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VK7AX  > QNEWS    15.08.03 16:09l 737 Lines 29561 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Sent: 030815/1355z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC [NWTNOS-NWTas] #:8164 $:QNEWS0817X


                When communication counts, count on QNEWS.. 

 We welcome several new broadcasters of QNEWS via IRLP this week.
 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group thanks to Stephen VK3HEG and
 Coffs Harbours VK2EVB Peter McAdam currently via the repeater on 146.850 MHz

 On this the annual Remembrance Day weekend in Australia
 where the RD Contest honours those who died during WW2, and
 QNEWS Honours ALL who have served our Country ,....a question.

 Who was it that said 
 "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."

 We'll have the answer as this weeks edition concludes.

 Is it time to revisit the RD contest?
 To open up participating countries maybe?
 As an example in H44 where we currently have Australian Intervention
 Forces serving, unfortunately, these H44 stations can not compete, yet P29
 is 'OK'.
 Just something for our WIA maybe to ponder over their "morning cuppa".

    QNEWS 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio Segment One
         when you visit the QNEWS NEWSROOM on



 Each year since 1948, Australian Amateurs gather on air to perpetuate
 the names of Hams who lost their lives in the service of this
 country in World War Two.

 This in the RD or "Remembrance Day Contest" held the weekend closest to
 August 15 each year, the date hostilities ceased in the South West
 Pacific Area.

 And in keeping with the ANZAC tradition each year QNEWS pays tribute
 not only to those brave men and women but to all who have served their
 country in all wars, conflicts and peace keeping theatres from our
 first foray overseas in 1860, when we sailed to help quell a Maori
 revolt in New Zealand, to today, when we have this year alone sent
 troops not only to Iraqi but our Neighbour H44 the Solomon Islands.

 From the air traffic of Iraq....... (Audio air traffic control)
 through Vietnam's era of "Hope".... (Audio Bob Hope in Vietnam)
 to Anzac Cove...................... (Audio of "The Last Anzac")

 Over the course of years many names have "dropped" from the 'official'
 list of SK's of WWII. It's gratifying to see VK1AU researching so
 we may honour all who fell during those 6 years 39-45  and hearing
 Col VK1AU reading that list last night on the opening address.

 One Queenslander a war correspondent we at QNEWS believe should be added
 to the Honour Role is VK4NQ one N.Stockton who was killed in action
 in Asia.
 VK4NQ had gained his AOCP in 1930 in Townsville and operated the official
 Townsville Radio Club Station.

 Back to 2003, just several weekends ago, Sunday 27th July we
 honoured those who served in Korea, 50 years since the signing of
 the Armistice. It would be another 4 weeks till the last Australians
 marched south, out of the DMZ, that on August 30 1953. 

 The Battle of Kapyong was arguably Australia's most infamous battleground
 on the Korean Peninsular the 3rd Royal Australian Regiment receiving
 the US Presidential Citation, which current 3RAR personnel still
 proudly wear.

 And communications, or lack thereof, still surface from time to time
 as a small but contributing factor in our losses those 2 days.
 Phone lines laid between battalion headquarters and rifle companies
 were cut by traffic on the road, and loss of HF signals, possibly
 due to the siting of the Signals unit and headquarters in a gully.
 Some 17,000 Australian service personnel served in Korea, 340 killed!

 As we move forward in this broadcast and are joined by QNEWS correspondents
 from around the globe it's worth remembering your WIA has a long association
 with veterans of all wars, infact our logo or emblem's 'wings' and
 'lightning bolt' are said to have derived from an Army Wireless Unit badge
 of WWI. They also formed, according to the "WIA BOOK" a large part of the
 RAAF Wireless Reserve emblem from 1935.


 Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Somalia, what do they have in common?

 VK2BVS Sam Voron.

 Sam has that uncanny (or should that be unhappy) knack of rubbing many
 of Amateur Radio legislators and operators up the wrong way, and of
 being in the worlds 'hot spots' at the wrong time!

 Sam left the Solomon's just weeks prior to the Australian Government
 sending an intervention force, only to turn up in time for a special
 tenth (10th) birthday celebration on the other side of the world!
 August 18 2003 sees the 10 year birthday of the service of Radio Galkayo
 which got off the ground due to the first ham radio training courses
 conducted by Sam Voron VK2BVS 1993 and 1994 in Somalia.

 These days when the Radio Galkayo Community short wave broadcast station
 is not broadcasting it is used as the home of the Amateur Radio Training
 School of Somalia.

 Radio Galkayo uses 6.980 MHz AM from 1000-1230 and 1600-1730 starting in 
 Somali with the last half hours in English with a sprinkling of a few other
 International languages. The English program also contains a 5 minute daily 
 amateur radio course on the air called learning radio on the radio.

 In 1994 the Rotary Club of Boulder in Kalgoorlie VK6 and the
 Australian Government donated funds to upgrade the equipment.
 Oxfam Canada with Canadian Government funding identified Radio Galkayo as 
 one of the few community radio stations in the country and has been 
 allocating yearly funds to send Somali volunteers for further training in 
 the media and journalism to increase the human resource capability in the 
 country during these 10 years of need.

 The Ministry of Information, Telecommunications and Culture in the Puntland 
 Government have signed a document allowing amateur radio training, examining 
 and licensing to be carried out by Sam Voron and when formed these powers 
 will be transferred to the national Somalia Amateur Radio Society. It is 
 necessary to up date that Government agency with details of all call signs 

 All Amateur call signs including visitor amateur radio licences will be 
 issued free of charge and for life unless cancelled by the Government.

 Visitors can email or telephone Somalia to be met at the airport with their 
 visitor visa and visitor amateur license all prepared.
 email 6O0A or VK2BVS on

 WICEN 'TYPE' EVENT CALENDAR... Check with YOUR WICEN coordinator to confirm.
 Additions to and/or

 VK2 25-29 Aug Shahzada Horse Enduro, in St Albans area. Contact Dave VK2KFU.
 VK4    30 Aug Hinze Dam Activation exercise (Gold Coast)
*VK4    30 Aug WICEN/SES Callout Exercise (Townsville) (TARC)
 VK4 30-31 Wandoo Station Horse Endurance Ride - Sarina region (MARS)
 VK6    31 Channel 9 City to Surf Fun Run - Perth region
 VK4 August 30 - September 7 Cycle Queensland Brisbane Area WICEN

 VK1  3- 7 Sep Drive Safely East Coast Classic Rally - New South Wales
 VK6  4- 9 Sep Telstra Rally Australia - World Rally Championship Round
 VK2 13-14 Sep HORSE ENDURO now at Eden Creek, advise VK2JWA.
 VK1    20 Sep Caltex Airport Starmart Rally
 VK2 26-28 Sep HORSE ENDURO Eden Creek 1st event 2400 Frid.

 VK2  3- 5 Oct Eden Creek - Horse Enduro
 VK3  4- 5     Rally of Melbourne (to be confirmed as wicen event)
 VK3    11 Oct Mini Marathon Echuca (tbc)
 VK3    18 Oct North East Rally Wangaratta (tbc)

 VK2  8- 9 Nov Hawkesbury River Canoe Classic (Mark VK2XGK/Neil VK2XNF)
 VK7 15-16 Nov SUBARU SAFARI organiser Gavin VK7HGO
 VK6     ? Nov OXFAM staging a walking event in the Busselton area
 VK4     ? Nov Cardwell Forest Rally (TARC)
 VK4     ? Nov Eco Adventure 24Hour Sprint (TREC - CARC)
 VK5 20-23 Nov Classic Adelaide Rally - Adelaide region
 VK1    22     National Capital Rally - Canberra region
 VK2    30 Nov RTA Cycle Ride.

 VK1     6 Dec Rallye des Femmes

 WICEN can be contacted by phone on 04 0839 7217
 (Mark Cheeseman VK2XGK, is  President, WICEN (NSW) Inc.)

 The Annual General Meeting of WICEN (NSW) will be held on Saturday 30th
 August at Amateur Radio House 109 Wigram Street Parramatta.
 An RCOs meeting at 1000, followed by the AGM at 1100 hrs.

 On this, the RD weekend, we take a quick trip around the divisions.....

 Hello I'm Robert VK3KRB and our first stop is the Nations Capital
 where August 25 sees the VK1 General Meeting with a "timely topic",
 Chris Carroll speaking on the "Defence Forces HF radio modernisation Project".

 Earlier this year WIA Victoria hosted a celebratory luncheon for VK3
 radio amateurs who are volunteers for either WIA Victoria or WIA Federal. 
 Past WIA Victoria President, Herb Stevens VK3JO, provided recollections of
 the production of AR magazine during the years of WWII, and how important
 it was for volunteers to keep the WIA going. 

 The Great Australian Science Show (GASS) will be held in conjunction with
 National Science Week at the Melbourne Museum, and amateur radio is on
 display until 18th.

 VK4 residents might be interested in learning that the Capalaba Hotel,
 near Brisbane, was commandeered by the US Army during WW2....

        This to accommodate US Army Signal Corps soldiers who were
        manning some newly established radio communications sites at
        Old Cleveland Road East and Capalaba and at Redland Bay Golf Course. 

        It is understood that the purpose of the US Army Signal Corps WW2
        radio sites was:-
        - listen to enemy broadcasts and
        - maintain direct contact with Washington
        Messages were apparently relayed directly by teletype link to
        General Douglas MacArthur's GHQ, SWPA in the AMP building in
        Queens Street, Brisbane.

 If you have any photographs memorabilia of the Americans who were
 accommodated at the Capalaba Hotel during WW2 contact Peter Dunn
 on his great web site "Australia At War".
 Can anyone help Peter Dunn about the Americans who were accommodated
 at the Capalaba Hotel during WW2?
 Do you have any WW2 photos of the camp area or the Hotel?
 With thanks to Peter Dunn's  AUSTRALIA @ WAR 

 Down to the "Apple Isle", where, sadly, this year VK7 recorded the
 passing of Ted Beard VK7EB in July.
 Ted served in the Royal Australian Navy during World War Two,
 became an amateur radio operator in 1959, and VK7 Divisional Secretary
 from 1990 to 1994.

 VK8 and it was June 1942 the war came to the top end.
 Darwin Radio VID was bombed twice, and suffered partial destruction by
 the Japanese bombings. One in June and the most severe August 1942. 

        Darwin Radio had began operating in September 1913 from a site
        near the  junction of Wireless Hill Road, McMinn Street and
        Daly Street in an area known as 'Frog Hollow', facing the
        Botanical Gardens.

        Conditions for reception of radio signals are said to have been
        particularly  bad immediately before and during the wet season,
        and at times atmospherics so severe that it was impossible to
        read messages from ships in the harbour.

        During World War II, Darwin was one, of the stations intimately
        involved in the Royal Australian Navy's Coast Watching Scheme.

        In 1941, a new RAN radio station was built in Darwin and took
        over the  naval maritime functions from Darwin Radio.
        Darwin VID then reverted to communications with merchant shipping.
        (sourced with permission to Peter Shanks)

 This is QNEWS... give us 40 minutes, we'll give you the world.

 I'm WB6FDF/KH6 Robert Sudock from the Amateur Radio NewsLine for this
 edition of QNEWS, as VK remembers those Amateurs who fell during WWII.

 I'm broadcasting from Pearl Harbour which, after the Japanese
 sneak attack Dec 7 hurled the United States headfirst into WWII.

 Radio monitors had noticed a dramatic build up of Japanese radio 
 traffic for several days prior to that Sunday morning. A Radar station 
 reported aircraft over the island at 7am, even that message somehow or
 other got ignored.

 It seems likely the first reports of the sneak attack were filed by
 an AP reporter who has passed.

 No He wasn't a ham, but Hugh Lytle was a communicator in his own right. 

 History remembers Lytle as the man whose teletype message provided
 The Associated Press and the world with the first account of Japan's 
 sneak attack on Pearl Harbour back in 1941. 

 Lytle was the news services Honolulu correspondent and a reserve Army 
 officer. He was awakened by the Army on December 7th as Japanese 

 planes bombed the U.S. fleet. According to his son David, Lytle 
 quickly left for his A-P office at the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, where 
 he filed a brief account of the attack in progress. He then reported 
 for military duty with the Army. 

 Just as our 2002 RD special was airing across the world, on August 16th,
 Hugh Lytle passed away. He was 100 years old.
 (Published reports via arnewsline)

 Just on two months ago word was received that Albert Hix, W8AH had 
 become a silent key. Al passed away at 85.

 W8AH not only loved amateur radio, he loved his country and the 
 freedom she provides. Al was a skilled member of the US Army signal 
 corps, serving during world war 2 when he was appointed radio officer 
 to General George Patton. He also served during the Korean war and 
 returned to Paris to climb the Eiffel tower again for the daily net 
 with the Pentagon.

 After his military service, Al returned to Charleston with his wife 
 and worked as an engineer for Union Carbide until his retirement in 

 A US Army chaplain presided during Al's funeral and he was laid to
 rest with military honours.

 Al Hix... the only thing bigger than his signal, was the kind heart of W8AH.


 According to an Associated Press report, Specialist Jon Fettig,
 KC0HSQ died in an ambush on a road some 50 miles north of Baghdad.
 Another soldier from KC0HSQ's Army National Guard unit was wounded
 in the attack.

 Nadisha Yassari Ranmuthu, 4-S-7-NR an international Red Cross aid worker
 from Sri Lanka was shot and killed and his Iraqi driver wounded after
 their vehicle, marked with the Red Cross emblem, came under fire south
 of Baghdad. 4S7NR was a communications engineer for the International
 Committee of the Red Cross, installing communications equipment at
 Red Cross offices and training Iraqi operators to use it.
 (arrl letter/audio from ARNewsLine)

 Rick p29kfs has brought a major enhancement to our Remembrance Day
 activities this year, in brief an operation from the Bomana War Cemetery
 with a field station on as many HF bands as possible.

 The connections for many old timers in Aussie with PNG go back to WW2
 and many of their mates still reside here ------- in the cemetery.

 And callsign, P29AIF, in honour of the Australian Infantry Force.

 They are set up for the RD in a small building about 100M inside the main
 entry gate to the left of the road. This has mains power and a convenient
 verandah, table and operating area.
 Nearby is a large tree with branches suitable to support the three dipoles
 for 40, 20 and 15M and the intermediate support point for the multiband
 LW which will terminate nearer to a tall coconut tree.

 The other ends of the dipoles will be supported by a PNG made telomast,
 clamped to one of the vehicles parked a suitable distance from the tree.
 All have been swept and adjusted today and are ready to radiate.

 Planned frequencies are all P29 oriented, 1829, 3629, 7069 / 7129, 14129,
 21229, 28290 with any CW ops just 29KHz above the band edge.
 (Clever Rick... 29!)

 A BBQ should feed the troops.and there may be 10+ if all make it to the

 Vladimir Bykov wil be returning from Mt Hagen Show about 1100am on Sunday,
 we may be able to get him to come out and operate under both his (P29VVB)
 and the P29AIF call for the afternoon. Vlad is a keen and speedy CW op and
 should challenge many to make a QSO on this historic mode used by the
 Coastwatchers in the days we are remembering.
 Vlad has been active from Rabaul, Manus, Karkar Island and Madang in the
 last week, many places that AIF and ADF members will recall.

 I have also asked Frank Taylor to come along to add his detailed knowledge
 of the Kokoda Track to our inventory of PNG lore. Frank is one of the
 principals of Kokoda Trekking and Tours, has made the trip more times than
 he can remember and has extremely detailed knowledge of the old battlefields
 and people involved in that campaign. Ex VK6, but now spending lots of time
 in PNG, he hopes to be able to get out to the Bomana site on Sunday.

 The station will close earlier than the end of contest time in recognition
 of the need to evacuate the site before dark.
 Our last QSO's should be around 1600.

 Hope to hear and see you all, we expect to have a rather good day. At the
 end of all this, we would be derelict in our action if we did not make a
 serious attempt to write and report the day for Amateur Radio, so photos
 and stories wil be collated and presented to AR for an article on the day.

 Cheers, Rick - P29KFS

 QNEWS now takes you to Rick in the Bomana War Cemetery.
 This is Rick Warnett P-2-9-K-F-S and for this special edition of QNEWS
 as we recall those Amateurs who fell during World War 2 I've trekked
 out from Port Moresby to the Bomana War Cemetery.

 (It's hard to come back again, I always end up crying)

 This calm and strangely beautiful place gives little hint of the 
 often terrible circumstances in which they perished.

 During the Second World War here in New Guinea as elsewhere in the 
 Pacific Signallers and those back at camp in the rec huts came to know
 the worlds  most listened to Announcer, "Tokyo Rose".

 Listen now to the lilting tones of Ann, "Tokyo Rose" as they beamed
 across the Pacific and down over the Jungles of New Guinea.

 (Audio Insert)

 Still in the jungle, Jim P29NB found old WW2 batteries near Boera Village in
 Central Province, west of Port Moresby. They appear to be about the same
 size as what I can recall is an "F" cell and modern day AA cells.

 Jim says he measured a fraction of a volt (about .8V) from the
 carbon rod to an ALFOIL TYPE wrapping on the smaller ones. Not bad
 after all these years, but hardly enough to power your average
 Army walkie talkie.

 Seems there is tons of old ordnance around Moresby, even to this day,
 with wrecked (and some not so wrecked) aircraft and other metal
 parts still being found.

 The US Army comes out every year to trace lost airmen and they are
 due back again this year, 2003, chartering a 216 for weeks to find a few
 more dog tags or bodies out there in the jungle.
 (Rick p29kfs)

 VK4BS  Jim Cunningham around the 19th or 20th of March 03 (advised by vk4sj)
 VK4BMA Denis Brice March 29th 2003 (advised by vk4brg)
 VK4NYY Ralph Curry a former vk4nyy April 2003 (advised by vk4kel)
 VK4HW  Dave Hutchins April 21st 2003.
 VK4COK Reg Carmody May? advised by Ron vk4fc
 VK4BP  Doug Sim May 24th 2003
        Bob Beetson May 2003 original holder of vk4bb circa 1929 
 VK4FB  Ian Fisher silent key in June 2003.(advised vk4ble)
 VK4VI  Harry Bird July 2003 (advised by Westlakes AR Club)
 VK4AQA Bob Collins July 13 2003 (advised by vk4afs)
 VK4ANL Albert Lanham  July 2003 (advised SCARC)
 VK4TS  Tweedy Svenson, Maryborough AR Club President Monday 4th Aug.(vk4bcp)

 Gordon Tweedie Svenson VK4TS was born in Toowoomba in 1919.
 His interests in radio and electronics started at a very young age,
 listening to his "Cats Whisker" crystal radio with a set of headphones.
 His family could not work out how he could listen to the radio and do
 his homework, at the same time.

 Tweedie began work as a Primary School teacher however during WW2 he
 joined the RAAF, and became a Navigator, serving in New Guinea.

 After the war, He resumed teaching while studying at night to gain an
 Arts Degree and a Science Degree this enabled him to transfer to a
 position as a High School teacher, he retained his interest in the
 RAAF, forming a unit of the Air Training Corps in the Maryborough High
 School, the unit still exists today, through the ATC he maintained links
 with the RAAF at Amberley and was held in high esteem by the RAAF
 regulars he had contact with right up to his passing.
 Tweedie had a strong interest in radio and electronics all of his life.
 He introduced the "Youth Radio Scheme" into the Maryborough Boys High
 School and set up a Ham radio station at the school.
 Many boys went through this scheme in Maryborough. Some of the lads made
 radio and electronics their profession and obtained their Amateur Radio

 license, through Tweedie's help and tuition.
 About 32 years ago, VK4BCP approached Tweedie to seek his help in starting a
 Radio Club in Maryborough.
 At the inaugural meeting, Tweedie was elected as Chairman for the night.
 Once the club was off the ground, he was  elected President.
 Tweedie held this position for a number of years. Then a few other
 members of the club had a turn in the top job, about 10 years ago
 Tweedie took over the reins once again of the Maryborough Amateutributed and independent communications
 To simulate a real callout, Townsville WICEN Co-ordinator Steve White
 VK4JUS will be assigning tasks to any and all amateur radio operators
 within the Townsville/Thuringowa area on the day, and not just
 to the usual WICEN stalwarts.

 With this in mind, ALL amateur radio operators in the
 Townsville/Thuringowa area, regardless of licence, activity
 or age, are prewarned to be listening to the VK4RAT VHF repeater
 from 8-30am on Saturday 30th August and be ready to work their
 radios either base, mobile or portable.

 If you don't respond to the call via radio, then Steve will assign your
 role to you via telephone.
 As they say in the Scouts - "Be Prepared".

 Martian Observation Night planned
 No, they aren't going to sit around watching Marvin the Martian
 mumble "OOOh My Elludium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator ..." etc,
 TARCadians lead by intrepid and well experienced amateur astronomer
 Alan Stephenson/VK4PS will take advantage of the closest approach
 to our earth in centuries to view Planet Mars in all its splendour.

 The Ross River Dam has been chosen as a glare free viewing site
 but the date and time have not been set yet (expect towards the end
 of August). Keep eyes on QNEWS for the date and time to gather and
 view the red planet!

 Finally lets check out VK's MOST WANTED.
 Any old iron? Well how about any old KENWOOD TS520's not working
 or tuning coil slugs to suite.
 NOEL  or phone (07) 5448 2879


 Sunfest, the Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio Club Hamfest, will be held in
 the Woombye School of Arts on Saturday 13 September 2003, from 9 to 3.

 The venue will be open to exhibitors from 7.00am with food and
 refreshments  available from the kitchen.

 Entry fees are $5.00 single and $6.00 family.

 Table bookings are $15.00 which includes entry for two persons.

 The hall is located in the centre of Woombye township just 100
 metres from the railway station.  Ample  parking is available in close
 proximity.  Entry ramps provide easy access to both halls for exhibitors and
 the disabled.  A talk-in service will be provided on 146.850 MHz FM.  Call
 VK4WIS for assistance.

 Further Enquiries to the Coordinator Sunfest, Ron VK4GZ.

 phone 5448 4063.

 16th North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention 2003. (in it's 30th Year!)
 The date has been set for one of THE most popular conventions in
 the Amateur Radio calendar world wide. In its 30th year,
 the 16th North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention will be happening
 at James Cook University from PM Friday 19th to PM Sunday 21st

 SEPTEMBER 26-28  Central Highlands AGM Weekend from 5-30pm
                  Attendance/Bunk Bookings - Gordon Loveday VK4KAL 4985 4168

     Day visitors will need to pay an entry fee of $6.60 (inc GST)
     per person (5 years old upwards - under fives are FREE).
     For people wanting to stay Friday and Saturday night there is
     dormitory accommodation available at $13.20 (inc GST) per person
     per night - supply your own sheets, blankets and pillows.

     A pay as you eat BBQ will be put on by the Club on Saturday Evening
     and a pay as you recover breakfast will be available Sunday Morning.
     (costs for this to be advised - however please advise attendance
       for catering purposes).
     Other meals are the attendees responsibility.

     Please do not arrive before 5pm Friday afternoon, as the school
     kiddies and teachers will be less than impressed by your arrival !
     If you arrive during school hours, you will be sent back to Emerald
     to while away the hours window-shopping until 5pm!

     Note that those attending in camper vans, mobile homes etc
     will need to see the caretaker on site prior to setting up.

     Note that Education Queensland, the operators of Camp Fairbairn,
     nor the Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club accept any liability
     for injuries etc, you attend responsibly and you are responsible
     for your own well-being.

     Please send cheques or money orders for payment to -
     Gordon Loveday/VK4KAL, Hon Secretary/Treasurer
     Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club
     C/- Aviemore, Rubyvale, QLD, 4702
     Credit Cards Not Accepted!

     Way 1. From Emerald, take the Road to Springsure, turn off at
     about 18km south (the way is well marked), travel a further
     6.8km and turn IMMEDIATELY LEFT at the grid and then
     follow the bitumen road.
     Way 2. Heading west from Emerald, turn left over railway near
     Industrial Estate into SELMA road, you might need to call on VK4RSP
     146.825MHz (-600kHz split) for final directions.
     Keep going beyond the advert for Lake Maraboon Village Resort for
     about 3km. The Camp Fairbairn  turn is on the right near the cattle grid.

     We hope to hold the AGM, followed by the Monster Auction
     on Saturday Evening. Treasure Donations gladly accepted!

     Need more info - Contact
     Gordon Loveday VK4KAL
     Hon Secretary/Treasurer
     Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club
     C/- Aviemore, Rubyvale, QLD, 4702
     Phone 07 49854168

 NOVEMBER   1- 2
 Gladstone Amateur Radio Club Tannum Sands Get-Together is November Sat
 1st & Sun 2nd 2003.
 Contact the club via E-mail or
 P.O. Box 1030  Gladstone 4680.

 Sunshine Coast AR Club host WIAQ General Meeting.


 Feb       President VK4JPH Peter  3800 3305 is your contact.
           Boot sale is in the Car Park behind the Greenbank Community centre
           adjacent to the Scout den, exhibitors will need to register at
           the gate and setup before 10:00.
           Entry free except for exhibitors (small fee)...

             Intending candidates should contact Ron VK4GZ on 5448 4063 or
             Dave VK4KDL on 5448 7649 by the first Tuesday in the month.

             Intending candidates should contact Ron VK4GZ on 5448 4063 or
             Dave VK4KDL on 5448 7649 by the first Tuesday in the month.

 The Logan West Amateur Radio & Electronics Club.
 If you wish to sit for any subject please contact.
 Peter Harding 3800 3305

 The Lockyer Valley is located between Ipswich and Toowoomba and
 examination services are available with 2 weeks notice required.
 Arrangements  for  any  examination can be made by contacting
 Alan   VK4SN   04 1137 3679   VK4SN @ VK4WIL
 Warren VK4FJ        04 2120 9536   VK4FJ @ VK4WIL

 Now exams are available ANY TIME on just 2 weeks notice!
 Just ringgood health and ask you to pass my QRA and that of
  ONL362 as 100% SWL.

  More than ever stampcollector and SWL!

  We started this special today by asking who it was that said 
  "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."

  It was one Edmund Burke [1729-1797]

  And that is why we still fight the good fight... and radio is still used
  in conflicts, as this recording, taken from a transmission from
  Bagdad International airport and recorded by Filip D'Hulster shows...

  (audio recording)

  ( qnews thanks )


 QNEWS - we've reported...YOU decide.

 Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in his shoes.
 That way, If he gets angry, you'll be a mile away - and he'll be barefoot.

 Enjoy and LONG LIVE AR !!

Compiled by VK4BB /
Packet: qnews@vk4wie.#bne.qld.aus.oc

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