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KG6BAJ > NWSGRP   01.10.09 02:00l 20 Lines 663 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 12102_N1OES
Subj: Re: two 8ish quakes in SW pacific in 24 hours
Sent: 090930/1200Z @:KG6BAJ.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM #:12102 [Grass Valley] InterGate $

** NEWSGROUP: sci.geo.earthquakes
** FROM     : David Oberman <>

"rick++" <> wrote:

>I was getting a little confused about news article about
>both Indonesia and Somoa.  Turns out they are separate,
>destructive quakes.

I read all the tsunami advisories (for the Samoa quake) last night
from the WCATWC. I was surprised to see that the amplitudes for
various locations in California were greater than for various Oregon
locations, & greater even than various island locations throughout the
Pacific basin.

From The KG6BAJ Newsgroup Server
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