VK7AX > BCAST 28.07.24 05:33l 864 Lines 31581 Bytes #-227 (0) @ WW
BID : 3734_VK7AX
Subj: VK National News 21Jul24
Sent: 240720/0456Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:63734 [Ulverstne] $:63734_VK7AX
VK National News 21Jul24
ext edition:
Weekly news from the WIA:
M3 edition of news available athttp://www.wia-files.com/podcat/wianews-2024-07-21.mp3
Tt edition:
Giles Kirby VK5GK Delivering the WIA directrs update. -
Editor-in-Chiefof Amateur Radio magazine, Roge Harrison and
Issue Number of AR magazine is at the printer. -
Last week both Felix VKFUQ and myself, Graham VK4BB td you of the
WIA consultations n progress, this week Grant VKGR with more news
about the curent activities underway within th WIA Technical
Advisory Commiee. -
And from ALARA, Leey VK5LOL and the 2024 ALARA ontest.
This is Gies Kirby VK5GK Delivering the WIAdirectors update.
Greetigs from a wintery and cold South ustralia. The kind of weather
whereou need a pair of 6JS6Cs glowing armly keeping the shack
Im pleased to announce hat the RSGB has approved the WA use of
their online emf tool. Tis is, Im advised, a very goo tool and will
go a long wa towards assisting us in meetng our safety requirements
as aateur radio operators. A criticl step in future high-power
We currently have a couple of consultations on the WIA website that
Grant VK5GR will discuss in me detail. My one comment is hat I
encourage you to get volved and provide feedback you have it.
On a very ositive note, WIA membership ontinues to increase.
A testamnt to the hard work of our memrs and volunteers in
spreadinga positive message.
On aersonal note, Id like to thank th Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio
Society,an affiliated club, for their amfest last weekend. And a
ood choice of venue. My young dauhter loved the playground out th
This has been Giles KirbyVK5GK delivering the directors updte. 73.
This is Eitor-in-Chief of Amateur Radiomagazine, Roger Harrison
Well, Issue Number 4 of AR magazine went to prs last week.
Look out for the isue landing late next week. In your etterbox, your
Post Office Bx, or at your local newsagent.
The theme for this soon-to-arriveissue is, as promised, Sunspots nd
Propagation. More on thain due course.
The cover feate is a story every DXer whethererious or casual
will want toread. Its about an online DXCCmap of the world. The
applicaon, available on the WIA website ards section, provides a
way tofind every DXCC entity you aays wanted to locate in the wrld
but didnt know where toook or how to find it. The applcation and
the story behind it ome from Marc Hillman VK3OHM. nt miss it.
Did you knowthat, last month, it was 100 years since the first direct
wireless voice link between Britain and Australia was made. Inhe era
when cable telegraphy dominated international telecommunications, the
heralding of international long-dtance telephone calls sparked a
media sensation. Marconi himself and then-head of AW, Ernest Fisk,
were behind it.
If youre enjoying chasing DX right now, as Solr Cycle 25 climbs to
ever greer heights, the question so ften asked is Are we there,
yet? As parents often tell their insistent chidren when on a long
car ride soon!Maybe.
At the WIA Convention and AGM in May, a member ventured a question
about the WIA logo. Well, we have the swer, courtesy of WIA
Histoian, Peter Wolfenden VK3RV.
Thats all for now.
Amateur Radio magazine,ssue 4.
More guts. Less gab.
Srving Australian amateurs for over 0 years.
Proudly produced ad printed in Australia. Also avalable online.
Always publied to a schedule, never random.
Im Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.
Hello Everyone - thisis Grant VK5GR with some news aout the current
activities undeway within the WIA Technical Advisoy Committee.
Currently the committee has two amateur community consultationopen,
the first covering the itroduction of new standards tht describe how
specific frquencies are selected for amatur fixed repeater and
beac stations and the second which i considering what improvements
m be possible with the amateur40m band plan. The details of both of
these are available to download from wia.org.au I encourge you, if
you have any interest in either topi, to head on over to wia.org.au
nd have a read.
What is more iportant, however is for people to understand what
happens next and how you can get involved.
The WIA TAC has released these consultation papers because we want to
hear your feedback and toughts on these matters. We also want to make
it clear that these consultatio are open to all radio amateurs,
clubs, groups, societies etc. We wat any interested radio amateurto
know that they are welcometo provide their feedback, whetherthey are
members of or affliated with the WIA or not.
Thi point is very important. The chages proposed have potentially
wide reaching consequences, and so for them to successful it is
important that we uild consensus with as wide a crossection of the
amateur communi as possible. This is why thi is open to more than
just WIA mbers.
An example of the consultation processes being considered, can be see
in the way the 40m band plan disssion is being carried out. The
dmestic WIA options paper currently eing circulated is only the
beginning of a longer international process. That process includes
seeking feedack via the IARU Region 3 HF Band an committee from all
of the Reon 3 member societies. From there, endorsed at the
Region 3 conference in November, it will be submitted to te IARU
inter-regional HF band pln committee where it will receive further
input and discussion, this time incluing IARU Regions 1 and 2.
Ultimatey, should all three regions agree, resolutions adopting the
change would finaly be made. This, as you can imagin is not a quick
process. A final resolution may well still be 1-2 years aw. Indeed,
even the work to get to this stage has involved 3 years of research
and meetings with many diverse groups (including the leading lights in
the WSJand Winlink communities as well as with ARRL, DARC, JARL and
IARU Region 1 and2). Rest assured, we take the responsbility
seriously when considering changes with international ramifications.
Now, given that backgrod, you might be wondering what hppens next
once you have submitted your feedback to these consultations.
It is our intention to publish a summary of the feedback received.
Then, dependi on whether there are any substanve new ideas
received, the commitee may either conduct a second round of
consultations or move to produce an utcomes and recommendation paper. The recommendations will then undergo a final round of consultation,
before being submitted to the WIA board for acceptnce. t is through
this structured process that we hope to achieve a balanced outcomeor
So, to have your say, please have a read of the consultation paper,
consider the questions being asked, and then pen your thougs
(an email will do) to tac(at)wia.org.au By doing so, we can take your
vies into account.
Finally, to helpeople understand the scope of the consultations, the
WIA will be inviting cl presidents and secretaries to apecial
round table meeting o discuss the current TAC consulations and
answer any questions they may have so they can discuss them in more
detals with their members. Details will e provided shortly by the
WIA secretary. This meeting will be held on Tuesda30th of July at
8.00pm eastern time
That's all from me today, thanks for listening, and thanks also to
those tht have already taken the time to pa on their feedback.
Thishas been Grant, VK5GR, for the WIA Technical Advisory Committee
A young girl at school waonce asked to "write down three ifferent
career options, this gi wrote only one astronaut ad refused to
add any others.
In 2023, as an employee of the Australian Space Agency, the young
Lay, Katherine Bennell-Pegg was ivited by the European Space Aency
(ESA) to undertake Bas Astronaut Training in Germany, ecoming the
first internationalastronaut candidate to do so.
Ktherine Bennell-Pegg becomes nt only the first female Australian
Astronaut but also is Director of Space Techology, Australian Space
I have always dreamed of beingan astronaut", she has said. " WhenI
was younger, it was for the advnture, but after more than a decad
working in space its now because I know the role it plays in tackling
realworld problems and developing ne knowledge that can benefit our
sciety, environment, and science, Kathine (Mother of 2 daughters)
Hi, this is Lesle VK5LOL the Alara Contest Manager fr 2024.
Just letting you know hat the Australian Ladies Ameur Radio
Association is holding our contest on the last full weekend in Agust,
Saturday 24th and Sunday5th from 0600 hrs on Saturdayuntil 0559 hrs
on Sunday.
In this contest Oms only scor points for contacting Yls.
Yls score points for contacting s and other Yls.
The const is about encouraging Yls to ce up on the radio.
We would also like our younger folk to come up on air viScout or
Girl Guide groups. All detils for the Contest can be fou on our
Hoping to speak with yu on the radio waves - Lesley K5LOL,
Alara Contest Manager.
Hi This is Nathan VKOG from the Adelaide Digital linked rpeater
System here in VK5 on Adelaide 10G WiresX & YSF #69159 and
You can hear the WIA National and Local VK5 News every Sunday mornng
from 9am and 7pm Sunday evening.
We would like to thak VK5ZEY Phil KernWi-FI would haput the
Adelaide 10G Wiresx & YSF system together , Also a huge thank you to
Ozzi M0GLJ from the UK who looks after the YSF to FreeDMR TG5055
Catch you onhe air this has been Nathan VK5OGfrom the ADLRS.
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to ARRL, DX-WORLD, eHa, Hackaday,
IARU, ICQPodcast, RTS, NEWSLINE, NZART, RAC, Raioworld.com, RSGB,
SARL and theWorld Wide sources of the WIA.
Recently published publicrecords revealed that ARRL was a victim of a
ransomware attack that ultimately esulted in services such as
Log Bk of The World being offline fo several weeks.
While dataelonging to ARRL members and uses of ARRL services wasn't
directly affected by the attack, public records reveal that up to
150 ARRL employees didave personal data compromised
At this stage there is no edence that compromised data was misused.
Web based blog, bleepigcomputer.co say ARRL has not linked the attack to a specific ransomware gangbut sources told them
(BleepigComputer) that the "Embargo rnsomware operation" was behind
this incident.
However, although this ransomwe gup first surfaced in May and has
ince added only eight victims o its dark web leak site (somealready
removed, likely because they paid a ransom), ARRL has yet to be
Firstmac Limited, the larst non-bank lender here in Australia, is
one of the victims who had over 500G of stolen data leaked on
Embgo's website.
In an unreated issue, last Monday the 15th RSB in the UK announced
"We have lost internet connection at RSGB HQ, and so ourcomputer
systems and phones ar not currently available. Or IT team is
currently investigting the issue with our service provider."
That British problem has sinceeen rectified,
If the raio industry is to convince automakrs to keep AM radio in
the dahboard, the global car market may require an international
effort. While U.S broadcasters continue to pushor legislation that
would equire all dashboards to feate AM/FM radio, similar effors
are underway in Europe.
Te European Broadcasting Union is rortedly seeking meetings with
the big carmakers there, including BMW, Volvo and Mercees. The EBU is
looking to lobby for al cars to continue featuring broadast radio as
part of their etertainment systems.
Radio ishriving in Europe. In Europe, listeners choose radio about
70% of the time. ore than all other audio sources combined. People
love it. Just press button, and its there, boastsan EBU-produced
video promotingbroadcasting. Similar to the arguments made by
broadcasters in the U.S., theadio industry in Europe touts the role
radio plays in providing live progrmming during times of crisis as
well as the high level of trust that broadcasers have. The EBU says
many carmaers are already making it hard to access the radio by
burying the radio button i a complex journey of swipes and taps.
Customers need carmakers to make it easy for them, the video says.
ts said that Golf is a good walk spoiled, so is attaching an
amateur radio to bike a formula for spoiling a niceide?
Not according to Wesly Pidhaychuk VA5MUD), a Canaan ham who
tricked out his bikwith a transceiver and all the accessories
needed to work the HF bands while pelling along. The radio is a
esu FT-891, a workhorse mobile rig covering everything from the
160-meter band to 6 meters. Wes used som specialized brackets to
mount the radios remote control head to the handlebarsalong with
an iPad for logging and a phone holder for streaming. The radio plu
a LiFePO4 battery are in a bag on the parcel rack in back. The antenna
is a Ham tick mounted to a mirror bracket attached to the parcel
rack; wed have thoughtthe relatively small bike frame wouldmake a
poor counterpoise for the antenna, but it seems to work fine
well enouh for Wes to work some pretty long contacts while pedalling
around Saskatoon, including hams in California and Iowa.
ia HACKADAY: Meccano-based Hellscheiber Machine
ZXGuesser, authors tag in Hackaday, haspulled off a true feat of
Mccano engineering: building a ccano Hellschreiber machine.
The design is a close replic of the original Siemens Feld-Hell
What is Hellschreiber, you mht ask?
Its a very neat meod of sending written messagesver the air by
synchronizina printing wheel on the receiving end with pulses
generated on thetransmitter. By quickly moving the prinwheel up and
down, arbitraryfigures can be printed out.
In order to use the Hellschreiber mode, you have to keep up a steady
rhythm o typing at about 2.5 characters pesecond, otherwise, the
receivin end will see randomly spaced ga between each letter.
So while having to type at a steady speed [ZXGuesser also had to work
with a slightl different keyboard layout. Despite ts difficulty,
some very good quality output was generated!
Reaching the age of 90 s no small achievement.
Hams in e Liga de Amadores Brasileiro de Rdio Emisso, or
L.A.B.R, perhaps know that better tn anyone as their
amateur radio organisation - the oldest in Brazil - marks it90th
The hamsare launching a special contest mark the occasion.
The LABREcontest will be held on the 20t and the 21st of July
and ms around the world are being invited to contact their
counterpats in Brazil using SSB and/or CW. Oganisers are hoping
that contacts will be made on all the eligible bands and e
encouraging participants tuse as many of the bands as ossible.
(ARNewsLine 2437)
RSGB has nnounced that Sunday 21 July, theInternational Low Power
Contest rns from 0900 to 1200UTC, and from 1300 to 1600UTC using
CW on the 80, 40 and 20mbands, the exchange is signal report serial number and transmiter power.
Trans-Tasma Low Band Contest
July 21st
The Trans-Tasman contest, alwas held on the 3rd weekend in July, aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL
Only contest bands 10 and 40M are allowed with SSB, CW and
Digital (i.e. RTTY OR PSK)
This contest is another oicial WIA Contest and will counttowards
the Peter Brown Coest Champion Awards.
YOTA Contest 2024 Also this weekend.
Orgnized by the IARU Region 1 Youth Woring Group in co-operation
wih the Hungarian Amateur Radio Society, the aim of the YOTA Contest
is to ncrease youngsters' activity othe air, strengthen the
reputaion of the YOTA programme and demonstrate support for
youngsters across the wrld.
The second session of thi year's YOTA Contest will run from 10:0to
21:59 UTC on Saturday 20 July on the five classic bands of 80, 40, 20,
15 and 10 metres using CW andSB. Everyone can work everyone, youth
as defined by the IARU is any youngster 25 years and younger.
Theomplete rules can be found on
Special event station HS 7KING is on air until July the29th to
celebrate the 72ndirthday of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn,
HS 10 A. SL station HS72KING via Logbook Of The World.
Inthe World of DX, be listening for memers of the Zurich City
Pole Radio Amateur Club througho the year, operating as HB 2 SP
the club is marking its 2th anniversary. Unfortunately noBureau
QSL's but you can use gbook Of The World, and HB20SP ru until
December 31.
(source to ARNewsLine 2410)
Listen throughout he year for the special callsig 9 A 1 RKZ
marking the 100th anniversary of the Radioklub Zagreb which was
founded the 24th of March 192in Croatia
QSL via 9A1ADE.
(ARNewsLine 2410)
OE 100 RADIO acive until the 31st of December celrating the 100th
anniversary o the beginning of regular radi transmissions in
Austria in 14.
QSL via the Bureau.
Special event stations DL 202E, DL 2024 U, DL 2024 R, and DL 2024 O
are QRV until July 14 during EURO 2024, te 17th edition of the UEFA
Europen Football Championship. QSL via ureau.
GX 4 LMR will be erated by The British Railwa Amateur Radio
Society from the 5th to the 14th of July toommemorate the first
amateur sts on a moving railway traiin 1924.
Operators plan to cocentrate on the 40m band, dependin on
QSL GX4L via the Bureau.
Special llsign HF 25 NATO is active ntil the 31st of August,
maring the 25th anniversary of Poland joining the North Atlantic
Treay Organization. Certificates a limited-edition QSL cards ar
available. Visit QRZ.com fodetails.
(ARNewsLine 2428)
NEW ZEALAND - Wireless and Wool ZM 100 DX
Celebrating Hitoric 100 Year Trans World Radio Ctact
This contact was by rse and was the first ever, tns-world
two-way radio comunication of any type. It was rom Shag Valley
Station, Otago nd the contact was with CecilGoyder G2SZ at
Mill Hill School,ondon.
ZM100DX will be on airon site in Shag Valley Sheep Staton.
The main planned contat is between Shag Valley sheep Sation and
Mill Hill School 18th Otober and other celebration evens are
planned for the followng day or two.
NZART Branch 30 sincerely invites all amaturs to take part in this
cebration and join in marking te 100th year since the origin
(sourced to NZART Infoline)
The Tour France is being commemorated by special event callsign
TM 111 TDF, marking the 111th etion of the famous cycling race.
Listen on the 17th through to the 21st of Jul on the HF bands.
QSL statioTM111TDF via F8GGZ.
(arnline 2436)
Celebrating he 100th anniversary of Radio Belgade, the Belgrade
Amateur Rado Club is active as YT 100 RB d YU 1924 RB until
November 3 For details of a certificatethat is available, see
NZAR has a special event call sign for the upcoming America's Cup to
be held inSpanish waters later this year. ZL 6 A.M.CUP has been
allocated to lebrate this event with Phil Gaside ZL2RO as the
trustee the callsign. November 30 iswhen ZL6 A.M.CUP goes off
If you fnd yourself logging as many contacts as possible with YLs
on SOTA ummits during the weekend of ne 1st and 2nd it's time to
reive your certificates.
Theinaugural Queens of the Mountains event featured a team of YLs
in the US usi 1x1 special event calls. The actvators themselves
were busy casing summit-to-summit contacts d YLs who were joining
them the activation by operating rom DX summits.
The organizrs, Amy AG7GP, and Paula K9IR,plan to make this an annual
orld event in the hope of inspirin other YLs to get involved in
SOTA. For details on how to get our certificate, follow the link
o the SOTA Reflector that appear in the text version of this
eek's WIA National News.
(ARNewsLine 2437)
NASA's Parker Solar Probe is set to mae its closest approach to the Sun in an effort to bolster reseah into the effects of space weater
on Earth.
It became the fist spacecraft to "touch the Sun" en it flew
10.46 million km fom its surface in 2021 and sice then it has made
20 approches, getting closer each tim. The pioneering probe is on
cours to reach within 6.12 milliokm of the vast star, the largst
body in our solar system by the end of this year.
t was launched in 2018 to uncover the Sun's secrets by studying its
outer aosphere, helping scientists to arn more about solar wind
andhow i travels through space.
NASA scientistshave spotted unusual shapes in theEarth's ionosphere,
hundreds ofiles above the Earth's surface.
The ionosphere stretches from 50 o 400 miles above the planet and
marks the boundary between ourplanet's atmosphere and outer space.
While it houses most satellites orbiting the Earth,it's vulnerable to
changes in space weher electromagnetic radiation mitted by the
Sun that can weak havoc in the zone and messwith communications
Under some conditions,the layer can become electrilly charged.
As detected bythe Global-scale Observations ofthe Limb and Disk
(GOLD) imaging strument, plasma bands streting across the
ionosphere can reult in formations of unusual X an C shapes.
It's a baffling "alphabet soup," as NASA termed the findings in a
ne release, that could shed light on how space weather can influence
our planet's upper atmosphere ad "interfere with radio and GPS
Many will be familiar ith ARNSW RadNet, the state-we network of
linked DMR reeaters with links to the natial VKDMR and
internationa DMR-MARC networks.
Matt VK2FLY, speaking for the ARNSW RadNet says much f the linking is
co-ordinated ith the IPSC2 software, created byKurt OE1KBC.
However, this softwre will cease to be supported in he coming
The DMR working group, in collaboration with ARNSW RadNet, have
been preparing fo this change for some time. Over thnext few
months, the VKDMR networ will switch to new software tat will be
fully supported b the VKDMR network admins, withot any reliance on
overseas servers or groups.
The new setup will combinenique systems developed by the workng
group based on well-establishe open-source DMR and Fusion bacnds.
Importantly, this willensure that the networks level of reliability
will remain as high as ever, mintaining the standards expected from
Australia's largest digital reeater network.
The goal is for this transition to be seamless for most hotspot and
repeater owners, with the major changes ocurring behind the scenes.
hi thisathan Grundy VK5OG President of he SCARC.
Do not forget that in August 17-18 is ILLW and SCARC will be at
int Malcom Narrung call sign VK5AR AU0029, this will be our 17th
year at Point Malcom.
Yo can see our Beacon on APRS.FIfrom now with a link to our eb page
under VK5ARC/P.
e will be on all HF bands andhope to catch you on the air.
73 from Nathan VK5OG Presidet of SCARC.
(Youngsters On The Air
Our USA unterpart, Amateur Radio Newslie, has announced their
winnr of the 2024 Bill Pasternak WAITF Memorial Amateur Radio
Nesline Young Ham of the Year aard.
Bill was the force bhind ARNewsLine before becoming lent Key.
Mark Abramowicz (Abram-o-vich) NT3V is chairman of the award program and has the story
GRACE: Wow!Thank you so much!
MARK: And at was the reaction of Grace Pay K8LG of Holland, Michigan ner Grand Rapids, our 2024 YounHam of the Year. Grace is 18 and the daughter of Doug Papay8DP and Carrie Papay K8CLP.Grac says her dad encouraged her few years ago to become a hamlike someone else very special her life.
GRACE: So I gotlicensed originally to honour my randfather. My grandfather is K8YSE.He was celebrating 60 years of eing an amateur radio operator And, then I got involved in amaeur radio satellites. I got onhe air. And, now it has turned into something from honouring my grandfather to a hobbyImon every day and I love.
MARK It was March 2021 when Grac earned her Tech license. A yealater, Grace passed her Extr Class license test. Proud grandpa hn Pay K8Y a ell-known operator in the ham satelite community sparked his granddaughters ham radio extra-terrestrial exploits, includng encuragin her to earn her DX Century Club award focontacts exclusively via satelites.
GRACE: Amateur radio satellites is what Ive been very involved with since Day One. Its very important to me because anyone can do it with a Tech license. And you can talk around the country and around the world with amateur radio satellites. So, you dont have to be stuck to your local repeater.
MARK:But then came opportunites to ttend outhn the Air camps in Cincinnati in 20 and Ottawa in 2023.
GRACE:Being able to learn from other youth and having somonethat can teach you thats around yur age and understand where youre coming from was really helpful.
MARK: Those experiences, she says, encouraged her toursueven bigger adventures in the world o contesting.
GRACE: Ive been able to be part of many single-op operations fm home as well as multi-ops from 3LR and J62K in St. Lucia. And, those have been great experiences for me to learn. But, one of my favourite contests that Im most proud of currently is the ARRL DX Sideband contest where the raw results have me in first place for my section and category.
MARK: Grace has been a regular eakert theDayton Hamvention Youth Forum in recent yeas ad volunteer at the YOTA and AMSA booths. Just weeks ago, she spoke at the Dayton Hamvention Contest University forum. Grace just graduated with honours from Holland Christian High School in Holland, MI and is enrolled this fall at Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH, the alma mater of both of her parents. Her plan is to study electrical engineering, a career path she says opened by her amateur radio hobby.
GRACE: I wanna be someone who make the fture btter. So, being able to create something hat cold hel smebody or create something that wil help the safety of our country is very important to me.
MARK:We here at Amateur Radi Newslne ave no doubt well be hearing a lot aut Grace in the months and years to come. Congratulations, Grace! Im Mark Abramowicz, NT3V.
In New Zealand, th WICEN equivalent is called AC, Emergency Comms.
In teir latest "Break In NewscastAREC is offering assistance with
the ZL National System.
The nationalystem has been recognized as acritical asset to amateur
radi in New Zealand, and has a high dege of importance during
emergenes throughout New Zealand, provding the equipment is
maintaned to a high standard.
Parts of the National System are aging and as equipnt ages, its
resilience also wane As such AREC has offered to assis with
enhancing works performed n the national system, includg
replacement on aged repeaters, feedlines, and antennas.
Assistance from ARE cannot be guaranteed due to the demnds on their
funds and availabiity of resources/people. However, ifan application
is made and they 1) are able and 2) see benefit in supporting
infrastructure resilience enhancments they may be able to contribute.
Initial focus will likely be on hgh-risk sites. Equipment ownership
(and liabilities) will remain with the branch.
ZL hams have been asked to take advntage of this offer as the moment
oftruth with the national system i that it is working when it is needed which could be any time.
2024 IS DATE
Clubs are welcome t email text with audio for thi section
Details of all WI affiliated clubs and societies can be found
on the WIA website, including emaiaddresses and website links.
VK3 - Bendigo AR & Eleronics Club RadioFest August 8 (vk3gtv)
VK4 - Redclif Club Car Boot Sale Saturday 24August at the
club hose, MacFarlane Park, Kippa Ring. (vk4tn)
VK6 - PerthTech 202 Sept 21 for 2 days at Gidgegannup (k6pop)
VK4 - GOLD COAST HAFEST OCTOBER 13 at Nerang Coutry Paradise
Parklands 231 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang. (vk4DMH)
VK5 - Amateur Radio Experimens Group Radio & Electronics Sale
Saturday 26th October 10AM David Roche Park Kilburn (vk5qi)
VK7 - asmanian Ham Conference November2 and 3 Hobart. (vk7news) Held at the Sandy Bay Camus of UTAS.
VK3 - SPARC Rosebud RadioFest November 17 at Eastbourne Primary
School, Allambi Ave.Rosebud. (vkpdg
Reception Reports
A News rebroadcasters often ive Short Wave Listeners a
welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs straight after the Local News. Localnews follows National
news all states. It would be gret if those SWL's would
emaitheir reception reports and lcation to
(Posted to the packet networ cortesy Tony VK7AX)
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