PA2AGA > PACDIG 03.10.00 21:09l 136 Lines 4044 Bytes #-8923 (0) @ EU
BID : PR_2000_249
Subj: PacketRadioDigest 2000/249
Sent: 001003/1103 @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:21049 $:PR_2000_249
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 00 14:50:49 MET
Message-Id: <pr_2000_249>
From: pa2aga@pe1mvx.ampr.org
To: pr_broadcast@pa2aga.ampr.org
X-BBS-Msg-Type: B
Packet-Radio Digest Sun, 1 Oct 2000 Volume 2000 : Issue 249
Today's Topics:
Agwpe e TCP/IP ...
Banner Exchange for HAM's
DX Packet Cluster
I Found The Free FFA Forum
Las vegas
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Packet-Radio@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Packet-Radio-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Packet-Radio Digest are available
(by FTP only) from ftp.UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/packet-radio".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Loop-Detect: Packet-Radio:2000/249
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 17:28:55 +0200
From: "Alessio IW1FSG" <iw1fsg@supereva.it>
Subject: Agwpe e TCP/IP ...
Salve a tutti,
ho installato l'Agwpe 2000.70 sul mio AMD K6-II per poter sperimentare
il TCP/IP con il mio TNC (per ora solo un Paccom TINY-2). Il tnc sono
riuscito a configurarlo correttamente sotto Agwpe ed ho installato il modulo
per il TCP/IP che quindi mi fa' vedere il tnc come una scheda di rete. Il
problema e' il seguente: non riesco a trovare dove inserire il nominativo
della stazione da collegare, infatti ora i pacchetti che trasmessi vanno
tutti verso QST (cioe': IW1FSG to QST) mentre vorrei mettere la stazione da
collegare. Come posso risolvere il problema ?
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 11:52:59 GMT
From: "Cil" <c.hubertse@chello.nl>
Subject: Banner Exchange for HAM's
Banner Exchange for HAM-Radio websites
free sign-up, high ratio 5:4 and 1000 credits free.
Your banner is always display on HAM-Radio websites
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 15:29:40 +0100
From: "Bob Harrison" <g4ujs@qsl.net>
Subject: DX Packet Cluster
Access the UK and world dx cluster network from within your browser from the
link on my website or if you prefer to use a telnet client.
telnet to gb7ujs.shacknet.nu on port 7373
Regards Bob
Website: www.qsl.net/g4ujs
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 17:51:48 GMT
From: scotthwithy@aai.au
Subject: I Found The Free FFA Forum
Gee, where did you go? I was here last night, but cant remember where I left
off, anyways here is that link to the Free FFA Forum, dont ask me again!
mail me later tonight after 11
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 06:17:04 -0700
From: Brutha Kewl <kilo90@hotmail.com>
Subject: Las vegas
Yes there are other packet stations around.
There are also bbs, nodes and stuff.
Go to 145.03 and you can connect to my bbs (rsibbs).
It has message forwarding in and out of the valley via telnet and you
can also gateway rf to telnet.
If you cant hit it from where you are, then connect NLV, then type
This is a node that reaches into Arizona and all and also connects to
73 de Harold
sysop 145.03
On Sat, 26 Aug 2000 13:18:42 -0700, "Andrea" <argo1a@lvcm.com> wrote:
>Ok one more time...is there any other Packet station in the Las vegas area?/
>W2LGF are you still around?
>Thanks sorry to bother....
End of Packet-Radio Digest V2000 #249
You can send in your contribution to this digest by
sending an e-mail to: packet-radio@pa2aga.ampr.org
or (via BBS-net) to: praga@pi8vnw.#zh2.nld.eu
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