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DJ7ST  > QRP      30.06.06 00:47l 118 Lines 4620 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : T66DB0KG009
Subj: 7th QRP-MAS: The Minimalists' Voice
Sent: 060629/2218z @:DB0KG.#NDS.DEU.EU [Goettingen TheBox] DB19c1 $:T66DB0KG009
From: DJ7ST @ DB0KG.#NDS.DEU.EU (Hartmut)
To:   QRP @ EU

QRP-CONTEST-COMMUNITY (qrpcc)                                  29-June-2006
c/o Dr. Hartmut Weber, DJ7ST
Schlesierweg 13

Dear MAS-friends,

as a follow-up to the results now the comments.

      The Minimalists' Voice  (translation by Eddi, DK3UZ, mni tks!)

   It seems to be good form to finish equipment meant for QRP-MAS just in
time. Being rockbound with a single 80m crystal, I depended on the goodwill
of those calling a frequency-variable TX their own, and there were more
than I expected (DK3UZ)

   As this was my first participation in QRP-MAS I hereby submit my log. I
employed a homemade DC-TRX with too many parts...This is why I took part in
category B (DL1HR)

   just in my QRP-MAS (mini)log (DJ6FO)

   Homemade "Hartley" from Behn-Diefenbachs "Die Kurzwellen". This bread-
board transmitter in "brass tack technique" was built on two evenings after
work (DL2MFP)

   This year I reduced my MASter80's part count from 94 to 78 (DL6CGC)

   The receiver was working quite well for its simplicity, but transmitting
power was too low (PA1W)

   I did not want to change the X-tal during the test to keep strictly to the
rules. So I could answer only to strong stations. But still I wonder whether
it would have been offence against the rules or not? (OK1MKX) (Only parts IN
ACTION count, so change xtals as you like, DJ7ST)

   Annoying interference from BC transmitters. Stns. were heard when over 559
or not at all (DL9GWA)

   Most signals were very weak in Oslo, and with drift and sometimes chirping
it was sometimes a challenge to read them. But it was a fun test! (LA3ZA)

   Made not much QSOs but still a nice contest. QRM level at S7 (ON4ATZ)

   Band boils with strong signals. Connected the Pixie. What a cold shower
from the headphones! A look into the ether through a barn door wide lack of
selection...Am again absolutely delighted by the contest and the challenges
it puts up for me (DL3LQM)

  Hadn't I been so tired...Heard some more stations, a crowd on both frequen-
cies. Wonder what others worked until midnight. Most of the time I got heard
after one or two calls - good ears they have, the MAS-People! (DL2BQD)

   With a poorly matched antenna the transmitter doesn't oscillate. Using
two crystals widens the tuning range using the same inductor (DL7UWE)

  I only found a 3.515 MHz Xtal. So just four friends in order to give points
and to be the Italian challenger...hi. Next year I'll have a better frequency

    ...looking forward to the next one (DK8SX)

    ...a real challenge to all radio amateurs (OZ9QM)

   I would like to ask for other MAS-TRX circuit diagrams (OK1DZD) (Well, I'm
not the owner, so you better should contact the OMs directly, DJ7ST)

  Equipment modified to improve keying...working conditions very good (OZ9QM)

   Good conditions, almost no QRN...The weak signals challenge both the RX
and, of course, the OP (DA0CW/DF6MS)

   ...thus I hastily jury rigged something...despite having lost 20 minutes
I threw myself into the contest. And, lo and behold, it worked (DK6SX)

   After the contest I turned on my FT-1000. Only then I noticed what a QRP-
MAS(ochism) I treated myself to...I already worked 15 countries on 80m with
this rig (DL1HTX).

   Because of the cool weather there was little QRN and the number of
stations worked higher than that of parts used. Some new calls, missed
others. ODX this time was Norway (DJ1ZB)

   Still too many parts, had time for only 1 1/2 hours...apparently activity
increased again (DL4FO)

   Was lucky, no QRN...but plenty of crackle and noise from the abt. 200
tenants' appliances! Should have operated from the country side again...lots
of old acquaintances...but also new participants - fb. (DL1ARH)

   Kit...built together with SWL Christoph (AGCW 3228) (DK5RY)

   Strong QRO-stns did not hear my milliwatt signal or they were outside my
VXO range. I did not give up and finally ...managed to get the first QSO...
perhaps 5 watts and a better RX are more realistic options from OH (OH6DC)

   Many signals lost in QRM/QSB, at times more than my RX could take -
nothing is perfect. Still there were plenty of QSOs...(DL1JGA)

   It was fun, even though my signal...really was of poor quality: Such a
lousy signal can be produced with less - I guess. The session's time is
ideal. Should under no circumstances be earlier (DL7UGN)


cu in 20th OQRP-Contest!

73/2 "Hal"/Hartmut, DJ7ST

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