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KG6BAJ > NWSGRP   21.09.09 06:42l 74 Lines 2782 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 11647_N1OES
Subj: Re: Why is K1MAN Still Broadcasting?
Sent: 090920/2000Z @:KG6BAJ.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM #:11647 [Grass Valley] InterGate $

** FROM     : kb9rqz <>

On Sep 20, 6:54=A0pm, Morris <> wrote:
> When hearing K1MAN's one-way broadcasts (e.g., on 20 meters, 14.275
> mhz), new hams are likely, incredulous. Yes, Part 97 does prohibit
> broadcasting. Those of us who've been around the block know Glenn ('me-
> me') Baxter and his routine. (A brief listen will tell you why "me-me"
> is appropriate.)
> So how does a guy whose license expired on October 17, 2006 without
> FCC renewal stay on the air? And broadcast no less? Add a $21,000 FCC
> forfeiture issued on March 29, 2006 and the plot thickens.

because he filed his renewal in timely fashion and the fcc has neith
accpeted it nor rejected it

> According to 'me-me,' he's operating within his privileges. Yes, it's
> a fact that ham privileges remain when the FCC refuses to act on
> renewal, leaving a ham in limbo. And while most hams think K1MAN
> bulletins are illegal per se, fact is, law supports him (equate his
> activities to W1AW bulletins). He does not, however, have any support
> to interfere with ongoing communications. Nor can he commercialize our
> hobby/service.

and there it stands

> By broadcasting around the clock, 'me-me' is taunting the FCC, because
> though it has acted within its delegated authority, the Commission has
> never given 'me-me' an administrative hearing -- one in which he
> believes he'll be vindicated.

yep he is taunting them BIG time

> For its part, the FCC has shown itself to be a paper tiger,
> enforcement having departed with Riley Hollingsworth. Continuing the
> status quo sends a message to all licensed hams that, if tagged with
> misbehavior, we too can flout FCC jurisdiction with impunity. Thus,
> ham radio misconduct is bereft of consequences, a situation fostering
> the type of non-compliance experienced in the 1980's.

yep and LS is just sitting there

> If the FCC believes justice is on its side, it ought to forthwith send
> in the U.S. Marshall's and seize 'me-me's' equipment. Conversely, if
> the FCC has misgivings about its past actions, it ought to make Baxter
> whole.

not quite if the FCC belives in its case it should pursue payment of
the fine K1MAN what ever you may think has not had a full legal run

But I think and based on RUMOURS that FCC never intended to set this
rlast act in motion feeling itself on shakey and LS sems unwilling to
drop the hammer and persure the matter of K1MAN or have the FCC admite
some kind of error and make him whole

> Sitting on the fence is no way to go.

a point on which I entirely agree with you on
> Bob Sherin, W4ASX

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