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9A3PA  > MS       22.08.98 22:33l 167 Lines 6274 Bytes #-9696 (0) @ WW
BID : M889A0BBS00M
Subj: 9A3PA/p JN82 Exp. REPORT
Sent: 980822/1837z @:9A0BBS.HRV.EU [BayCom-Mailbox] BCM1.40
From: 9A3PA @ 9A0BBS.HRV.EU  (Mate)
To:   MS @ WW
Reply-To: 9A3PA @ 9A1DFG.#SISAK.HRV.EU
X-Info: No login password

 The holiday is finished! MS/DX expedition to Korcula Island is finished!
 The story is as follows:
 On 19th July I (9A3PA) and my wife (9A4WA) started with our holiday.
 Next day we are finally on Korcula Island - our usual place for rest.
 Already on the first day we have met with Vedran, 9A4VV - local boy
 and Hrvoje, 9A4EW with his girlfriend Melita, 9A7KCZ, from Vinkovci
 (north-east part of Croatia), who unfortunately were not in a position 
 to be members of MS/DX expedition. 
 While we drink wine and eat fish, we talk about going to the nearest
 hill Hum, 370m A.S.L., equipment ...  Everything looks fine.
 On 23rd July Davor, 9A3ZA & Kruno, 9A3SK with girlfriend came on
 Island, bringing rest of equipment and they connect to expedition.
 During the next days all activity has consisted of wine & fish. (HI)
 On 25th July in the early morning, we set up equipment for HF and 
 finally started with activities on the bands. 
 The first dx & pile up has started.
 In RSGB IOTA HF CONTEST we worked as 9A2U/p and we had about
 1000 QSO's, what wasn't bad for 80 W & multiband dipol antenna. 
 On 29th July in the afternoon we set up VHF equipment and start with
 activity on 144 MHz. The first testing shows us that the location is
 good and equipment works fine. 
 But, before the start of first MS sked, Power generator "collapsed"!!!
 Bile, 9A2CP -local boy, specialist for machines, comes to help us and
 luckily, fixed the problem.
 On the first sked we have been late about 30min. (F6HVK sorry for 
 The above mentioned problems follow us during the next period, so
 that some SKEDs failed because of Power generator. 
 Hereby I apologise to: DL8EBW, DL9MS, OH1XT, OK1FID, DL9AN, DG6JF/p
 My MS LOG is following:
 CALL: 9A3PA/p (NA3PAP on ms cw)
  0.35-1.00   F6HVK   27/27   4b 12p 5s. max. "C" - sri for start
  1.00-1.35   DF8IK   26/27   2b 4p  3s. max. "C" - (rcvd DK1KO)
  2.00-2.45   LY2BIL  26/26   3b 10p 5s. max. "C"
  2.45-3.02,3 LY2MW   26/26   mni    5s. max. "C"
  3.05-3.25   DJ3HW   26/27   2b 8p  3s. max. "C"
  4.00-4.10   DL8EBW  37/27   3b mni 7s. max. "NC" - Power gen. off
  5.00-9.00   DL9MS, OK1FID, OH1XT, DL9AN "NIL" from me because big                                                        big 

problems with
                                                big problems with

                                                Power generator       
 19.00-20.00  EA7GTW  - / -   "NIL" from him-
 21.00-21.40  SP4MPB  26/26   2b 10p 4s. max. "C"
 22.00-23.00  SP2OFW  26/27   1b 3p  3s. max. "NC" - final RRR
 23.00-23.50  DK5DQ   38/27   4b 9p  10s.max. "C" 1st per. 10s b.
 23.50-0.10   DL8EBW  27/38   3b 7p  6s. max. "C" random

   0.10-0.30   DL1KDA  27/27   4b 9p  7s. max. "C"
  1.00-1.20   DL3YEL  37/27   5b 9p  8s. max. "C"
  2.00-3.00   DK5KK   - / -   -  2p  1s. max. "NC"
  3.00-4.00   G1HWY   26/28   1b 4p  3s. max. "NC" - final RRR
  4.00-4.30   SM7TUG  27/27   2b 4p  7s. max. "C"
  5.00-5.45   DJ2QV   - / -   "NIL" from him
  5.45-6.00   DL9AN   26/27   3b 2p  7s. max. "C" random
  6.00-7.00   GM4YXI  26/ -      6p  1s. max. "NC"
  7.00-8.00   DL9MS   - / -      4p  1s. max. "NC"
 20.00-21.00  DL1ELY  26/27   3b 6p  4s. max., "C"
 21.00-22.00  DF9PX   - / -   "NIL" from him
 22.00-23.00  EU6MS   38/38   7b 20p 11s.max. "C" - excellent signal
 23.00-24.00  DL9USA  26/37   2b 7p  3s. max. "C" not sure for f. RRR
  0.00-0.20   G0FIG   28/26   5b 6p  5s. max. "C"
  1.00-1.25   LY2SA   37/26   3b 10p 10s.max. "C"
  1.55-2.15   PE1OGF  28/28   3b 6p  6s. max. "C"
  2.15-3.05   ON4AMX  27/28   4b 9p  3s. max. "C" random
  3.05-3.30   DC7OH   27/28   3b 7p  5s. max. "C"
  3.30-4.00   DL9MS   26/27   3b 7P  3S. max. "C" random
  4.00-5.00   DH9GCD  - / -   "NIL" from him   
  5.00-5.10   EA6VQ   38/27   3b 12p 16s max. "C" - excellent refl.
  6.00-7.00   DH2OAA  26/27   1b 9p  3s. max. "C" not sure for f. RRR  
  8.00-9.00   OZ5AGJ  - / -    "NIL" from him - ssb
 20.00-21.00  SK6HD   - / -      5p  1s. max. "NC" sri
 21.00-21.20  DG6JF/p - / -    "NIL", 21.20 Power generator collapsed! sri
 21.20-00.00  Big problems with Power generator.. "NIL" from me to 
               DH0GHU - sri, sri ..... 
 All MS QSOs have been done by 9A3PA & 9A3ZA.
 The following equipment is used:
 RIG:     Yaesu FT-290R
 PA:      GS-31b (800W)
 PreA:    MGF1302
 ANT:     2 x 11 el. FLEXA YAGI
 TAPE:    UHER 4000
 SW:      OH5IY
 Pow.G.:  Lamborgine 3,5 kW
 Fuel for operators: Domestic red wine (20 l) HI!!.
 Also I apologise to: OH9NDD, G3KWY, LA5KO, W7GJ, LZ1ZP & DL1DUR
 because I was not able to put them on
 the sked list as their e-mail came to late to me.  
 During the expedition about 500 QSOs have been done by TROPO on 
 the 9A1CDH/p call (local radio club). From that, 238 QSOs was in
 TROPO ODX: F6HVK  JN27LH - 1041km
 From 3rd until 15th August finally I was on real holiday (swimming,
 sleeping, swimming, sleeping, ....)
 At the end, I invite you all, who are interested in much more
 bigger and serious expedition & holiday (all bands 1,8-1296MHz, EME ..)
 on Korcula Island next summer, to contact me regarding organisation.
 More information about this expedition (pictures, certain details...)
 and next expedition 1999, soon will be available on WWW on my
 home pages (
 Many thanks to all, who help us that expedition successfully
  finished, especially to 9A4VV.
 All QSOs will be confirmed with QSL cards soon via BURO or DIRECT.
 My address:
 Mate Botica, 9A3PA
 Hrv. domobrana 19
 HR-44103 S I S A K
  Your comments on QSOs and this expedition please send to:
 AX-25:     9a3pa@9A1DFG.#SISAK.HRV.EU
 Mate/9A3PA & co.

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