PA2AGA > PACDIG 14.10.00 12:00l 157 Lines 5432 Bytes #-8912 (0) @ EU
BID : PR_2000_260B
Subj: PacketRadioDigest 2000/260B
Sent: 001014/0721Z @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:24901 [Den Haag] FBB $:PR_2000_260B
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 00 17:44:09 MET
Message-Id: <pr_2000_260B>
From: pa2aga@pe1mvx.ampr.org
To: pr_broadcast@pa2aga.ampr.org
X-BBS-Msg-Type: B
Isn't that the reason for communication in the first place? Let's add
to our
ability to care for people, like when we connect them to their loved
ones in
an emergency. Let's be known for our scientific innovation AND how it
benefits all. Let's even be known for pointing out where big business
to control the airwaves and our pocket books. Why not make free wireless
communications available to the masses. Why not? Who say's we must pay
a toll? It's completely up to you.
Further I'll even say we need privacy and that includes encryption. Now
realize this is very controversial. I will tell you why. We need
in our thinking here. The standard government rant goes like this...we
give encryption to the public, they say. Then some evil interest would
communicate about destroying us and we wouldn't be able to listen in.
Therefore (they say) our freedom is in jeopardy. They say it's a
security issue. So they control our privacy for the sake of security.
is in fact, our current situation if you didn't know it. We have no
communications privacy.
So what's the problem with that? After all, what do you have to hide,
WRONG! Have you not heard about the epidemic of identity theft for one
example? Do you believe everyone and anyone has a right to know
anything and
everything about you? I think that's God's job. It is not the
We are allowing the government to trade our privacy for security. Well
privacy a freedom we have fought and our forefathers have died for all
these years.
Isn't that like giving up the war to all comers, anyway? I believe it
Ben Franklin who said "If you give up your privacy for security, you
have NEITHER!". The problem is the men in government seek to *CONTROL*
those not in government unfairly. Why is it OK for our government to
have privacy
and not it's people? If you see the government as your savior, I
suggest what you don't know *can* hurt you. This has never been as
important as it is today. Many
are now realizing all too late, their privacy matters. Don't be too
late, it
So if you're one of the few who truly promote innovation and you are
enough to do it with Amateur Radio, please don't give up. Focus on real
communication benefits for people. Embrace change and do something
about it.
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 20:32:29 GMT
From: helpfull@my-deja.com
Subject: part 2: Innovation and Ham Radio
Further, why not even be known for caring first. Care about people.
Isn't that the reason for communication in the first place? Let's add
to our
ability to care for people, like when we connect them to their loved
ones in
an emergency. Let's be known for our scientific innovation AND how it
benefits all. Let's even be known for pointing out where big business
to control the airwaves and our pocket books. Why not make free wireless
communications available to the masses. Why not? Who say's we must pay
a toll? It's completely up to you.
Further I'll even say we need privacy and that includes encryption. Now
realize this is very controversial. I will tell you why. We need
in our thinking here. The standard government rant goes like this...we
give encryption to the public, they say. Then some evil interest would
communicate about destroying us and we wouldn't be able to listen in.
Therefore (they say) our freedom is in jeopardy. They say it's a
security issue. So they control our privacy for the sake of security.
is in fact, our current situation if you didn't know it. We have no
communications privacy.
So what's the problem with that? After all, what do you have to hide,
WRONG! Have you not heard about the epidemic of identity theft for one
example? Do you believe everyone and anyone has a right to know
anything and
everything about you? I think that's God's job. It is not the
We are allowing the government to trade our privacy for security. Well
privacy a freedom we have fought and our forefathers have died for all
these years.
Isn't that like giving up the war to all comers, anyway? I believe it
Ben Franklin who said "If you give up your privacy for security, you
have NEITHER!". The problem is the men in government seek to *CONTROL*
those not in government unfairly. Why is it OK for our government to
have privacy
and not it's people? If you see the government as your savior, I
suggest what you don't know *can* hurt you. This has never been as
important as it is today. Many
are now realizing all too late, their privacy matters. Don't be too
late, it
So if you're one of the few who truly promote innovation and you are
enough to do it with Amateur Radio, please don't give up. Focus on real
communication benefits for people. Embrace change and do something
about it.
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
End of Packet-Radio Digest V2000 #260
You can send in your contribution to this digest by
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