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[JN59NK Nuernberg]

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SM0ORB > PSBBS    11.07.96 19:49l 42 Lines 1823 Bytes #-10218 (0) @ WW
BID : 10585_SK0MK
Subj: File system thoughts
Sent: 960709/1959Z @:SK0MK.TELGE.AB.SWE.EU #:10585 [JO89TE] $:10585_SK0MK


Peter wrote:
:but more important now is the BBS itself. Up till now I heard no advice
:about the way of storing messages. So here are some of my thoughts:
:Messagese cannot be stored in separate files - this eats too much disk

Think about what Hank wrote. The system will take some time to get
complete and we should aim a few years ahead. Allready today disk space
is fairly cheap and it will probably get even cheaper. Do all development
with standard files, one per message, and let the worries about storing
mail wait a while. Perhaps we won't even have to do anything more.

:        Second thought is making one big file that fills whole disk space.
:Inside such file we have more flexibility. First possibility is making our
:own file structure and store messages in our own way - for example with
NO please. Use standard routines, if someone wants a special file system
it is not a part of the BBS but a part of the OS.

:        Just in this moment I got another idea - I think it's the best one!
:Each board will have separate directory. In each of such directories
:there will be something like described in point [1], but NOT AS ONE BIG
:FILE, but lots of cluster-sized (ex. 16, 32 kB) files. All files joined
No again. This idea would create a big risk of corrupting the disk space.
Remember all pointers must be saved to disk in case of a system crash.

:        So what do you think now? Can I start making read/list/send
:function using this disk storage scheme? Or it requires improving?
Start writing using ordinary file I/O routines.

:I'll send you sources update soon. Should I send exec also?
:(BTW: it should be compiled using huge memory model).
Sure send the exec too, maybe someone is interested in testing but have
no compiler.


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