded off with a lunch at the Pilot Station Café, located just down the road and far enough away from the sound of the lighthouse “Fog Horn” that hopefully still sounds every Sunday, at midday, for the visitors. Their numbers were swelled with the arrival of VKs - Colin 7ZCF, Phil 7PM, Rodney 7HAM, Stuart 7ES and Fran who all happened along to enjoy lunch.
Just for information there has been a lighthouse on this site since 1833 and it was the second to be “lit” or turned on in Tasmania. The tower we currently see replaced the ailing original tower in 1888.
Hopefully we will get an in-depth update on equipment used and contacts achieved next club technical night from Ross.
As always, pictures will be available on the NTARC Web site under “Blogs” for this broadcast.
TestNet and TechNet session - Every Wednesday, TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7 pm till 7.30 pm, then a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30 pm till 8.30 pm. Your host for the evening is Nic VK7WW.
Club Room Technical night session - The next session will be on Wednesday the 28th August and will commence at the usual time of 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea.
Coffee Morning - held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all there. So why not pop in check the QSL cards and join us for a cuppa, there is endless tea and coffee along with biscuits available for a donation.
Finally - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address news(at)ntarc.net all items to be received no later than 5 pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.
Thatâ€Ös all folks,
73 from Stefan, VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc.
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania
Special Joint Clubs Presentation Night - Optical Communication and Recent Developments
The Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania is joining forces with the Brisbane VHF Group for a special joint presentation night.
Rex, VK7MO, has been asked by the Brisbane VHF Group to give a talk on the VK7 Optical Work that was done now 14 or more years ago and resulted in the one way Crossing of Bass Strait. This will be a joint meeting from the REAST main club room with the Brisbane group participating by streaming.
Given the elapsed time Rex decided to also cover recent developments which include:
Improved LEDs and Lenses
Changing from 630 nm to 730 nm to avoid concerns about bright lights that were reported as bushfires
The use of K1JTs FST4 mode that uses less than 1 Hz bandwidth and can work to -45 dB on the WSJT scale
Exploring Over-the-Horizon propagation with Richard VK7ZBX, including cloud and aerosol scatter
It happens this Wednesday the 28th August 2024 from 7:30pm AEST and is streamed into the clubrooms of the Brisbane VHF Group.
See you there or on the stream.
73, REAST Committee
September Presentation Night - Visit to CMS
REAST members have been invited to visit the Channel Men's Shed (CMS) at.
The CMS is a huge facility filled with metal, wood, plastics, electronics and amateur radio tools. They even have a huge commercial kitchen where they prepare meals for Kingston Helping Hands.
We have been invited for a guided tour of the shed and a sausage sizzle ($2 a snag).
There are many of their members who are also a member of REAST and they are keen to show off their impressive facilities.
See you there from 6:30pm on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 24 Van Morey Road Margate.
If you need a ride let a committee member know and we will organise a lift down to Margate.
73, REAST Committee.
September Forum Night - Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
This forum night will focus on the role of amateur radio when the apocalypse hits!
How prepared are we as amateur radio operators for when that Extreme Space Weather event - like the 1859 Carrington Event hits, power off for extended periods, HF propagation is poor, EFTPOS doesn't work, internet not available, mobile phones and communications systems fail.
It will be held in the Queen's Domain clubrooms from 7:30pm and will be streamed.
Come along with your show and tell, batteries, solar panels/charging systems, generators, emergency radios, emergency power solutions. Bring your stories of fighting off the zombie apocalypse - Cargo Style! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3860916/
Be prepared to share your experiences, special tricks of the trade and zombie folklore.
7:30pm, Wednesday 11th September, 2024 in the Queen's Domain Clubrooms and Streamed.
See you there.
73, REAST Committee
Wednesday Experimenter's Group
Last Wednesday night we focused on a Remembrance Day Contest Wrap-Up and some interesting information about learning morse code.
We started with first timer Ron VK7WRC and Ron took us through his preparation, observations and what happened after the contest with him designing a 3D print which he is calling his Flower-Squid antenna.
We then got Jim VK7JZ in the studio as this was Jimâ€Ös second RD and his first as an Advanced amateur.
We finished off the analysis with Justin VK7TW who went through his setup, scores and VKCL Analysis.
Justin VK7TW then took a look at a great video from Scott KW4JM on the 5 key points to do if starting to learn CW from his years of learning.
In summary the five point are:
1). Loose the visual - ditch the paper with the dots and dashes on it - one more mental process - itâ€Ös all about audible learning.
2). Use Koch-Farnsworth Method - Koch - learn at the speed you want to attain from the start and use Farnsworth to increase the spaces between to slow things down.
Koch also has a particular sequence to learn the characters in.
3). Loose the Pencil - start with head copy - character recognition - word recognition and eventually sentence recognition.
4). Use Wordsworth - from K1IG George Alison - itâ€Ös Farnsworth for words - lift the text from a news article or other stories - exaggerate the spacing and speed up past what you want learn and you begin to hear words. http://www.oh3ac.fi/QST-Wordsworth.pdf
5). Practice Head-Send - send something you know by heart and practice sending daily.
We finished with a Future Events reminder.
Our next WEGS night is on Wednesday 18 September 2024.
73, Justin, VK7TW
REAST Training and Assessments Update
Foundation Training and Assessment Days are held every two months.
Standard, Advanced, and Regulations licence assessments held on the alternate months. Dates can be found on the REAST Events Page.
The Standard, Advanced, and Regulations Licence Assessment Days (Saturdays):
28 September 2024
30 November 2024
The upcoming assessment dates for the last Foundation Training and Assessment Day for 2024 is Saturday - 26 October 2024.
For Bookings, Queries, and Questions:
Email: reast.assessor(at)gmail.com
This email is forwarded to the Learning Organiser, who will respond to all requests.
Next Foundation Training and Assessment Day:
Saturday, 24 August 2024, from 9 am.
Please inform the team ASAP via email at reast.assessor(at)gmail.com or by calling Reg Emmett (VK7KK), REAST Learning Organiser, at 0417 391 607.
Foundation Licence Training Videos:
These have been updated to reflect the new Class Licence arrangements. Available on the REAST YouTube Training and Assessment Playlist.
Additional Resources:
Check out the WIA Foundation Trial Exams.
73, Reg, VK7KK
Technology News
GPS spoofers 'hack time' on commercial airlines, researchers say - Creating confusion in the cockpit.
A recent surge in GPS “spoofing”, a form of digital attack which can send commercial airliners off course, has entered an intriguing new dimension, according to cyber security researchers: The ability to hack time.
There has been a 400 percent surge in GPS spoofing incidents affecting commercial airliners in recent months, according to aviation advisory body OPSGROUP.
Many of those incidents involve illicit ground-based GPS systems, particularly around conflict zones, that broadcast incorrect positions to the surrounding airspace in a bid to confuse incoming drones or missiles.
“We think too much about GPS being a source of position, but it's actually a source of time,” Ken Munro, founder of Pen Test Partners, a British cyber security firm, said during a presentation at the DEF CON hacking convention in Las Vegas.
“We're starting to see reports of the clocks on board airplanes during spoofing events start to do weird things."
In an interview with Reuters, Munro cited a recent incident in which an aircraft operated by a major Western airline had its onboard clocks suddenly sent forward by years, causing the plane to lose access to its digitally encrypted communication systems.
The plane was grounded for weeks while engineers manually reset its onboard systems, said Munro. He declined to identify the airline or aircraft in question.
In April, Finnair temporarily paused flights to the eastern Estonian city of Tartu due to GPS spoofing which Tallin blamed on neighbouring Russia.
GPS, short for Global Positioning System, has largely replaced expensive ground devices that transmit radio beams to guide planes towards landing.
However, it is also fairly easy to block or distort GPS signals using relatively cheap and easy to obtain parts, and limited technological knowledge.
“Is it going to make a plane crash? No, it's not,” Munro told Reuters.
“What it does is it just creates a little confusion. And you run the risk of starting what we call a cascade of events, where something minor happens, something else minor happens, and then something serious happens.”
Written by James Pearson and sourced to the IT News Web E-zine.
Regular VK7 gatherings and events over the coming months:
Regular gatherings:
Sewing Circle Net – Daily on 3.640MHz commences at 6:30pm AEST.
Statewide SSTV Net - held every Thursday night via the North/South Link on VK7RAF/VK7RJG from 7:30pm. In the North and North West - VK7RJG on 438.55 -7MHz and in the South - VK7RAF (146.650 -600kHz) CTCSS tone 141.3Hz to link RAF North-South.
State-wide – MICROWAVE QSO Party – following the Sunday broadcast call-back on 1296.15 MHz FM. One group in the greater Hobart area and another in the greater Launceston area.
Then North-south digital contacts on 1296.2MHz using Q65-60B.
Stations in the Launceston area transmitting on the odd minute. Southern stations on the even minute.
REAST - WAGs - Wednesday Afternoon Group from 12 noon in the REAST Clubrooms Queenâ€Ös Domain.
REAST - WEGs - Wednesday Experimenterâ€Ös Group from around 6pm in the REAST Clubrooms Queenâ€Ös Domain.
SOTA/WWFF Group – Meeting Mondays and Fridays 10.30-12.00 midday at Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry St, Launceston.
NTARC - Club Room Technical night session - Wednesday the 28th August from 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea.
NTARC - TestNet and TechNet sessions every Wednesday night. TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7pm till 7.30pm and a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm
NTARC Coffee Mornings held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10am to noon in the Rocherlea Clubrooms.
NW VK7 – Wednesday from 8:00pm local – NW Tassie Amateur Repeater Group Net on 2m VK7RMD and Node 56780
NW VK7 - Thursday commencing at 8:30pm local - N.W. Tassie 2m DX Net 144.190 USB
REAST - August 28 - Joint Clubs - Optical Communications presentation - Queens Domain Clubrooms and streamed
REAST - September 4 - REAST visits the Channel Menâ€Ös Shed and Sausage Sizzle - 24 Van Morey Road Margate from 6:30pm
REAST - September 11 - Surviving the Apocalypse - Radio Prepper / EmComm Forum from 7:30pm - Queens Domain clubrooms and streamed
VK - November 2-3 - Tassie Ham Conference - Innovation in Amateur Radio - Sandy Bay Campus UTAS
A reminder to those people rostered for next weekâ€Ös broadcast:
Newsreader: VK7PD
Repeaters: REAST, NTARC and in the NW thanks to N W T A R C, West Coast Radio Group, Cradle Coast Radio Amateur Radio Club, VK7AX, VK7JH and VK7DC
160m: VK7GS
80m: VK7DG
40m: VK7TPE
20m: VK7ALH
10m: VK7JGD
DMR: Talk Group 5 and D-Star: Reflector 91C VK7ZCR
A huge thank you to all people and organisations that assisted with this broadcast.
That wraps up this week's edition of the VK7 Amateur Radio News. We hope you found it informative and enjoyable?
You've been listening to VK7WI, or if youâ€Öve just tuned in, you've just missed our live broadcast. But donâ€Öt worry! You can catch the
rebroadcast on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT and UHFCB24 in the South.
We encourage you to share your news, stories, and updates with us. Email your contributions to vk7arnews(at)gmail.com.
For more information about the broadcast and to join the discussion, visit our VK7 Amateur Radio News Groups.IO Group.
Remember, the deadline for submissions is 21:00 on the Friday before the Sunday broadcast.
Stay tuned for callbacks on the frequency youâ€Öre currently listening to. Relay stations will use their own callsigns during this time.
On behalf of the entire VK7 Amateur Radio News Team, this is Mike, VK7FB, wishing you 73. Stay safe and have a fantastic week!
(Posted to the packet network courtesy Tony VK7AX)
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