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DJ7ST  > QRP      10.04.07 07:54l 222 Lines 8043 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
Subj: Voices 21st OQRP-Contest
Sent: 070409/2004z @:DB0ABZ.#NDS.DEU.EU [Salzgitter JO52FD] DP6.00 $:JG8Y1XDB0A
From: DJ7ST @ DB0ABZ.#NDS.DEU.EU (Hartmut)
To:   QRP @ EU 
X-Info: Upload without password authentication

QRP-CONTEST-COMMUNITY (qrpcc)                                 09-Apr-2007
c/o Dr. Hartmut Weber
Schlesierweg 13
Tel.: +495341-50113

         Voices from 21st Original QRP Contest (30/31 Dec 2006)

   This was my very first contest after almost 47 years, so this log presents
a certain value... (DJ6HP)

   Very good contest - bad condx, hi (OK1DEC)

   Even though I was only able to operate for an hour every now and then, it
was fun, as always. Next time the almost completed BCR will come into its own

   On Saturday it rained all the time, there wasn't a lot to be heard on 80 &
40m in the resultant static noise (DL9CE)

   Lack of solar activity spoiled most of the contest fun this time. Anyway,
I've held up the QRP-banner the 21st time (DL1HTX)

   Unfortunatley poor conds on 20m (DK8SX)

   I have my home on top of a mountain of the "Alpi Mattime" at 1300m ASL.
From there QRP really works (I1BAY)

   A severe wind storm struck Hamburg. At 18utc I wound the antennas down. 
And QRM from RAC contest (DL4HG)

   Mediocre activity on 80m, otherwise things went well (HB9DAX)

   Lots of DLs QRV, but almost inaudible. Other countries were there with 
good signals, but only for a short while. Can only get better (DJ0GD)

   My first winter OQRPC from the now heated garden shed. Astounding are a 
few participants' high QSO numbers (DL7VPE)

   Super conds on 80m, again met many friends (DF1UQ)

   Invited to celebrations I was kept from taking part all the time. But
taking part at all is a matter of honour! (HB9JBO)

   I hope conds will be better in the summer - then I'll take part again more
seriously in the OQRP test (DL1ARH)

   Maybe it will be better in 2007, no boredom just the same (DJ3LR)

   Transformer line made from discrete components replaced annoying antenna
switching by relays (DF4FA)

   . and always the same stations again on hf aren't that interesting (PA9RZ)

   ... but it is a nice contest, which fully exploits QRP capabilities and
experience (DL1UNK)

   Tnx nice contest, but condx...(OK1DZD)

   After saltmine QRM more time again for the important things in life...QTH
west of Nancy... (F/DL4IW/p)

   Overall bad propagation, worse than last winter but better than just 
before and after Christmas (G0KRT)

   I'm sorry some stn gave 599 (serial) reports in OQRP-Contest (F8UFT/F6ACD)

   Conds have been very poor! (DJ2GL)

   Gales -> no antenna any more -> no QSOs any more! (DJ9IE)

   80m was very fine when open. 40m started with long skip, first DL at 2300,
but good for southern europe (OZ9KC)

   See you at the next round! (IK1ZYW)

   Part time attendance only - I enjoyed it very much again (DF2SJ)

   Got my grey matter working again CW-wise. But 20m left much to be desired

   Regrettably not so many QSOs this time. But it was fun, and the next 
contest date has already been marked in the calendar (DF3ZR)

   This time only QRV on 40m, sri (DG4WT)

   Though conds on 40m were rather down and resulted in only 8 QSOs, it was
fun ;-)  (DG8VE)

   Fun was limited due to the Swan having no CW-, only an audio filter. There
were further contests causing confusion, the OZ one was the worst: Lots of 
OZs on the band wishing only to work each other. Such contests should be 
abolished (DJ2YE)

   Again lots of fun with VLP - tnx adjudicators (DJ3KK)

   Thanks for the test. A pity conds hit rock bottom (DJ6NS)

   This relaxed contest was again fun. A superhet rx takes lots of strain off
the ears (DK2KV)

   Was fun again - despite poor skip on 40m for nearby DL (DK4LX)

   ... had fun again. This was my first OQRPC which I ran completely "compu-
terised", employing the N1MM-logger. Near-missed my goal of 200 QSOs. Whether
due to lack of particiants or winterly conds, who knows? (DK7VW)

 Again this year it was fun to take part. Not really exhausting and again and
again friendly contacts in and around DL. A pity I have no 80m rig & antenna,
otherwise I'd do even better (DL2SBA)

   Things went well from my holiday QTH Frankenhoehe and with my time-proven
rig. Again a fine contest. Cuagn in summer (DL2XL/p)

   Interesting contest, tks for the effort and hny (DL3ARM)

   ...taking part is what counts... hi (DL3ARW)

   Sri, only a few QSOs. More in next contest (DL3JPN)

   This time I was ready with a different antenna, but the heavy gales had
other plans in store. Hope you had no damage from the wind (DL4LBB)

   Had fun despite conds not being in their prime (DL6OZ)

   The contest was nice again, but heavy wind had taken down my dipole for
80/40 mtrs. So I had to work on sunday with the second choice of antennas.
See you in summer and/or next year (DL7UMK)

   A narrow Thuringia Forest valley obviously limits opportunities. Few stns
on 20m, antenna too short for 80m (DL8LRZ)

   Conds weren't that good, but every single QSO brought joy (DL8MTG)

   Preparing to move QTH I had only a litte time (DM4G)

   ...on impulse I drew a 24m long piece of wire in the dark, thus made a few
80m-QSOs...never before I had such poor conds on 20m...had fun just the same,
especially the friendly QSO style and the lack of contest hectics (DM5AA)

   This competition is always fun again (DL2NH)

   Sri, only a few QSOs, poor propagation, lots of work, cu next year (EA4OA)

   Little bit lazy this year. Only switched on the radio to see how things 
were going, and immediately got hooked  : -)  Great fun again (EA5EF)

   Due to heavy qrn (S7-9) especially on Saturday it was a pain to work. I
could copy only very few stations. On Sunday it got better (F5VBT)

   Had fun like always even though I took part only for a short time (DL1RNN)

   Always satisfied to meet so many QRP friends (F5ZV)

   Very hard going this year on 20M - conds what you expect at the bottom of
this sun spot cycle, but all good fun and quite a challenge (G3LHJ)

   Bad condx on 20m no DL heard. QSB on 40m. Tks for contest (G3VIP)

   Superb contest and good participation. Many thanks (HB9BQB)

   I was glad again to meet many CW friends (HB9RE)

   Thanks for this very amusing QRP contest sirs! (I0SKK)

   Very bad conditions on 20m with only 25 qso! About 50% of the qsos were
made with DL stations. However it was lots of fun to be in the oqrp contest
again (I0UZF)

   Very poor conditions, heavy QSB..., a very bad, bad Contest...(I2AZ)

   This is my log for end 2006 contest. Few qso for few time !!!! (IK3TZB)

   Bad conds for me: 20m closed all time and very week signals on 40m.
Slightly better on 80m Saturday evening. See you next run! (IW1BCO)

   good fun = mni tnx = happy new year es 73 de daniel (M0ERA)

   Conditions difficult, on the bright side managed a curry and a few beers
Saturday evening. Can't do that on CQWW!! (MI0BPB)

   This time I had to use my main rig instead of my Small Wonder Labs SW-20+
because propagation was not very good. Anyway, it was a nice contest again.
My problem is that I'm a Linux user so I can't use the LM software.
I made my log on my neighbour's Windows computer, hi! (OH5JJL)

   Had full satisfaction in QSO with VLP stations! (SP6LV)

   Fellow QRP OMs have good ears for VLP! Really missing sunspots for some DX
action in the contest (OH9VL)

   Many participants. Bad CONDX (PA0ATG)

   Bad results this time, a DC receiver is not handy. Must do some (.. a lot)
more practice in 2007 (PA0CMU)

   Good activity on 40m (also from RAC hi), but poor on 20m (PA0FEI)

   Had very little time on Sunday. My handmade TRX with VLP was good ....
Condx were poor (PA1B)

   Bad cndx and lots of QRM. Next time better (PA1W)


Mni tks to Eddi (DK3UZ) for translation DL into G.

Contest results will follow in a few days.

Hpe cuagn in QRP-Minimal-Art-Session at Ascension Day (17-May, 19-23 UTC)!

vy 73/2 "Hal", DJ7ST

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