VE2HAR > MT63 15.03.05 20:46l 275 Lines 6558 Bytes #-7297 (0) @ WW
Subj: Re: [MT63]
Sent: 050315/1916z @:VE2HAR.#MTL.QC.CAN.NOAM Laval #:42841 $:15478sentto
dubose@texas.net wrote:
>Hummm, my math was probably wrong also...400 words=3D2400 characters and=
with 8
>bit and start and stop bits that's 10 bits per character so 2400 * 10 =3D=
> Is that right? Well that might be a little large.
> =20
My math was wrong too, but we both got the idea... ;-) I have been=20
working with Lenkurt streaming data for far to long.
> =20
>>The file needs to be a bit smaller. I recommend a small gif or bmp file=
>>of a test pattern. 1) so that it is able to be sent within 3 - 4=20
>>minutes, not over 10 minutes for ID purposes. 2) A quick visual=20
>>inspection of the file would show gross errors.
>> =20
>The problem here is that if you want to apply the same file to MFSK16 or=
>or RTTY or AX.25 for comparison, the binary file wouldn't work...so we n=
eed text.
> =20
>>karl larsen wrote:
>> =20
>>> Hi Walt, I agree we need to define our text that we send, the amount=20
>>>of bytes that are sent and then have a method to check the number of=20
>>>errors. The size can be more than 3 Kbytes but no larger is better. Th=
>>>text can be anything but it must conform with the ASCII text format. T=
>>>test text must be sent to this list so everyone that is interested can=
>>>get the accurate file. In linux you can check both files by knowing=20
>>>there total byte size. If they are the same, it's perfect. You get the=
>>>byte size with ls -al.
>>>Using the Linux gMFSK I can send the test file directly with clicking=20
>>>File and then Send file. When I receive the test file I can simply cut=
>>>it out of my lof file. I have my system set to log everything. Fun to=20
>>>look at later.
>>>I have a file we can use. It is the ARRL bandplan. It is way too long=20
>>>but I will cut it down to about 3,000 words.
>>>dubose@texas.net wrote:
>>> =20
>>>>Thanks to Patrick, F6IN, for bringing PathSim to our attention. This=
is truly a
>>>>nice application.
>>>>Building on what I believe Tomi or others have said, as well as my ow=
n thoughts
>>>>about having a "test" file. Also, looking at G4HPE's papers found at
>>>>http://www.rsgb.org/emergency/datamodesinfo.htm . And not to be left=
out, my
>>>>several E-Mails with Charles, G4GUO.
>>>>Back in Jan/Feb of 1990, the US TRANSCON began "testing", on-the-air,=
>>>>transmissions of a file which became their standard. It was a 40KB =
file. The
>>>>modes being used were the MIL-STD-188-110 type. These were interesti=
ng test.=20
>>>>The MD5 sum was used on each received file to verify that its was the=
same as
>>>>the original file. Throughput and accuracy were important.
>>>>MODES" (http://www.rsgb.org/emergency/articles/datmodes2.pdf) Richard=
speak of
>>>>the test he did on MT63 and MFSK16.
>>>>Also, on page 17 of Rick=92s, KN6KB, presentation to the DCC last Sep=
>>>>(2004), he shows throughput using an HF channel simulator from KC7WW=92=
s Oregon
>>>>Software Factory.
>>>>G4HPE=92s test concluded that MT63 had a throughput of 200 WPM at a =96=
5 dB SNR on a
>>>>poor CCIR Channel. KN6KB=94s results for Pactor II/III indicate a si=
milar (if not
>>>>lower) throughput under the same signal conditions.
>>>>While I do not doubt these findings, I believe that as some in this g=
roup are
>>>>very technical, we need to develop a standard method of testing vario=
us new
>>>>modes under varying conditions using Moe Wheatley=92s, AE4JY, PathSim.
>>>>Here is my suggestion.
>>>>1) Create/develop a standard file of at least 400 words (5 characters=
one space
>>>>per word, 6 bytes =852.4KBPs).
>>>>2) Generate this file in the mode to be tested and store it electroni=
cally on a
>>>>computer hard drive, CD or other magnetic storage media.
>>>>3) =93Play=94 this file through the AE4JY=92s PathSim application at =
the following HF
>>>>Simulation parameters:
>>>> CCIR 520-2 Conditions SRN (in dB)
>>>> Good Conditions +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> Moderate Conditions +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> Poor Conditions +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> Flutter fading +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> Low-latitude quite +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> Low-latitude disturbed +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> Mid-latitude quite +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> Mid-latitude disturbed +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> High-latitude quite +10 +5 0 -5
>>>> High-latitude disturbed +10 +5 0 -5
>>>>4) Record output or =93play=94 it through the mode detector and captu=
re the output.
>>>>5) With software techniques to manually determine the throughput at e=
ach signal
>>>>6) Document the results and provide the results to interested parties.
>>>>I realize that this is just a rough draft of a testing process but t=
hink its is
>>>>within the capability of a number of list members and the results mig=
ht be VERT
>>>>You comments solicited.
>>>>Thanks & 73,
>>>><< Try MT63 on 80m - great fun!>>
>>>>- The MT63 Reflector -
>>>> MT63@egroups.com
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>>>>Yahoo! Groups Links
>>>> =20
>>>> =20
>>><< Try MT63 on 80m - great fun!>>
>>>- The MT63 Reflector -
>>> MT63@egroups.com
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>>>Yahoo! Groups Links
>>> =20
><< Try MT63 on 80m - great fun!>>
>- The MT63 Reflector -
> MT63@egroups.com
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>Yahoo! Groups Links
> =20
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